Chapter 3

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Bruce sat and read the newspaper when a yell brought him from the paper. "Daaaaaaaad!" Dick wined from the top of the stairs as he stumbled down them. This took Bruce by surprise. It warmed his heart that Dick had started calling him dad it just surprised him that he was so soon. After all the adoption had only been last week.

"Yes Dick?" he asked raising an eye brow as he fell down the last couple stairs in his haste.

"Do you know where my box of extra contacts is?" he started to stand up but tripped over a fold in the carpet.

Bruce thought for a second "Did you check your room?" he nodded "How about the bathroom?" he nodded again. "Well I haven't seen them I guess you'll just have to wear your glasses until Alfred can pick you up another box."

"But I have to go to the cave today! I can't wear my glasses over my mask!" Dick whined as he clumsily tried to make his way over to a chair.

Bruce chuckled as he stubbed his toe on a table "Well you clearly can't go to the cave without them. Besides you don't need to wear a mask if you have glasses on. Just look at Superman the only way he hides his face is with a pair of glasses and no one has figured out his identity yet." He smirked as Dick groaned.

~time skip~

Robin walks into the cave wearing his usual black jacket, green hoodie, and black skinny jeans. Only instead of his usual sunglasses he wore a pair of the classic black hipster looking glasses with the metal studs in the corners.

He walked into the room with the rest of the team. "Hey Rob-" Wally stopped when he finally saw his face. They all just stared at him and he glared back.

"Not. One. Word." He growled.

Black Canary chose that moment to walk into the room as well. "Alright team are you ready for training? How about-" she also just stared at Robin.

He groaned "This is going to be a long day..."

~time skip~

Black Canary had told the team to practice every man for himself while she went out of the room for a few minutes. It all started off well the team all attacking each other until Aqualad was about to punch Robin when he looked him in the eye. He brought his arm down. "I cannot. It wouldn't be right."

Well Robin took this as the perfect time to pull his leg out from under him. The word 'Fail' flashed on the floor and Kaldur got up to go to the other side of the room. It went on much like this for the rest of the exercise. Robin would face one of the others and as hard as they tried they just couldn't hit him. And each time he took them out in their moment of hesitation.

Black Canary walked back in the room and saw all of the team except for Robin sitting on the wall. "Wow Robin you took all of them by yourself?! That's great!"

Robin rolled his eyes "Only because they were too afraid to hit a kid with glasses!"

"Robin" everyone turned to the doorway and saw Batman standing there with a small box in his hand.

"Dad!" Robin yelled and ran over to him.

"Wait what?!" Artemis gasped.

"Since when has Robin called Batman his father?" Connor asked Black Canary.

"I-I don't know..." She said bewildered.

"I brought you these." Batman held the box out to Robin. "We need to go Joker escaped."

Robin turned the box over in his hands "Yes! Contacts! Thanks dad! Let me go get my stuff!" he quickly ran out of the room to get his bag. Batman fallowing him soon after.

The team and Black Canary stared after them in shock. "Wh-What just happened?" Wally asked confused.

(A/N - wow I'm on a roll! well I hope you liked this chapter :) Stay whelmed and feel the aster!)

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