Chapter 6

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*Megan POV*
I wake up at 7 in the morning and get out of bed. I go to the room Luke is staying in and jump on him.
"Megan" he whines
"Luke, Megan! Get your lazy butts down here" Caleb yells
"I would if Luke would get up" I yell
Luke stands up and I hop on his back. He goes downstairs and we meet Caleb and Kelsey in the living room.
"Ok we're opening these gifts here then we're going to Alan's for breakfast and to open gifts with everyone else" Caleb says
I hop off Luke's back and sit on the ground. Luke sits next to me and I lean my head on his shoulder.
"Ok Megan you can open a gift first" Kelsey says
Luke gives me his gift and I open it. It's a heart locket with an M on it. I open it up and it's a picture of us four older kids then a picture of me, Casey, and Nicole.
"Thank you so much Lukey" I say
"No problem Meggy" he says
*Nicole POV*
I wake up around 8 and go downstairs. Chad and Fallon are already awake.
"Do you want some hot chocolate before we open presents" Chad asks
"Sure thanks" I say
"No problem" he says
Fallon gives me a mug of hot chocolate and we sit in the living room. We talk for a little bit the. When we're all done drinking our morning breakfast we start opening presents.
"You can go first Nicole" Chad says
"No you can" I say
"No you can" he says
"Chad just open a present" I say
"Nicole just open a present" he says
"Chadwick Matthew Graham" I say
"Allison Nicole Jones" he says
"How did you know" I ask
"I have my ways" he says
"Will someone just open a present" Fallon says
"Chadwick open the one right in front of you" I say
He picks it up with a sigh and opens it.
"What is it" Fallon asks
"Nicole got me a Star Wars shirt that has Darth Vader and says: 'come to the dark side we have bacon' it's very interesting" he says
"Ok then. Go ahead and open a gift Nicole" Fallon says
*Alan POV*
Brycie and I are waken up in the morning by three little girls jumping on the bed.
"Come on mommy and daddy Santa came" Presley says
"Ok we're coming. Go ahead downstairs. We'll be there soon" I say
They run downstairs and I lay back down.
"Come in baby you have to get up" Brycie says
"Do I have to" I whine
"Yes Alan" she says
I get up and we go downstairs. Rowe runs to me and I put her on my shoulders. We walk into the living room and see the girls watching Sofia the First. I grab the remote and turn the tv off.
"Ok who's opening the first present" I ask
"You are daddy" AJ says
"Me ok which one" I ask
Presley gives me a gift and I unwrap it. It's a picture frame of the three girls in one picture. Me and Brycie in another then us five in another.
"Why thank you girls" I say
"Ok my turn" AJ says
"Woah missy I'm pretty sure we agreed that daddy would open his gift then Rowe would go" Brycie says
"Ok" AJ pouts
Rowe gets a gift and tears the wrapping paper off. It's a stuffed puppy.
"Puppy" she says
"Yeah. What does a puppy say" I ask
"Woof" she says
"Good job baby. Go ahead Presley and open a gift" Brycie says
*Joey POV*
I'm woken up around five to crying. I get out of bed and going to the pack n play. I pick Jason up and he lays his head on my shoulder.
"Are you daddy" he asks
"Do you want me to" I ask
I feel him nod his head against my shoulder.
"Ok then I will be" I say
"Daddy" he says
"Yes Jason" I ask
"I hungry" he says
"Do you want something to eat" I ask
"Yes" he says
"Magic word" I say
"Please" he says
I go downstairs and to the kitchen. I find some goldfish and put them in a bowl. I go out to to the living room and sit down. He starts eating the goldfish.
"What's with all the presents" he asks
"They're for you and you're siblings" I say
"Dada can we open them now" he asks
"We have to wait for you brother and sister to wake up" I say
"No open now" he says
"We have to wait" I say
"No now" he cries
I go upstairs to my room and find his pacifier. I put it in his mouth and he quiets down. I go to Tyler's room and he's awake.
"Hey we're going to open presents" I say
"Ok" he says
He goes downstairs and I go to Casey's room. She's still asleep.
"Do you want to wake your sister up" I ask
"Yes" he cheers
I take the nimmy from him and place him on the bed he goes over to her and pokes her arm for a bit.
"Wake sissy I want pwesents" Jason says
Casey sits up and rubs her eyes.
I grab Jason and we go downstairs. I grab a present for Jason and give it to him. He unwraps it and it's a stuffed lion. Casey unwraps a gift and sees that it's a picture of her and the other two girls in a frame.
"Thanks Joey" she says
"Your welcome" I say
*Megan POV*
We finish opening presents and my laptop starts to ring.
"Luke Kyle and John want to face time" I say
"Ok I'm coming" he says
I open my laptop and accept the call. Their faces appear and I'm so happy.
M-Merry Christmas
J&k-Merry Christmas!
J-where's Luke
L-right here
K-hey sis hey bro. We can't talk long because they need us but we just wanted to say hi
M-I miss you guys
J-we miss you too
L-how's it going
K-it's good
J-we have to go
M-ok love you
L-be safe
We hang up and Luke wipes my tears away.
"Are you two ready to head over to Alan's" Caleb asks
"Yeah" I say
"You okay Megan" Caleb asks
"Yeah I just miss Kyle and John" I say
"It'll be okay" Caleb says
Luke walks over to me and gives me a hug then tazers my side making we squeal. I tackle him and we continue wrestling.
