Chapter 7

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Dick groaned as he walked into the cave. "Nooooo! I couldn't have remembered to ask Alfred to pick me up some more hair color! No that would have meant that the universe wasn't actually out to get me!" he said throwing his hands up in the air in frustration. He sighed "Maybe the team won't notice! Ya! I can always think optimistic!" he finally got up the nerve and walked into the sitting room with the team. "Hey guys." He greeted and sat down in a chair with his legs hanging over one end and his head over the other. It looked weird seeing everything upside down but at the same time he kind of enjoyed it.

"Hey Rob." They all greeted not looking at him. Luckily their focus was completely on something on the TV.

"So Robin how was your day?" Zatanna asked.

He shrugged "It was fine. Had a couple mishaps this morning getting ready though..."

Wally smirked and looked over at him "What you lost your eye shadow?! I bet you- Dude what happened?!" Wally asked franticly.

Well of course that made the rest of the team all turn over to him. Just like Wally they all gasped. "Robin your hair!" Megan cried.

He just rolled his eyes and sat up "Stupid optimism..." he muttered to himself.

"What happened?" Zatanna asked worried.

"Nothing." He answered unhelpfully.

"Robin there's a giant white streak running through your hair! I wouldn't categorize that as nothing!" Artemis said waving her arms around for emphasis.

He sighed "I just forgot to get some more hair color that's all no big deal."

"Hair color? So your hair's always white?" Wally asked.

Robin chuckled a little "Well that is what most albino people look like kid genius."

"Wait you're albino?" Megan asked excited "That's like the white Martians on Mars right?!"

Robin smiled "I guess you could say that..."

She squealed and wrapped him in a hug "That means we're twinsies!"

"Can't... Breath...!" Robin gasped.

She smiled sheepishly and let go "Sorry..."

"Why didn't you tell anyone you were albino?" Kaldur asked.

He rubbed his arms "Where I grew up if you were a freak that's how you fit in. I-I guess I didn't want to be thought of like that anymore..."

The rest of the team smiled at him "We'll never think of you any differently Robin if that's what you're worried about." Zatanna assured and gave him a small kiss on the cheek.

Robin blushed "Thanks Zee..."

"Where did you grow up anyway that treated people like that?" Wally asked breaking the moment.

Robin rubbed the back of his neck "Oh... um... well..." he quickly looked down at his wrist communicator "Wow Cat Woman just pulled a major heist I'd better go help!" he quickly threw down a hand full of smoke pellets and ran out of the room.

The whole team started coughing "You know I'm starting to think he's just using that as an excuse..." Artemis said in between coughs.

Wally waves her off "Nah if Rob was trying to make up an excuse he would come up with something much more original than a super villain attacking Gotham."

~the Batcave~

Bruce has to resist the urge not to face palm as he watches the security footage in the cave. Alfred on the other hand has cover up his laughter at the teens stupidity. It was scary to imagine that Wallace West is going to be one of the leaders of the League someday. Alfred shuddered at the thought and went back to cleaning.

(A/N - Well I hope you liked this chapter! :) Stay whelmed and feel the aster!)

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