Chapter 8 (Part 1)

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Batman and Robin were chasing down the Joker. (For real this time) They had tracked him to an abandoned warehouse and were currently watching him through one of the windows. "How many abandoned warehouses does Gotham have?!"Robin whisper yelled at Batman. Batman just rolled his eyes and motioned for him to follow. They both quickly broke through the glass surprising Joker and his gang.

The Joker smiled giddily "Well if it isn't good old Batsy!" he clapped his hands and jumped up and down with excitement "And he brought me my favorite toy! How's it going Wittle Birdie?!" he cooed.

Robin just glared at him and quickly threw down smoke bombs from his belt to start the fight. The three henchmen jumped on top of Batman and pinned him to the ground. This left Robin with the Joker. He threw several bird-a-rangs at the purple clad man but he easily dodged all of them.

The Joker tisked at him "You know I really have come to expect more from you after all these years..." The man walked a circle around Robin but still kept his distance. Robin watched him wearily with bird-a-rang ready. "But that little team of yours has made you soft..." he continued. He stopped walking and turned directly at Robin. He smirked and at that point Robin knew he was in trouble. "Looks like I'll just have to change that..."

Before Robin could even move the Joker had pulled out a crowbar (form grandmother knows where!) and rushed at him. One swift knock to the teeth was all it took for Robin's vision to go swimming. The last thing he saw was a dark figure administering a swift punch to Joker's jaw.

~time skip~

"Buh Bwuse!" Dick whined.

Bruce shook his head "Dick you have to wear it or else your teeth won't heal properly."

"Buh I can'th thalk whith thith thing!" he whined even more.

"Dick the dentist said you only had to wear the retainer for one week! Surly you can make it that long." Bruce tried to talk some since into him.

He threw his hands up in exasperation "Buh thoday I'm gohing tho the cave! Whaally whill make fhun of me!"

"No buts now go on before they get worried." Bruce said shooing him towards the Zeta tube.

Dick sighed and walked into the tube. This was not going to be asterous...

(A/N - Hey... So I kind of... in a way... forgot to write the second part of this... so I decided to make it a two parter! :) so the second part will be up next week! :) hope you liked it! stay whelmed and feel the aster!)

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