Chapter 9 (Part 3)

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"Robin you really should go to sleep." Diana said worriedly. It was getting close to midnight and Robin refused to sleep no matter how tired ho looked.

"Robin you look really tired..." Zatanna started.

"I can't go to sleep..." he slurred. His head started to slump to the side before he quickly shot back up. "I'm awake!"

Everyone in the room looked at him worriedly as his head started to slump again before he sat back up. Diana looked over at Zatanna and discreetly nodded. She smirked as she looked back at her fried (AKA secrete crush) "Og ot peels!"

Robin's eyes widened in fear right before he slumped into the side of the couch. Ollie smiled as he picked him up and stretched him across the couch. Clark then picked up a quilt and laid it across his small form.

"Well now that he's taken care of I suppose we can all go to sleep in here." Diana said. Everyone nodded and lay down in their own sections of the room.

Zatanna pulled the quilt up over Robin a little more then she gave him a quick peck on the forehead. "Sweet dreams Robin." she whispered before also finding her own spot on the floor.

~time skip~

Everyone woke up with a start when a blood curdling scream rang through the room. They all immediately assumed attack positions but strangely found no threat. The screaming got louder and they finally looked over at the couch.

Robin was thrashing around and screaming at the top of his lungs. Before anyone could do anything he hit his uninjured wrist on the table and fell off the couch. Barry rushed over to him and tried to shake him awake "Kid you need to wake up!" he pleaded.

"What is wrong with Robin?" Megan asked in fear.

Oliver and Clark sat down next to the screaming boy and held him down while Diana tried to calm down the rest of the team. "Robin son you need to wake up." Clark pleaded.

They finally saw that hot tears were pouring down his face from underneath his glasses. "NU LĂSAȚI MINE !!! STOP CADA! NU vreau sa fiu singur! De ce nu mi le salva ?! ERA TOT !!! vina mea"

"John enter his mind and try to find out what's wrong!" Oliver suggested.

John nodded and did as he said. The elder men waited in anticipation for the cause of their 'nephew's' pain. All of a sudden John collapsed to his knees clutching his head. Diana ran over to him and helped him up "What do you see?!" she asked franticly.

He just stared at the young boy "No child should ever feel that kind of pain..." he said just loud enough for the older heroes to hear.

Barry looked back at the others "What else can we do?!"

"I have an idea..." everyone's eyes turned to Zatanna. She walked forward and knelt next Robin "Nibor ekaw pu!" she said firmly.

Immediately he shot up and started breathing heavily. He looked around and saw that everyone was staring at him. he quickly wiped the tears from under his mask and stood up. "Sorry for waking you." He muttered then went off to the kitchen.

(A/N - Wow this one is really taking a lot of chapters! :) I'm hoping the next one will be the last for this story arc and I can start on a different one :) I'm  thinking something a little more light hearted :) Stay whelmed and feel the aster!)

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