Chapter 9 (Part 1)

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Bruce and Alfred sat down in the sitting room to enjoy a hot cup of tea before they both went to bed. They were each telling each other about their days when suddenly a blood curdling scream rang through the manor.

The two men quickly got off the couch and ran to the room of the youngest member of the household. Bruce through the door open and what they saw disturbed both of the men.

Dick was tossing and turning and thrashing in all directions. He was screaming at the top of his lungs. "Alfred help me!" Bruce said franticly as he rushed to his young ward's side.

Bruce pinned his small wrists to the bed as Alfred held his ankles. Dick continued to trash and scream but they held firm "I had hoped he had grown out of these." Alfred said sadly as he held onto the screaming boy.

"NU MĂ PĂRĂSI!!!" He screamed at the top of his lungs. Before Bruce could react Dick had pulled his hand free from his grasp and banged it on the night stand. A sickening crack rang through the room.

"Master Bruce we have to do something he's hurting himself!" Alfred pleaded.

"Dick you need to wake up!" Bruce yelled trying to shake him out of it. When he just kept screaming he turned to Alfred "Go get the chloroform!"

"But master Bruce..." Alfred started.

"I know Alfred but it's the only thing that will calm him down. He always has night terrors this time of year. After all tomorrow is the anniversary." Bruce said sadly.

Alfred sighed "Alright I'll be right back..." he quickly exited the room leaving Bruce to sadly look over his ward.

He gently brushed a hair from the boy's face "I'm sorry Dick..."

~time skip~

The next morning Bruce sat down at the table and started to eat his breakfast as Alfred sipped tea next to him. They both just about jumped out of their seats when Dick came sluggishly down the stairs. He sat down at the table at the table and started to pick at the food on his plate.

Dick looked between Alfred and Bruce who were just staring at his wrist. "What?" he asked innocently.

"Do you even remember anything from last night?" Bruce asked raising an eyebrow.

"Well..." Dick reached up to brush a hair out of his face. He yelped and quickly clutched his broken wrist.

Bruce quickly got up and grabbed the gauze from the first aid kit. He kneeled down next to him and gently wrapped up his wrist. "How's that chum?" he asked once he was finished.

Dick rubbed his wrist "Thanks..."

"Do you remember having a night terror last night?" Bruce asked gently brushing back the hair from the boys face.

Dick looked down sadly "Yes..."

"Do you want to talk about it?" Bruce asked gently.

Dick looked back at his plate "Not really..."

Bruce put a hand on his shoulder "I know what today and trust me I know what you're going through."

Dick didn't meet his eyes "You don't have night terrors." He whispered.

Bruce looked down at him sadly "I'd like you to go to the cave and visit Black Canary today."

"WHAT?!" Dick looked up in shock "Can't I just stay here today?" he asked weekly.

Bruce sighed "We both know tonight's going to be the worst terror. You're getting older. That means you're getting stronger." He gestured to his wrist "I don't know for how much longer Alfred and I can keep you from hurting yourself."

"They aren't that bad..." he argued.

"Dick you've had them every time you fallen asleep since you came to this house!" Bruce said forcefully.

Dick sighed "I don't need to see a psychiatrist."

"Dick I had hoped that by now you would have grown out of it."Bruce put a hand on his shoulder as he stood up "Please go talk to Canary for a little while then I promise you can come home."

Dick sighed "Fine..."

Bruce smiled "Thank you. If it makes you feel any better I don't think the team's going to be there."

Dick looked up at him cautiously "Does she know what... today... is?"

Bruce shook his head "The whole League knows about what happened but I doubt she would know what day it was. You'll probably have to remind her." Dick nodded and headed up to his room to get changed.

(A/N - sorry it took me so long to update this. I know you all hate multiple part stories but this one was getting freakishly long and I wanted to give it Justice... hehehe I just made a Justice League pun :) well any way stay whelmed and feel the aster!)

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