Chapter 16

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(A/N – This story is dedicated to @Klanganator :) thanks for the idea!)

"But why do I have to stay here?!"

Bruce sighed through the phone "Dick you broke your wrist!"

"I don't have a cast on it though! That means I would be just fine to go with you to Japan for your conference!"

Bruce pinched the bridge of his nose "The reason you don't have a cast is because you threatened to wear your Robin uniform to school for non-uniform day if I made you where one! Besides even if I were to change my mind I'm already in Tokyo!"

Dick sighed "Fine! But I'll be expecting a souvenir when you get back!"

Bruce laughed "I'll do my best. Now don't forget Alfred's visiting a friend of his for the next couple days so you'll be on your own until Monday."

"Don't worry Bruce I'll be fine!" he smirked "What's the worst that could happen?!" he hung up the phone when suddenly the sound of glass breaking rang through the manor. Dick sighed "Well I guess the worst thing that could happen are burglars breaking into the manor..." Suddenly the lights went out. "Then the second worst is them cutting the power and phone lines. All while I have a broken wrist and Alfred's out of town..." Dick smirked "This should be fun..."

"Hey boss..." one of the goons turned to the leader "What are we supposed to be stealing?"

He face palmed "Anything that looks valuable! Now get going! Wayne and his kid are in Japan and the butler's on vacation!"

"Stop right there villains!" they looked up and saw Robin standing on the balcony.

One gasped "Robin?! What is he doing here?!"

He laughed "I saw trouble was brewing and I came to stop you. Leave now or else I'll call Batman!"

The leader looked to the others "Let's get out of here!" they all quickly ran away while Robin laughed.

He smiled and took off his mask "And I thought I'd have to fight with a broken wrist! How am I going to explain the broken window though...?"

(A/N - ok guys this was the last request! the next story line will be the last one. sorry this chapter wasnt great i tried my best. Stay whelmed and feel the aster!)

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