Chapter 5

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"Hey Robin we're going to have a picnic down by the beach! I put the basket on the table in the kitchen so if you want to add anything to it it's there." Megan called.

Robin smiled at her "Alright I'll be ready in just a second."

~time skip~

"This spot looks nice!" Megan smiled cheerfully. The rest of the team sat down on the blanket she had laid out. She at picked shady spot on the beach so they could watch the waves.

"Who had the hot dog?" Artemis asked pulling them out of the picnic basket.

Wally raised his hand "That's mine!" She smiled and handed him one.

"Here's the Catsup." She handed it to him.

He smiled "Babe... you rock my world."

She smirked "I know. Robin do you not want one? We packed extras."

He shook his head "No thanks 'Mis. My bag's in there somewhere. You'll find it eventually."

Artemis shrugged "Ok. Well who had the hamburger?" Connor raised his hand and she handed it to him. Artemis dug around in the basket some more and pulled out a turkey and cheese sandwich. "Robin is this yours?"

He visibly flinched "No."

She just raised an eyebrow at him. "Oh that one's mine." Megan said.

Artemis handed her the sandwich and kept going. "Robin did you have a chicken strips?"

Again he flinched when he held it out to him. This time the rest of the team noticed as well. "Definitely not!"

"That's mine." Kaldur said.

She reached into the basket and found her own steak taco. She kept searching and pulled out chips, sodas, utensils, and napkins. Finally she found a brown paper with the name 'Robin' on it. "Here you go Robin."

He took the bag from her "Thanks 'Mis." By this point everyone was curious to see what Robin had brought. He opened up the bag and pulled out two small boxes, an apple, and a water bottle.

"What's in the box Robin?" Wally asked curiously as he finished his fifth hot dog.

Robin smirked "My lunch."

Wally face palmed "No duh Sherlock! I mean what did you bring for lunch?"

Robin smiled "Well why didn't you ask that in the first place?" he pulled the lid off and took out a piece of broccoli and started nibbling on it. "Want one?" he asked showing the box to Wally. "I also have carrots and cucumber slices!" he said cheerfully.

Wally flinched away from the box "How can you eat that stuff?! Wouldn't you much rather have a hot dog?" Wally held one in front of his face and Robin started gagging.

"Ugh! Nasty!" he said scooting away. He then picked up a fork and reached for his second box "I'll take tofu any day over meat."

Wally dead panned "Wait you're a vegetarian?!" Robin nodded as he ate a piece of tofu. "Since when?!"

Robin shrugged "I guess ever since I was a kid. My Mami and Mătuşă were vegetarians and they forced the rest of us to do the same." He chuckled to himself "Whenever we were on American tours the first thing my Dad and Uncle would do was sneak out of the trailer and buy up a stock of hot dogs and ham burgers."

"What do you mean American tours? Did your family go on tours of America?" Megan asked.

Robin rubbed the back of his neck nervously "Well... I guess you could say that... But then again we were always on tour... but you can't forget foreign tours..." at this point he was more muttering to himself then answering her question.

"Robin?" Artemis asked turning serious "What do 'Mami' and 'Mătuşă' mean?"

He smiled sheepishly "Oh... sorry I forget to translate them sometimes. The direct English translation for 'Mami' would be mommy but it can just be used for mom. Then 'Mătuşă' means Aunt."

"Robin why don't you ever talk about your parents?" Megan asked innocently.

He dead panned "I just did! I was saying how my mom used to be a vegetarian along with my aunt. My dad and Uncle really liked meat but Mami and Mătuşă would never let them have it. My cousin Johnny used to like meat by I had always liked the idea of being a vegetarian."

"Ok next question..." Wally sat forward and looked him straight in the eye "Why do you always talk about your family in past tense?"

Robin's face paled "Um... well..." he quickly looked down at his wrist communicator "Oh what a shame Joker just broke out of Arkham. Looks like I'll have to go. Bye!" he quickly threw down a smoke bomb from his utility belt that he hid Grandmother knows where! The team all started coughing and when the smoke finally cleared the looked around to see Robin was nowhere in sight.

"Dang it! We were even closer that time!" Wally yelled.

~time skip~

Dick walked into the bat cave and threw his sunglasses onto the desk. "So who escaped this time? Joker or Two Face?" Bruce asked without turning away from the bat computer.

Dick smirked "Joker. You would think by now the team would have realized that I only use that as an excuse because I don't want to talk about something."

Bruce snorted "If the League hasn't figured out after seven years that I use it when they're acting stupid then the team never will."

Dick chuckled "Unfortunately you're probably right..."

Bruce smirked "Aren't I always? After all... I am Batman..." he pulled the cowl over his face for more effect.

Dick just looked down at his communicator "Hmm... looks like Two Face just escaped. I better go check it out." And with a cackle Robin ran up the stairs leaving a smiling Bruce to fallow close behind.

(A/N - hey just tought id tell you Im changing it so that it wont be for sure on Saturdays that I update itll just be anytime on the weekend. bye! stay whelmed and feel the aster!)

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