Chapter 9 (Part 4)

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"Sorry? Sorry for what?!" Artemis yelled stomping into the kitchen after him. Everyone else followed after her also curious as to what had happened.

Robin reached into the refrigerator and pulled out a carton of milk and poured himself a glass. Milk always helped calm him down. He turned to the others who had now walked into the room. "I said 'sorry' because I felt bad for waking you up. What did you want me to say?" he asked taking a sip of milk and hopping up on the counter. Luckily the counters weren't as tall as the ones in the manor.

Artemis tapped her chin "Oh I don't know. Maybe... WHY YOU STARTED SCREAMING IN THE FIRST PLACE!!! WE THOUGHT YOU WERE BEING ATTACKED!!!" Ollie put a gentle hand on her shoulder.

"Oh..." Robin was taking aback "It was just a night terror. There's really nothing for you to worry about. You can go back to bed now."

"But..." Megan started "What is a night terror?"

"It's like a nightmare..." Diana looked sadly over at Robin "Only a whole lot worse. People who have night terrors will start screaming, crying, and thrashing around in their sleep. It sometimes can be very hard to wake them up."

"Dude that's horable! You make it sound like you have them often!" Wally looked sadly at him.

Robin shrugged nonchalantly "I have them every night it's really no big deal." He subconsciously started to rub his broken wrist.

"No big deal?!" Zatanna sounded on the verge of panic. She stomped over to him and took his broken wrist in her hand. He gave a startled yelp as she held on to it. "You said you fell down the steps. But you didn't! This happened during a night terror didn't it?!" she yelled on the verge of tears.

Robin gently took his hand back and continued massaging it "Ok so I might have banged my wrist on the nightstand while I was asleep... but really guys I'm fine!" he added quickly.

"What exactly causes someone to have night terrors?" Kaldur asked.

Barry looked over sadly at Robin "Usually a horribly tragic event when someone is really little. Only in most cases they will only have terrors every once and awhile most certainly not every night. But the strange thing is they usually only effect children up to age twelve and Robin is fourteen."

"Thirteen." He corrected.

Barry gapped at him "You're only thirteen?!"

Robin nodded "So it's not extremely unusual for me to still have terrors."

"But Robin you should see a doctor! It's not healthy!" Diana pleaded.

He rolled his eyes under his glasses "That's what I was here to do." He snorted "Trust me I didn't want to get out of the house on this day but after my terror last night Bats wanted me to talk to Canary."

"What's so important about today?" Wally asked.

Robin eyes widened in fear when he realized what he had said. "Nothing!" he said quickly but everyone noticed.

"Robin is today... the day?" Clark asked gently.

"Shut. Up." He growled hopping down from the counter. "I'm. fine." he then stomped out of the room.

The team all stood in confusion while they League all stood gapping. "What's so important about today?" Connor asked.

"Nothing!" Barry said quickly. "We have to go find him!" he said to the League. They all nodded and quickly ran out of the room after the boy.

~time skip~

Robin walked into his room in the cave on the verge of tears. The more he thought about what day it was the more it made him want to break down and cry. Four years... it had been four whole years since his entire world had come crashing down. Since his whole family had fallen to their deaths right before his eyes.

He could still see the looks of fear on all of their faces. He could still hear his aunt's blood curdling scream as she tried to reach out to his cousin, all the while his uncle tried to reach out to her. But the thing he remembered most vividly was his parents. His mom had reach out to him and uttered one word 'Dick' that was the last word that ever passed through her lips. His dad quickly hung onto her and they both fell all the way in each other's embrace. This is what haunts him in his night terrors. He finally let a tear slip from his eye.

He sat down on the bed and just stared at the poster hanging on his wall. Bruce had been reluctant to let him hang a 'Flying Graysons' poster in the cave but after much pleading on Dick's part he had finally given in.

Suddenly a soft knock was placed on his door. Robin (now Dick Grayson without his glasses on) cracked the door open just enough to peak outside. "Yes?" he asked hoarsely. The five Leaguers all stood outside his room.

Barry had been the one to knock and was surprised to see a single stunning blue eye ,streaked red from tears, peak from behind the door. Without bothering to answer the question he quickly opened the door wider and wrapped the boy in a bone crushing hug. At first Dick was taken aback by the sudden act of affection, until suddenly the floodgate burst.

The tears that he had been trying to hold back all day suddenly came flowing from his eyes. His knees buckled out from under him and Barry knelt next to him and held onto the hug. He latched onto the older man and proceeded to sob into his shoulder. Barry put a gentle hand on his small back as he took in gasps of air in between sobs. It didn't take the other Leaguers more than a second to follow Barry's actions and wrap their little bird in a tight hug.

The team all stood in the doorway in silence not knowing what to do. They finally decided it best to let their little bird be and help comfort him when he was finished.

~time skip~

Unbeknownst to anyone Batman watched to whole scene play out from the camera he had hidden in Dick's room. He had started panicking when he got the alert that the Zeta tubes were down. Now he knew that Dick was in good hands.

(A/N - Finally!!! I finished Chapter 9! ya!!!! now I can start something new! :) I hope you liked this hopefully the next story will only e one chapter :) stay whelmed and feel the aster!)

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