Chapter 17

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The team was all sitting in the mission's room as Black Canary updated their records. "Ok Wally you're done. And last but not least... Robin your turn." He walked up to her as she pulled up his bio on the screen. "Ok let me start with... do you have any allergies?"

He nodded "Peanuts..."

The team all thought back to the whole cookie fiasco. She nodded "Ok... do you need anything to correct you vision?"

He smiled "Yep! Either a pair of super geeky glasses or my preference contacts."

She laughed "Ya I remembered that one. Ok next... How tall are you?"

He thought for a second "Last time I checked... four feet, seven and a half inches..."

She laughed "No seriously..."

Robin raised an eyebrow "I am being serious..."

She gapped at him "No way! Let me measure you!" she got out a measuring tape while Robin took off his boots. She stared at him "How?!"

He started putting his boots back on "Batman made special shoes for me so would be taller."

She stared at him a second longer then sighed "Of course he did... Ok next... how much do you weigh?"

Again he had to think for a second "I think... 70 pounds give or take..."

She looked at him worriedly "Are you ok?"

He smirked and nodded "That's much better then what I had been at!"

She shrugged "Alright... well obviously your natural hair is black so..."

He shook his head "No it's actually white. I'm albino."

"Huh..." she corrected the sheet "I didn't know that... Ok next on the list is... do you have any kind of internal disks or other metal items in your body?"

"I have hearing aids. Does that count?" he asked.

She blinked "Sense when have you had hearing aids?"

He shrugged "A few months after I became Robin."

She typed it on the screen "Ok. Um I'm assuming your place of birth was America? Making your first language English?"

He shook his head "No I was born in Romania. So my first language is Romanian."

"Eye color?" she asked.

He answered "Blue."

She nodded "Alright. Do you have any medical conditions I should mention?"

"Asthma." He answered.

"And you have an inhaler for that?" he nodded "Ok last one... Name... well you can skip that one..."

"Dick Grayson..."

Everyone in the room blinked "Uh what was that?"

"My name." He replied "You asked for my name..." he took off his mask "And I said it was Dick Grayson."

Artemis gapped at him "'We'll laugh about this someday...' You little troll!" she yelled at him while he laughed.

Wally just blinked "Dick Grayson like ward of Billionaire Bruce Wayne Dick Grayson?!"

He smirked "The one and only!"

"Wait!" he looked over at Megan "Grayson? Like from the flying Graysons?"

He nodded smiling "My family and I were the best Trapeze Artists in the business!"

Kaldur thought for a moment before speaking "Because of your previous Trapeze history that's why you are so good at acrobatics..." Dick nodded.

Connor spoke next "So wait... when we were fighting Amazo that was your school?"

He nodded "Ya the principal wasn't too happy..."

Robin walked over to Zatanna and handed her a piece of paper. He leaned over and whispered into her ear "Type that into Google translate..." She looked down at the paper in her hands 'te iubesc' was written in neat cursive across the small paper. She looked up at him and he just winked mouthing 'I love you' before she could say another word he grabbed her hand and they slipped away while the others were talking.

(A/N - i decided to be nice and give you all the last chapter early! :) Ya arent i nice?! Well i hope you all liked this story. I really had fun writing it. thank you to all of you who sent in ideas. sorry to those i didnt get to. I'm so happy that you all liked my story! :) for one last time... Stay whelmed and feel the aster! :) Bye!)

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