Chapter 15

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(A/N – This story is dedicated to @MADHATR1ANDONLY :) thanks for the idea!)

"No I can't go like this!!!" He thrashed and yelled but it was no use.

"Dick you have to go to the cave!" Bruce tried to throw him into the Zeta Tube but he kept squirming.

"Wally will laugh at me!" He tried to make a brake for it but Bruce just held tighter.

"Dick all teens have their fare share of acne! Now get going!" Bruce through him into the Zeta Tube and he was on his way.

Robin came tumbling out of the Zeta Tube and just lied there. "Maybe they didn't hear me..."

"Robin!" He looked up and saw Zatanna smiling at him.

He sighed "Hey Z."

She smiled at him her eyes drifting to the red dot on his nose for only a second. She grabbed his arm "We were just about to pick out a movie to watch come help us pick!"

When they walked into the sitting room everyone looked over at him. Wally was about to say something before Artemis slapped a hand over his mouth. "Robin why don't you pick the movie..."

He looked at her for a second then shrugged "Um... how bout... Ghostbusters?"

"Oh I can't wait for the third one to come out!" Zatanna cheered "We should watch them both so that we can all go see the movie together!"

Artemis smiled "I like the way you think Z. It'll be fun when we can all go together!"

They put the movie in and everyone sat while the comedy played on the screen. It got a little tricky when the humans had to explain some of the more explicit language in the film to the aliens and Atlantian. Other than that though the rest of the night went well. Robin said goodbye to the team then went home.

Bruce was standing by the Zeta Tube when Dick walked through. "Told you they wouldn't say anything."

Dick looked over at him "How do you know they didn't?"

He shrugged "I was watching the security camera."

"Why?" Dick questioned.

Bruce smirked "So in case they did say anything I could smack them into the next timeline!"

Dick sighed "Of course..."

Alfred just smiled at the pair.

(A/N - Sorry it took so long for me to update! And also sorry this chapter kinda stinks. I have one more request then the final chapter! :) Ya! Stay whelmed and feel the aster!)

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