Chapter 12

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(A/N – this story is dedicated to @Blue_Jay704 :) Thanks for the idea!)

"Batman duck!" Robin yelled. Batman looked over at him right as he pushed him out of the way of an oncoming laser blast. He quickly got up and punched the joker in the face effectively knocking him out. he then ran to his fallen bird.

"Dickie? Speak to me. Are you ok?!" Bruce asked worried.

Dick started to sit up then looked distantly at Bruce. "Bruce why is it so dark?"

He furrowed his eyebrows "Dickie there are plenty of lights on."

"Bruce quit messing with me clearly its dark!" Dick tried to say with humor.

"Dick?" Bruce asked weakly.

A tear dripped down his face "B-Bruce... I-I think I'm blind..."

~time skip~

"Two weeks?!" Dick cried throwing his arms in the air. "I can't be blind for two weeks what about the team?!"

Bruce sighed "I'm sorry Dick but Leslie said that it wouldn't wear off for at least another two weeks."

Dick huffed and crossed his arms. He tried to angrily sit on the couch but accidently missed. Bruce quickly went to him and helped him sit down. Dick sighed angrily "How am I supposed to go on that mission tonight then?!"

Bruce reached into his pocket "Leslie gave me these. A pack of contacts, sunglasses, and a mask. These will somewhat let you be able to see while in your current... condition."

He sighed and took them from him "Alright."

~time skip~

Is it really too much to ask for a single mission to go right for ounce?! That's what everyone was thinking as all but Kid Flash and Robin hung over a pit of acid. Because you can't be a real villain unless you just happen to have a pit of acid lying around. I mean who doesn't?! I digress... KF and Robin had managed to evade capture but not completely unharmed.

Wally was limping and Robin at least had a broken wrist. But he could tell Wally about that later there was something more important he had to deal with.

"KF my mask fell off in the fight can you run back to the ship and get my glasses." Dick asked holding an arm over his eyes.

He assumed Wally nodded "Sure thing!" he felt the air speed past him.

No less than a minute later did Wally return. "Dude I found something better than your glasses! I found a spare mask!" he quickly shoved it into Dick's hand.

Dick took it and placed it on his face. He sighed "Wally I needed my glasses-"he was quickly cut off by an explosion from a nearby building.

Wally grabbed him by the wrist "We gotta hurry and save the others!" Before he knew it Robin was being dragged along at super speed.

~time skip~

Wally came to a halt in the warehouse as Robin caught his breath. "Look who finally showed up!" a crazed voice rang through the room. Robin tried to locate it but soon enough it came from in front of him. Robin stiffened; he couldn't fight the Joker like this!

"I'll go help the others and let you handle Joker!" Wally said.

"KF wait!" but he was already gone.

The Joker smiled "Looks like it's just you and me kido!" Dick heard something like a knife blade opening. "I've always wanted to carve this bird..."

~time skip~

Wally had rescued the team and they had all come back to help Robin. only they hadn't been prepared for what they saw. Robin wasn't doing to ho and the Joker clearly had the upper hand. Robin was in vain trying to throw bird-a-rangs at him but he kept missing. Robin never misses!!! All the while Joker kept hitting him with a crowbar... that he just so happens to have laying around... it's probably best not to ask.

Robin was a bloody mess as he collapsed in front of the Joker. He lifted up his crowbar for one more final strike before the team stopped him. They were able to capture him rather quick so they could tend to their fallen teammate. Connor picked him up into his arms as they raced off to the bioship.

It was at that moment that Conner really saw Robin for who he was... a boy... he was the youngest of all of them. Yet he was the most experienced! He had been doing this since he was nine. What could cause a nine year old to wish this kind of life upon themselves?

~time skip~

The team hadn't been able to contact Batman so that must have meant he was under radio silence. That meant they had to take care of Robin's injuries themselves. If they were to say it had been a fun process then they would have been lying through their teeth.

The first thing they did was take off his shirt and that had been a horror of its own. It wasn't so much the wounds he had received that night, but the previous ones. His tiny form was riddled with scars varying from knife wounds to gun shots. But worst of all were the more 'creative' ones... On his chest in large letters the word 'Joker' was written. A '?' took up part of his stomach and the rest was filed by 'J+HQ'. Other marks were left by different villains. To say the least the team was horrified. They numbly stitched up his fresh wounds and waited for him to wake up.

~time skip~

Robin slowly started to wake up as a migraine priced his head. He clutched his skull in pain as a soft groan escaped his lips. That had been enough to catch the team's attention. They rushed over to the bed. Artemis winced as she was able to feel his boney spine as she helped him sit up. He really should eat more.

"Are you feeling better?" Megan asked worriedly.

He nodded as the pain started to dull "Nothing I can't handle." He looked unseeingly around the room. "Is Wally here?"

Wally frowned "Dude I'm right here!"

Dick nodded "Can you go get my glasses from the bioship?"

Wally frowned a bit "Ok..." he sped off and quickly returned with them in his hand. "Here you go!" Dick reached out to where he thought they were but was proven wrong. Wally had to move his hand until it was right next to Dick's.

Dick held his arm over his face and quickly placed his mask with the special sunglasses. He sighed in relief at sight "That's better..."

"What's better?" Zatanna asked.

Dick leaned back against his pillow and made himself more comfortable "Well I can see now... Didn't Batman tell you I'm going to be blind for the next two weeks?" the team all gapped at him "I'll take that as a no then..."

"What happened?" Kaldur asked curious.

Dick waved him off "It's no big deal. But Batman had these and a mask made for me so I could see so no harm done."

"Robin..." The question had to be asked. Artemis decided to get it over with "How did you get so many scars?"

Robin stared at her unmoving as if he was calculating his answer. "It comes with the job." He finally answered "It's no big deal really." He looked down at his communicator "Looks like I've gotta go Riddler's on a rampage." He quickly got out of bed and pulled on a hoodie. He then headed off for the Batcave.

~time skip~

As Dick walked into the Batcave he gingerly rubbed his wrist. At least they hadn't seen those scars...

(A/N - Hey guys hope you liked this chapter! :) Stay whelmed and feel the aster!)

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