Chapter 2

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(A/N – this chapter is dedicated to EvesPaper! :) Thanks for the idea!)

After Batman left Robin walked over to the Zeta Tube and went to the bat cave. Alfred waited for him in the entrance. "Hello Master Robin. May I take your cape?" without a word to the butler Robin threw his cape to him and made a bee line for the training room. He had some anger that he needed to vent.

~time skip~

Batman walked broodingly into the bat cave soon to be met by the sound of panting. He walked over to the training room and the noise got louder. When inside he saw Robin practicing expertly placed kicks onto a punching back. He then ran up to the trapeze and did a series of elegant flips. Batman just watched in awe. It had been a long time since he had just watched his little bird perform.

Then Robin started to mutter to himself and Batman couldn't help but listen in. "I'm so stupid!" he yelled at himself and flipped down off the trapeze. "What kind of idiot is stupid enough to not check to see if they're not allergic to what they're eating?!" he punched a concrete wall as hard as he could effectively leaving a dent. Not to mention breaking his hand.

He growled in pain as he held his hurt hand to his chest "Idiot!" he yelled again.

He was about to kick the wall until he was stopped by a voice coming from the doorway. "Dick..." he saw Bruce standing in the door with his cowl pulled down. He saw that his face was filled with worry and he quickly tried to hide his hand.

Bruce gave him a sad smile and walked over to him gently taking the hand out from behind his back. He tenderly ran his own larger hand across the break of the smaller. Dick let out a slight yelp of pain when Bruce put pressure on the bone. "I'm sorry." Bruce muttered and withdrew his hand.

"It's ok it doesn't hurt to bad..." Robin stared.

Bruce shook his head. "That's not what I mean..." he held his hand up to Robin's cheek and tenderly drew circles across the pale skin. The boy just stood there and took in the gentle touch of his father figure. "I'm sorry about earlier. I was too hard on you. Are you ok? Did you take any more of your allergy medicine?"He asked wordily.

Robin smiled up at him "Ya I took some about three hours ago."

Bruce nodded "Sounds like you're due for a little more then." Bruce and Dick exited the room and headed for the kitchen after Bruce had changed from his uniform. Dick had already changed. Once in the kitchen Bruce picked Dick up under his arms and set him on the counter.

Due to the fact that both Bruce and Alfred were very tall when the kitchen had been renovated they bought very tall counters. And it didn't help that Dick was as all of his family very short. He maxed out at the small height of 4'8 only barley meeting Bruce's waist. It's not that with a little work Dick couldn't get onto the counter. But when he literally couldn't see over the top he much preferred it when Bruce picked him up.

Bruce shuffled around in the cabinet until he came back with a bottle of green liquid and a spoon. He walked over to Dick and pored some of the medicine onto the spoon. "Open." Dick smelled the liquid on the spoon and quickly gagged. He shook his head vigorously and Bruce just sighed "Dick if you don't take your medicine I'll... I'll..." he stopped to think of a punishment then smirked evilly. "If you don't take the medicine I'll take away trapeze privileges for a whole month."

Dick gasped "You wouldn't!" to late did he realize his mistake. Bruce quickly shoved the spoon into his mouth and he had no choice but to swallow. Dick started gagging while Bruce just smirked. "Ugh! You could have at least gotten the Cherry flavor! I hate Green Apple!"

Bruce smirked even more "Aw. You poor baby. Now let me see your hand." Dick held his hand out his hand to Bruce and let the man slowly wrap his hand and gauze. After a few minutes he was finally finished. "There. How's that?"

Dick examined his hand and nodded "Thanks Bruce."

He smiled "No problem old chum." He said ruffling his hair making Dick laugh. "I wanted to apologize for earlier. When Wally said that out had had an allergic reaction I didn't want you to come on the mission with me. So I thought you would much rather me do something like that then let the team think you couldn't handle a mission."

Dick smiled "I knew that's what you were doing. I'm just sorry that I did something so stupid as to even get into that situation." A tear fell from his eye and Bruce quickly wrapped his fragile frame in his own strong arms.

"Under no circumstance will you ever call yourself stupid again you hear me?!" Bruce chided. "You are an extremely bright boy who I am so proud to call my son."

Dick looked up at him confused "Son?" he asked in a whisper.

Bruce smiled "Well I was going to show you at dinner but I guess now is as good a time as any." He reached into a drawer of the counter and handed any envelope to Dick.

He rose an eyebrow then continued to open the letter and read it out loud. "On behalf of the Gotham County Courts Mr. Wayne we are responding to your previous request to adopt your ward Richard Grayson as your son. We are happy to grant your request and as of now you are now his adoptive father..." Dick's voice had started to crack as tears started streaming down his face.

Bruce shifted his feet awkwardly "I don't have to if you don't want. And you can of course keep your name. And you know if..." he started to trail off.

Dick kept staring down at the paper "Richard John Grayson Wayne... I think it has a nice ring to it..." to Bruce's shock he wrapped him in the tightest hug his frail arms could muster. "I love you dad..." he said as tears of joy fell onto the man's shoulder.

Bruce smiled and returned the hug "I love you too... son..."

(A/N - ok so I changed my mind since the last Author's note. This will actually be a story that continues so like in the next chapters Robin might reference his adoption. so it might seem a little far fetched that so many things are wrong with him all in one story but ya know... I like it that way :) so I hope you liked this chapter the base idea was from EvesPaper although I did make a few modifications. so long story short this will be a continuing storyline and I'll probably update on Saturdays. Stay whelmed and feel the aster!)

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