Chapter 8 (Part 2)

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"Hey Rob!" Wally greeted as soon as Dick walked in. Dick nodded his head at him in greeting. Wally smiled at the gesture "So what do you want to do today?" Dick just shrugged. He refused to talk today.

Wally thought for a second "How bout we watch a movie with the rest of the team?" Robin smiled and nodded his approval.

The pair walked into the TV room with the rest of the team. "Hi Robin!"They all greeted. He decided to just wave.

"So what movie should we watch?" Megan asked.

"Robin why don't you pick." Artemis piped in.

Dick gave a weak smile and just waved her off. She raised an eyebrow "Robin are you feeling alright? You haven't said anything since you got here."

He smiled and just shrugged. Artemis was about to push the subject before Wally cut in "He's fine 'Mis! Hey let's have a Star Wars marathon!"

"That's sounds fun! Which way should we watch them though?" Zatanna asked.

"Hmm my parents and I always start with four then loop back around. Robin how does your family watch it?" Wally asked smirking.

Dick sighed he wouldn't be able to get around this would he?! "Yhou whon't lhet this go whill yhou?"

The team looked at him puzzled "Why are you talking so strangely my friend?" Kaldur asked worried.

"The ohther dhay bathman and I where fhighting the Jhoker and he hit me in the theeth whith a crowhbar. Sho I have tho where a retainer." Robin said with a lisp.

"Poor Robin..." Zatanna said sadly "Does it hurt too much? I can get you some ice if you want?"

Robin blushed a little "I'm ohk Zhee. Thanks." She blushed too. Robin turned back to Wally "Mhy Unthcle althways shaid you should sthart with the prequels then gho bhack tho the ohroginals."

Wally nodded "Sounds good to me!" he then jumped up and put the disk into the player. Not once did anyone make fun of Robin for his teeth.

(A/N - here now you guys have the second part! :) see I was nice I could've waited to update on Friday but I didn't! :) I'm nice like that. well stay whelmed and feel the aster! Slight warning the next one is going to be kinda sad. :( no character death or anything but it's a special anaversay for our favorite little bird:( YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! :) Bye!)

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