Chapter 11 (Part 2)

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The ride in the bioship had been filled with vane attempts of charades and Robin trying to write on a piece of paper. Unfortunately he had apparently also forgotten how to write in English too. This was just not his day. By the time they had gotten to the cave he was furious at that stupid spell. Next time he saw Klarion he was going to make sure he got a nice broken nose on his impish face!

The team followed him as he walked into the mission room and immediately got onto the computer. He started typing in commands until the stoic face of his mentor appeared on the screen. "What is it Robin?" he asked with no emotion.

Robin took in a deep breath. This was going to take a lot of explaining... "Ok deci echipa a fost într-o luptă împotriva Klarion și el a fost pe cale de a trage unele perioadă petrecută Zatanna, așa că am sărit în fața ei. Bine vraja trebuia sa faca Zatanna vorbi în limba ei acolo pentru a face ei în imposibilitatea de a vorbesc înapoi. De la prima mea limba română este asta eu sunt blocat în." (Ok so the team was in a fight against Klarion and he was about to shoot some spell at Zatanna so i jumped in front of her. Well the spell was supposed to make Zatanna talk in her native language there for making her unable to speak backwards. Since my first language is Romanian that is what I'm stuck in.) He finally finished his rant and looked back to Batman who was just blinking dumbly. That was never a good sign...

"So long story short..." he started "Pretty much your saying that Klarion cast a spell on you forcing you to speak in your native language, Romanian?" Robin nodded. Batman frowned "That could be a problem..."

Robin face palmed "Crezi?!" (You think?!)

Batman sighed "Well the good news is that Klarion's spells are rarely permanent so I'm sure it can be reversed. The bad news is that I'm currently on an off world mission with the League so I won't be able to get there until next week..."

"Ce?!" (What?!) Robin yelled.

Batman sighed again "To make matters worse Agent A is visiting his niece in London so you'll have to stay at the cave until I get back."

Robin beat his head on the desk "E oficial ... universul mă urăște ..." (It's official the univers hates me...)

Batman tried to give him a reassuring smile "I'm sure it's not that bad..."

Robin glared at him "Cum ar trebui să vorbească cu ei ?!" (How am I supposed to talk to them?!" he said gesturing to the team.

Batman shrugged "Why don't you call Barbara in as your translator?"

Robin raised an eyebrow "Serios?! Ea poate conta abia la zece în limba română să nu mai vorbim vorbească fluent suficient pentru a traduce!" (Seriously?! She can barely count to ten in Romanian let alone speak it fluently enough to translate!)

Batman smirked (Which frankly unnerved the team) "You could always use Google Translate..."

Robin groaned "Fin să-l sun Barbara!" (Fine I'll call Barbara!) he muttered and turned off the link. He then pushed a few other buttons till a girl with red hair appeared on the screen.

"Hey Pixie Boots!" she greeted cheerfully. He just groaned at the old nick name. "What's up?"

"Am nevoie să vină la peșteră" (I need you to come to the cave) he told her.

She frowned "Um D... I know you've been giving me Romanian lessons but I'm not really that fluent in it yet so how bout we just talk in English."

Robin face palmed "Nu pot vorbi limba engleză chiar acum voi explica atunci când vei ajunge la pestera." (I can't speak English right now I'll explain when you get to the cave.)

She tapped her finger on her chin thinking "Well I'm just going to take a wild guess that the first thing you said was that you couldn't speak English..." Robin nodded his head vigorously. "Ok then I have two options for the second thing that you said..." his face fell. This couldn't be good. "Ok you either said that you bought me a pet spider monkey..."

Robin beat his head on the desk "Sunt condamnați" (I'm doomed)

She smirked "Or... you said that you couldn't speak English and you would tell me what happened when I got to the cave."

Robin jumped up "Da!" (Yes!)

Barbara smiled "Well just give me a second. I'm at your house already so I'll be right there. Agent A asked me to water the plants."

Robin frowned "Dar el mi-a cerut să uda plantele!" (But he asked me to water the plants!)

Barbara smirked "And did you remember to water the plants?"

He looked down at his feet "Nici eu nu-mi amintesc să uda plantele..." (No I did not remember to water the plants...)

"And that is Agent A asked me to water the plants." She said still smirking.

Robin turned off the link and the entire team waited in silence. A few minutes the Zeta tube announced the arrival of Barbara Gordon. Robin quickly jumped out of his chair and ran to the Zeta tubes. Barbara stepped out of the bright light and Robin smiled "Hei Babs!" (Hey Babs!) he greeted.

She smiled back "Sup Pixie boots!"

Robin groaned "Nu vei lăsa să meargă așa?" (You're never going to let that go ar you?)

She smirked "Nope! Now why is it you can't speak English again? Cuz I really am not that good at Romanian."

Robin sighed "poveste lungă scurt, am fost lovit de către una dintre vrăji Klarion și Batman nu va fi din nou pentru încă o săptămână și a spus că ar putea veni să fie traducător meu." (Long story short I got hit by one of Klarion's spells and Batman won't be back for another week and he said you could come over to be my translator.)

Barbara nodded "I think I got most of that... so are you going to introduce me?" she said gesturing to the team who were staring at them.

(A/N - Hey guys hope you liked it! :) Stay whelmed and feel the aster! Just a warning I might not be able to update next week. The band is going on tour and I play the trombone :) I'll to update but no promises :) Thanks!)

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