Chapter 14 (Part 2)

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"Why does this always happen to us?!" Wally whined as he uselessly tried to break the door down.

Artemis just rolled her eyes "There's no use Baywatch, we're trapped."

"I'm working on it..." Robin's fingers danced across his keyboard as he tried to hack into the mainframe and unlock the door.

"I thought this was supposed to be a covert mission..." Super boy grunted. He was still mad about not being able to free them with his super strength.

Aqualad sighed "Do are missions ever stay covert?"

"Well there was that one time when..." Miss Martian started "Oh wait... no we ended up fighting that time too..."

"It always works out in the end though!" Zatanna said trying to lighten the mood.

"I got it! I'm in!" Robin's cry of victory made everyone stop what they were doing and walked over to him.

"Can you unlock the door?" Megan asked hopefully.

"Well..." Robin rubbed his neck "I'm in the mainframe but I still need to unlock the door..." All of a sudden smoke started filling the room.

The team started to panic "Robin do something!" Artemis looked over at him only to see him wheezing loudly and coughing. She started to panicked as he continued to gasp for air.

"Look the door's opening!" Wally ran out of the room as the rest of the team followed. Artemis wrapped Robin's arm around her shoulders and helped him out of the building.

Once they had finally escaped into the air the team could finally look over their youngest teammate. They were very scared. Robin still wheezing and coughing and they had no idea why. Luckily Artemis knew what was happening now. She quickly searched through his utility belt hoping he would have what she was looking for. When she found it she quickly brought it to his mouth. The team couldn't see what she was doing with it but after a few minutes Robin slowly started to breath. 

"Um... what is that?" Megan pointed to the inhaler in Artemis' hand.

"Hey I've seen one of those before..." Connor spoke up "When I was hanging out with Wendy and Marvin from school he used one of those. Wendy said it was called an... inhaler? She said Marvin had something called asthma that the inhaler treated."

"Wait does that mean..." Zatanna started "That Robin has asthma?"

They all looked over at their teammate as he slowly caught his breath. "I guess it does..." Wally finally said.

(A/N - Hey guys! :) hope you liked the end of this story ark. Just so you know I've 2 more people request stories but after that I'm probably going to do a chapter to finish off this story! Isn't it exciting! :) Well stay whelmed and feel the aster!)

(A/N 2.0 - Hi everyone. I would like to apologize again. Like I said in the last chapter I was really dumb and clearly did not do enough research on asthma. I would like to thank @MindAboveMadness for telling me some ways that I could fix it. I'm just sorry that it has taken me this long to resolve the issue. If there is anything that I can still do to fix it then please tell me. I am very very sorry for offending you guys and I really didn't mean to. I hope that I was able to fix a few of my mistakes. Thank you again for telling me.) 

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