Chapter 14 (Part 1)

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(A/N – This story is dedicated to @minimiacooper :) thanks for the idea!)

(A/N - The reason chapter 13 is skipped is because those chapters have been removed because they are under editing. I hope you understand. :) Thank!)

Dick ran down the hall of Wayne manor as fast as he could. He was panting heavily as he yanked the door open. He could feel his chest tightening as he yanked open the drawer of his nightstand. His breathing got quicker as he desperately searched the draw. He finally found what he was looking for. He sat on his bed and took a deep breath from his inhaler. He used it a couple more times as his breathing slowly started to return to normal. He coughed up some phlegm but was finally back to normal.

"Ugh!" he groaned. "Knew I should've taken it with me when I went downstairs to train!" he gingerly rubbed his temples as they had started to throb from the near attack.

"Dick are you ok?" Bruce called from the hallway.

Dick sighed "Ya I'm fine... I'm just catching my breath."

Dick waited a couple seconds and sure enough in walked Bruce with a worried expression. "Are you sure you're ok? Did you have an attack? Did you get your inhaler?"

Dick smiled "Bruce I'm fine honest! I was just working out down stairs and forgot to bring my inhaler with me."

Bruce sat down on the bed next to him. "Does your head hurt?" Dick nodded. Bruce reached over and put his arm around Dick's shoulders. He laid Dick's head on his own shoulder and subconsciously played with his hair. "You need to be more careful Dick." He just hummed in agreement as he closed his eyes hoping the headache would pass. "I know that this is all new to you. It's new to me too. I couldn't believe Leslie when she told me you had asthma last month."

"It's ok Bruce..." Dick said quietly. He knew that Bruce was beating himself up for not noticing his condition earlier.

Bruce sighed "Thanks Dick. Your head feel any better?" he nodded "Good to hear. Are you sure want to go on the mission tomorrow?" Dick nodded again "Well you'd better get some sleep." Bruce stood up off the bed and tucked Dick into bed then left the room turning off the lights.

(A/N - Sorry I don't have the rest of this story right now but I'll have it next week! :) Stay whelmed and feel the aster!)

(A/N 2.0 - I would like to make an apology. in an earlier version of this story I referred to asthma as a disease. It has been brought to my attention that this is incorrect. I am very sorry that I have offended some of you, I truly did not mean to, I just didn't know enough about the subject. But I will say one thing. If you all have something that you think I should correct about a story please just send me a message and explain the situation. Don't just write angry comments that it's going to take me a while to see. This whole thing could have been resolved months ago. But again I was the one who made the mistake so I shouldn't be getting on to y'all. I am so so so sorry that I've made this mistake and I hope that this can partly make amends for it.)   

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