Chapter 6

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"Artemis you are not fat!!!" Wally yelled

Robin walked into the room and the team all stopped where they were. Robin looked between Wally and Artemis "I feel like I came in on a very awkward conversation..."

"Rob how much do you weigh?" Wally asked.

Robin raised an eye brow "Excuse me?"

"We're trying to convince Artemis she doesn't need to diet by telling her that all of us weigh more than her." Zatanna summed up.

"Ohhhhh... Artemis how much do you weigh?" Robin asked.

"105."Artemis said.

Robin laughed "Artemis you really don't need to diet."

"Robin just tell her how much you weigh. It's the only way she'll listen to reason if we prove that she weighs the least." Meagan begged.

Robin shrugged "Sorry Artemis I don't know what to tell you."

"Oh and what do you weigh?! 100 pounds?!" Artemis asked sarcastic.

Robin rubbed the back of his neck embarrassed "Uh... 65... give or take..."

"You mean in grams or something right?" Kaldur asked raising an eyebrow.

"No last time I check I was at 65 pounds. Why? Is that a problem?" Robin asked.

"What?!" they all yelled at once making him flinch.

"Dude that's horable!" Wally yelled.

There was a slight pause while an unasked answer hung between the team. "Robin... does Batman feed you?" Zatanna finally asked.

Robin's eyes got wide "Of course he feeds me! He's not a monster. I-I just don't eat that much that's all."

"But Robin why?" Megan asked worriedly.

Robin looked down at his wrist communicator "Oh no Two Face just escaped Arkham I better go help Batman." In a flash he threw down a smoke pellet and ran out of the room.

The team broke into a fit of coughing "Dang it!" Wally yelled through coughs.

~Wayne manor~

"Master Richard may I bring you something more to your liking for dinner?" Alfred asked eyeing Dick's plate that was still full.

Dick looked up at him "No thank you Alfred. I'll just take it to the kitchen." The butler nodded and left the room. Dick stood up from the table with his plate but was abruptly stopped.

"Sit down." Bruce said from across the table. Dick just looked at him and stood there dumbly. "Now." He said with a little more force. Dick did so while still holding his plate. "Richard put the plate down." Dick's eyes got a little wide. Bruce only called him Richard for two things. First if he had been really hurt. And second... if he was in trouble. Once the plate Bruce stared harder at him. "Now eat."

"I-I'm really not all that hungry..." Dick started.

"What else have you eaten today?" the question took Dick by surprise.

"Umm..." he had to think for a second "Uh I had a granola bar..."

Bruce raised an eyebrow "Anything else?"

"Um... no...." Dick stuttered. Bruce's stare was really starting to get to him.

"What did you eat yesterday?" he asked.

Dick remembered back to the picnic "Well the team had a picnic."

"And what did you eat?" Bruce asked.

"Um..." he stopped "Well I had a piece of tofu... oh and a piece of broccoli!" he smiled innocently but Bruce just glared.

Dick shifted nervously in his seat as Bruce pulled his chair right next to his. To his surprise Bruce put his hand up to Dick's forehead and felt his temperature. "Well you don't have a fever that's good. Dick why won't you eat more. Every day you keep getting thinner and thinner. Dick it's not healthy."

Dick looked down his full plate but turned his head away as a tear started to form in his eye "Why-why should I be able to eat... and laugh... a-and live..." that last one took Bruce by surprise "While they're gone?"

Another tear slipped from Dick's eye and Bruce wrapped him in a hug. "Dick I am positive your parents are very proud of you. I am very proud of you! You do so much to help the people in this city! Don't punish yourself. You couldn't have done anything to save them. I'm sorry."

"It was all my fault..." he sobbed into Bruce's shoulder.

He gently ran a hand through Dick's hair as he cried his little heart out. Bruce had been expecting this. After all the anniversary was coming up in a few days. "Dick please eat something... Don't do it for me... Do it for your mom and dad. I owe them that much. To make sure you are well cared for. You need to eat more. Just get up to 75 pounds. That's all I ask."

"I-I'll try..." Bruce set a plate down in front of him and handed him a fork. Dick took a small bite of pasta and smiled "Th-thanks dad..." and with a smile Bruce watched as Dick slowly but surely ate everything on the plate.

(A/N - Hey guys! stay whelmed and feel the aster!)

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