Chapter Five

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💗Lizzie's Pov💗

Joey and I are going to the park with Wolf and Storm.

When we got there, we saw 20 other dogs. We let Storm and Wolf play with the other dogs while Joey and I sit down.

Storm came up to me and put a stick on the ground in front of me. Joey looked over and smiled. I picked up the stick, and threw it somewhere. I watch as Storm runs in the same direction. He found the stick and brought it back. I hugged Storm. He's so adorable. I threw the stick again, and again, and again. I was tired so Joey started playing with Storm. Storm, fell a couple times on the way to the stick.

Joey got tired too. He threw one last time before falling on the bench beside me. He laced his hand through mine and kissed it. We both lean in and we were about to kiss, until I heard a filmilier voice. I looked over and saw Caspar and Zoe walking. I didn't want Zoe to see Joey. I said the only thing I could think.

"Umm, how about we finish this at home?" I said, attempting to be flirty. Joeys face light up.

"O-okay." He said. He called for Wolf and Storm. They both came running to us. We put their leashes on and started walking away.

"JOEY!" We heard Zoe call. I closed my eyes. Joey, looked back at Zoe. I could tears in his eyes. Before I could say anything, Zoe jumped on Joey and started making out with him. I felt my heart sink into my stomach. Joey dropped Wolfs leash, Wolf ran into the woods. I know how much Joey cares for Wolf. I took one glance at Joey, who was in shock, before running and calling after Wolf.

Storm was running with me. I ran into the woods. I couldn't see Wolf anywhere. I called Wolfs name multiple times. I fell on my knees and put my head in my hands. Storm snuggled up beside me.

"Storm, go find Wolf! Go!" I say. Storm runs in a completely different direction from where I was. I followed him. Storm started barking. I walked up to Storm. I saw Wolf in a bear trap. I screamed. I didn't know how to get him out. I kneeled down beside Wolf.

"Hey, it's okay, Wolf. You're okay. I'll get you out." I said. I petted Wolf as I struggled to undo the trap. It finally let go of Wolf. But Wolf didn't move. I looked at the cut he had from the trap. It was deep. I somehow managed to pick Wolf up. He squealed in pain. I carried him out of the woods. I walked home.

When I got home, I placed Wolf on the couch. I knew how to fix cuts and stuff like that. I grabbed a bandage, and wrapped Wolfs foot. He cried in pain, but stopped after a minute or two.

I sighed wondering where Joey is. He's probably still sucking Zoe's face off. That thought, brought tears to my eyes.

I heard the front door open.

"Lizzie?" I heard Joeys voice say. I didn't respond. He called my name again. I bit my lip. I felt a tear run down my face. I hear him walk into the living room. I pushed myself against the side of the couch. Joey runs over to me. I push him away.

"Lizzie, I'm sorry. I don't know what happened. I was just shocked. I didn't know what was happening." Joey said holding my hand.

"I-I. I n-need." I tried to say I need you, but all that came out was stutter. I start breathing hard and I start to sweat. Joey pulled me into his chest. "J-Joey, please, please d-don't le-leave m-me." I managed to say.

"I'm not going anywhere." Joey said then kissed me.

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