Chapter 11 (Part 1)

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Why is it that the team's missions always seem to go wrong? Simple. Covert. Mission. That's what Batman told them. Well some way somehow the team ended up in a full out fight with Klarion the witch boy. No big deal right? They've defeated him before right? They can do it again! ...right? Well that usually would be true only this time Klarion had a special trick up his sleeve.

You see when Zatanna joined the team they had gained another user of the mystic arts. That meant that she was able to hold her own against Klarion fairly well in a fight with magic. Well this made Klarion mad so he had found a very special spell to counteract Zatanna's magic.

The rest of the team all fought Teekl while Zatanna went against Klarion. Zatanna threw a blast at Klarion which he expertly dodged. "Really Zatanna I expected more from you..." he dodged another blast. "What a shame such magical positional had to be wasted on a... do gooder..." he snarled.

"Worht kcor ta noiralK!" She yelled and a rock went speeding towards him.

He smirked "That backwards magic of yours is very unique. Not many magicians practice it anymore. Which means it also has its weaknesses..." Zatanna's eyes filled with fear.

"I do proclaim

In chaos name

That with this spell

In whom it dwell

That every word

That they shall speak

Is only heard

As when they were meek."

He then fired the blast.

Robin looked up just in time to see a red blast shooting towards Zatanna. He didn't even need to think twice. (After all she was his secrete crush. But don't tell Wally!) He quickly jumped in front of the blast and fell to the ground.

"Robin!!!" the whole team yelled. Zatanna quickly threw one last blast at Klarion before he teleported away.

She quickly knelt down next to Robin. (AKA her secrete crush) "Robin?! Robin can you hear me?!" she asked franticly on the verge of tears. The rest of the team stood around her their faces filled with worry for their youngest team mate.

To their relief he started to stir and groggily sat up rubbing his head. The team all let out a sigh of relief. "Robin are you alright?" Megan said still a little worried.

Robin nodded "Sunt bine, mulțumesc" (I'm fine thanks)

The team all frowned "Sorry... what was that again?" Wally asked confused.

Robin frowned "I-am spus că sunt bine th- așteptați ... Nu vorbesc engleza ... vorbesc română! ce nu pot vorbi engleza?!?!"( I said I was fine th- wait... I'm not speaking English... I'm speaking Romanian! Why can't I speak English?!?!)

He stood up and started pacing trying to figure ou what had happened. "Vraja de a Klarion fost îndreptată la Zatanna, astfel încât nu a mai putut vorbi înapoi. Acesta trebuie să fi fost făcute, astfel încât ea să vorbească în prima ei limbă. Există pentru a face față să vorbească. Apoi, faptul că înseamnă că atunci când mi-am dat mi-a facut vorbi în limba mea maternă prea! Română!!!" (That spell of Klarion's was directed at Zatanna so that she couldn't talk backwards anymore. It must have been made so that she would talk in her first language. There for making her talk forwards. Then that means when it hit me it made me speak in my native tongue too! Romanian!!!)

He turned back to the team smiling that he had figured out the answer. Ten he face palmed seeing them all stare at he like he was crazy. "Nici unul dintre voi poate înțelege mine nu-i așa?" (None of you can understand me can you?) They just kept staring at him and he sighed. "Grozav! Perfect!!!" (Great! Just great!) He muttered to himself stalking back to the bioship. The team had no idea what was going on so they just followed him.

(A/N - Sorry it's another multiple part story! Stay whelmed and feel the aster!)

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