Chapter 9 (Part 2)

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Robin walked into the cave wearing his usual black skinny jeans, red hoodie, dark sun glasses, and black jacket. As he took each step it felt like his feet were getting heavier and heavier. As he walked out of the Zeta tube the only thought going through his mind was to turn around and run back to his room so he could cry on his bed for hours. But no Bruce wanted him to do this. When he was finished he could cry all that he wanted.

At least the team wasn't there. "HEY ROB!!!" Wally cheered running quickly into the room followed by the rest of the team and several League members in civvies. This included Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Arrow, and Martian Man-Hunter.

Robin took a cautious step back "WH-what are you doing here?" he asked carefully gesturing to the League.

Wally smiled "We've had some glitches with the computer so the League came to try and fix it!"

Robin raised an eyebrow "What kind of glitches?"

Alarms and red flashing lights started streaming through the cave. "Zeta tube, computers, and hanger doors now offline for the next 24 hours." A metallic female voice rang out.

"Um..." Wally rubbed the back of his neck "Those kinds of glitches..."

Robin's eyes widened in fear "The Zeta tubes are offline?!"

"Ya that's kind of what it just said." Wally said smirking.

"WE HAVE TO FIX THEM!!!" Robin yelled on the verge of panic.

"What you got some where to be?" Artemis said smiling.

Robin looked around in fear "I can't stay here all night..."

"Son panicking won't do us any good..." Clark placed a hand on his shoulder "Let's just all take a deep breath..."

Robin sighed and wiped a stray tear out from under his mask "Is Black Canary here?"

Oliver shook his head "No she's on a mission. Did you need her for something?"

Robin sat down and banged his head against the table "Why does the universe hate me?!"

"There there you'll be fine." Wally stood up and patted him on the back.

Megan smiled "This is great! We can have a sleep over!"

"That sounds fun!" Artemis said also smiling.

Robin stood up and wiped another tear from under his glasses. "If you need me I'll be training."

"My friend wouldn't you like to do something more fun on our day off?" Kaldur asked.

"No thanks." And with that he left for the gym.

"I feel bad doing something fun without Robin." Megan said sadly.

"I'm sure he wouldn't mind if we all watched. After all the computers won't be back online till tomorrow." Diana said smiling. The rest of the League and the Team followed her to the gym.

~time skip~

As the group of heroes neared the gym they stopped at the door. They saw Robin had changed into a blue and white tank top with a pair of black tights. He had replaced his glasses with a red and white domino mask. He walked over to a bowl of white powder and started rubbing it on his hands.

"What is he doing?" Connor asked.

"He's putting chalk on his hands. It helps him hold on better." Diana answered.

"Hold onto what?" Zatanna asked.

She smirked "You'll see."

They then watched as he climbed up a tall ladder that led to a platform at the top. On the other side was another platform and in between hung different bars.

"Is that a trapeze?" Wally asked curiously.

"Why is there a trapeze in the gym? How could that help any of us train?" Artemis added.

"It helps an acrobat train." Clark stated.

"But none of us are acrobats." Wally stated.

"Really?" Barry raised an eyebrow "Well then what would you call Robin?"

"Well... I mean... I guess... but an acrobat is someone that's been in a circus!" he protested.

The rest of the League became quiet at this. "Just watch and tell me again you don't think Robin's an acrobat." Barry said smirking.

The team turned around just in time to see Robin jump off of the platform. They were about to cry out when he quickly caught onto one of the bars and swing up into the air. When he had reached the top of his ark he let go did a series of four flips. As he came back down he grabbed onto the next bar. His body twisting and turning as he swung from each bar. Once he had finished his routine he landed on the opposite platform.

Artemis gapped up at him "Did he just do a quadruple flip?"

"Is that significant?" Kaldur asked still in awe of the performance.

Artemis shrugged "It might be nothing but... when I was little my mom took me to see a circus. There were these amazing trapeze artists who were famed for being the only people in the world able to perform a quadruple flip."

Megan turned to her "What was the name of the group?"

"The flying Graysons." She answered.

~time skip~

Out of habit Dick smiled and waved to an invisible cheering crowd. He took a bow taking in the fake applause. Being on the trapeze helped him clear his head. Staying at the cave all night wouldn't be too bad. He just had to make sure to not fall asleep. He'd pulled plenty of all nighters before this shouldn't be a problem.

He looked down at the ground and couldn't get the picture of five mangled bodies out of his head. Their once graceful limbs were twisted and broken in all the wrong angles while blood pooled around them. The sound of wires snapping then the crunching of bones hitting the ground kept playing through his mind on repeat. And lastly his own blood curdling scream as he sat desperately by their lifeless forms trying to awake them.

Dick was completely lost in thought that he hadn't even realized he had started to climb down the ladder until he had reached the bottom. He walked over to him bag and look out a towel to wipe off the chalk. When he reached up to remove is mask he finally realized he had been crying throughout the performance. It felt good to finally let the tears out. He looked down at the mask in his hand. The same one that he had worn all those years ago...

"That was amazing!" a voice rang out. He quickly got out his glasses and shoved them on his face before the team could see.

He stood up as the Team and the League filed into the room. "Y-you were watching?" he instantly felt self-conscious. It hadn't been one of his best performances.

"That was awesome! Where did you learn to do that?!" Wally asked excited.

"Um..." he rubbed his arms "My... parents... taught me..."

"That's so cool! Did they have friends in the circus or something?!" Megan asked excited.

"You could say that... I'm going to go get cleaned up..." he walked away past the League who were all giving him curious glances. When he walked by J'hon he quickly clutched his head and leaned against Clark.

"J'hon what's wrong?" Clark asked worried.

"H-his mind... s-so much pain! And sadness! It's overwhelming!" He said rubbing his head. The rest of the Leaguers had heard but luckily it seemed that the team hadn't.

"Do you think today could be... the... day?" Barry asked. They all wondered if he might be right...

(A/N - well here's part 2! :) I'll try to get part 3 up soon :) stay whelmed and feel the aster!)

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