Chapter 11 (Part 3)

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Robin looked over and saw the team staring at them "Oh ... bine acest lucru este echipa. Echipa este Barbara." (Oh... this is the team, team this is Barbara)

Barbara face palmed "Yes I believe I gathered that this was the team thank you." Barbara smiled over at Artemis "Hey Arty!"

Artemis paled "How does she know my name?!"

Barbara smiled "We go to the same school silly!" she turned back to Robin "So I'm just warning you now that my Romanian is pretty bad so this might be a tad bit difficult..."

Zatanna was about to say something but Wally interrupted her. "Why is he speaking Romanian anyway? I get that it's because of Klarion's spell. He told Batman it was because it was his first language. But that doesn't make since he's from America right?"

Barbara shook her head "He lived in Romania with his family until he was four. But then they came to America. None of them spoke very good English and the people he was around weren't great either. He didn't actually start to learn proper English until he was taken in by Batman when he was nine."

Zatanna tried again but was cut off this time by Artemis "So what you're trying to tell us is that Robin's only been speaking English for four years?!"

Barbara nodded "He still has trouble with some things but he hides it well."

"Nu face!" (Do not!) he protested.

"Oh really? Mr. Whelmed!" She said smirking.

"Whelmed este un cuvânt!" (Whelmed is a word!) he countered.

"Sorry to burst your bubble Pixie Boots but no it's not." Barbara smiled while Robin huffed.

Zatanna rose her hand before anyone else started talking. "What is it Z?" Megan asked.

Zatanna took in a breath "Tel niboR klat lamron!"

Robin started coughing as everyone looked at him. Everyone waited in anticipation when he stopped coughing. "Well say something!" Wally urged.

Robin smirked "Something."

(A/N - well I finally finished this one! :) Yaaa! not I can start on some of your requests. just fyi this is the chapter for this weekend. I wont be able to do it cuz my school band's going on tour and I play the trombone :) but don't worry i'll try to the next week.)

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