Chapter 4

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The team ran down the hallway while alarms screamed over their heads. Why is it that all their 'covert' missions never stayed that way? They turned a corner and suddenly a door slammed down behind them blocking them in a dead end. "What are we going to do?!" Megan yelled.

"There!" Artemis pointed to an air vent. "Someone can go through there then circle back and open the door for the rest of us!"

Aqualad shook his head "It is far too small we're all too tall."

Robin stared up at it "I'm not."

Kid Flash looked over at him "Sure Robin 5'1 is short but you're still too tall."

Robin kept looking up at it "Not if I take my boots off."

"And how would taking your boots off help?" Connor asked sarcastically.

Robin ignored him and took the cover off of the vent then proceeded to undo the straps of his boots. "Robin it's not going to work just give it up!" Kid Flash said from behind him.

Robin rolled his eyes as he started to take the boot off. "Wally can you help me reach up there once I get these off?" he asked tugging on the boot.

"Dude it's not going to make that much of a difference!" he yelled. "Let's just try to open the door."

He was about to turn around when Robin finally got the boots off. He shrunk down to only reaching up to Wally's waist. "Are you going to help me or not?" Wally just gapped at him as Robin stepped onto his shoulders and climbed into the air vent. A minute later the team watched as the door slowly opened. Robin walked into the room and quickly put his boots back on. He looked up and saw that they were all still gaping at him.

"Come on! Unless you want to get locked up in here!" the team dumbly fallowed him as they escaped to the bioship.

Once in the bioship Robin jumped into a chair and crossed his legs as he started playing with something on his hologlove. The team all stared at him until finally Artemis broke the silence. "Since when have you been so short?!"

Robin started giggling and spun his chair so he was facing her. "I'm not short I'm just height challenged! And 'Mis someone doesn't just become short one day. I've always been short you knew that."

"Ya but thinking you were 5'1 is a lot different than... well..." she stopped.

"4'7." He filled in helpfully. "My whole family was short. Heck my dad was only 5'6 when he... um well... like I said it's not that surprising that I'm also short."

Wally sat up in his seat "What was that about your dad Rob? It clearly can't be Batman you're talking about cuz he is definitely not 5'6" he said quirking an eyebrow.

Robin rubbed the back of his neck nervously "Uh... nothing!" he said quickly. They all knew he was lying.

Wally was about to press the topic further when Kaldur stopped him "So how is it that you make yourself look taller?"

Robin unstrapped his boots and stood up. Sure enough when he did he was a few inches shorter. He pulled out something from his boot and held it up. It was a stilt. "Batman made me special boots so that I wouldn't look as short."

"But why go to all that trouble?" Megan asked "Why does your height matter?"

Robin smiled "Well for one all the kids already make fun of me for being short. They would do it even more if I showed them how tall I really was. And two when I first became Robin I was nine so just think how much shorter I would have been then. Now if you were a super villain how scared would you be? So that's why he made them for me." he said as he slipped his boots back on.

"You became Robin when you were nine?!" Megan asked astonished. Robin nodded. She looked over at Artemis and Wally "Did you guys know this?"

They nodded "He told me while we were on that mission with the reds." Artemis summed up.

"And I've known for a while. But he still won't tell me his identity!" Wally yelled.

Robin smirked "Sorry Batman's orders."

"At least answer me one question about your identity?!" Wally begged. \

Robin shrugged and sat back down "Depends on the question. But it doesn't hurt to ask."

Wally smiled "Ok so the other day you started calling Batman 'dad'. You didn't used to do that. And the way you were just talking it sounds like Batman isn't your dad. So why did you just now start calling him that?"

Robin thought for a moment. He would have to be careful about how he answered this. "Well Batman isn't my biological father. But when my actual dad d-... no can't say that." he muttered to himself. "Well let's just say Batman had to take me in as his ward."

"But what about your mother?" Kaldur asked.

"rahat! (Crap!)" Robin cursed in Romanian. The team just looked at him puzzled not sure what he said. "Well she... she couldn't..." Robin stopped trying to think of something. "Well there weren't enough room in the orphanages so I had to go to Juvie and he... well let's just say Batman had to take me in... so long story short... I had been his ward but last week he finally worked out the papers for me to be adopted so that's why I call him dad..."

Wally stared at him "You went to Juvie?"

He face palmed "Only because the orphanages were full!"

"So you're an orphan?" Artemis asked sadly.

Robin's eyes got big "I... well... um... Hey look we're here by guys see you later!" Robin jumped out of the bioship and quickly ran over to the Zeta Tubes.

"Dang it we were so close!" Wally yelled.

(A/N - Hey guys! :) man once I started writing this again I really got into a kick and just wanted to keep going! I promise I usually do not update this much usually just on Saturdays. well I hope you liked it! :) stay whelmed and feel the aster!)

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