"Calisia Megan Jackson and Lucas Cody Jackson stop it so we can go to Alan's" Caleb says
"Ugh don't use my first name" I whine
"I like the name Calisia" Kelsey says
"Thanks but I never thought it went with Megan as a middle name" I say
"Our parents are really bad at picking middle names" Luke says
"Lets just go" Caleb says
We get in the car and Caleb drives to Alan's. We get there and go inside. The first thing I see is Joey walking around bouncing Jason in his hip and Alan's girls running around.
"What happened here" I ask
"Well you see Chad and them got here then Joey and them got here then you guys." Alan says
"Thanks for pointing out the obvious" I say
"Lets just say my little brother woke Joey up at 5 an Joey has had about 4 or 5 cups of coffee" Casey says
"That's why I can't sit still" Joey says
"Ok you need to calm down" Caleb says
"I can't" Joey says
"Alan can you please get the girls to settle down" Brycie asks
"Ok girls, Joey, guys, and whoever else grab coats and shoes we're going on a walk" Alan says
Everyone gets their shoes on and we go outside.
"Meg" Jason says
"Hey J" I say
He reaches out to me and Joey hands him over.
*Nicole POV*
I walk over to Joey and tap him on the shoulder.
"Yes" he asks
"Want to race" I ask
"To where" he says
"I don't know" I say
"Ok there's a park right down the street maybe a mile away we'll race there just let someone know first" he says
"Alan Joey and I are racing to the park and only Joey and I" I say
"Ok but be careful" he says
"Chad be the starter" I say
"On your mark... Get set... Go" Chad says
Joey and I take off running. I get in front of him but then he passes me. We get to the paprika and Joey looks at his watch.
"It took us 7 minutes to get here" he says
"You timed us" I ask
"Yeah. You should do cross country. You'd be good at it" he says
"I don't know" I say
"It'd give you a chance to make more friends" he says
"Joey I have other friends then Megan and Casey. I'm not like Megan and only have two friends." I say
"Sorry" he says
"No it's fine. I'm the one who should be sorry" I say
"What for talking about Megan saying that she's alone? I wouldn't be saying sorry to me. I would say sorry to your friend who is climbing up the tree" he says
"Ugh" I sigh
"What" he asks
"She climbed up the tree because she knows I can't climb" I say
*Joey POV*
I go over to the tree and look up.
"Megan who has Jason" I ask
"Alan" she says
"Why aren't you with the others" I ask
"I wanted to catch up to you guys. And I'm not talking about what just happened until someone climbs up here and I'm not getting down until someone comes up here" she says
I walk back over to Nicole and we talk while we wait for the others. The other get here and I go over to Chad. I explain all that happened to him.
"Will you go up there" I ask
"Why not you" he asks
"Dada" Jason says
"That's why" I say
"He's calling you dad already" Chad asks
"He's only two he doesn't really remember his parents" I say
"Ok fine I'll go up there" Chad says
*Chad POV*
I walk over to the tree Joey said Megan was in and climb it. I sit on a branch near hers.
"Nicole didn't mean it the way she said it" I say
"Yes she did. She was say I was a nobody for only having two friends" Megan says
"What is the reason that you only have two friends" I ask
"I'm shy when it comes to meeting new people. I get quiet and I sort of zone out" she says
"You see it's not that you're a nobody it's just that your two personalities are very different. Nicole is more rambunctious and outspoken. Casey is crazy, somewhat responsible, and caring. You you're a mixture of a whole lot of characteristics. You're smart, shy, quiet, mature, a little crazy, you say little and usually when you do speak it's something very wise" I say
"So I'm a mixture of you four guys" she asks
"If you want to put it that way" I say
"I do" she says
"Come on let's go join everyone else mom pretty sure breakfast will be ready soon" I say
We climb down and join the others.
"Ok is all the drama done for the day" Alan asks
"Yes" Megan and Nicole say
"Good now lets go back for breakfast" Caleb says
We start walking back and I feel someone jump on my back.
"Really Megan" I ask
"Yes" she says
We get back to Alan's and go inside.
"Great your back. Breakfast just finished" Kelsey says
"Hold on wait Joe you never introduced the two extra kids to us" Fallon says
"Oh right" Joey says, "I'm holding Jason he's two and standing next to Luke is Tyler. He's 16. They're Casey's siblings and my second cousins. I'm now their legal guardian"
"Ok now we can go to the dining room" Brycie says
We go to the dining room.
*Joey POV*
I go to place Jason in a seat but he clings to me.
"Sit with you" he says
"We have to eat. What about sitting next to me" I ask
"No" he says
"Alright" I sigh
I sit down with Jason in my lap.
*Nicole POV*
Once everyone is seated Alan prays. Once he's done praying we start eating. I look around the table and see everyone has family here but me.
"Are you okay" Chad whispers
"Yeah" I say
"I know your not" he says
"Then why did you ask if I was ok" I ask
"So I wasn't rude" he says
"It's just everyone has family here except me" I say
"Why don't you go call your family and wish them Merry Christmas" he says
"Ok" I say
I get up from the table and go out front. I sit on the porch and call my mom. (M-her mom, D- her dad, J-11 year old sister Jessica, B- 18 year old brother Brian)
M-hey Nicole
N-hey momma is everyone else there
M-yeah hold on I'll put it on speaker
B-hey brat
N-hey dimwit
D-hey sweetheart
N-hi daddy
B-are you having fun
N-yeah. I just found out that Megan and Casey are both moving out here to Nashville
M-I'm sorry to hear that
N-it's fine. It just gives you a reason to let me come out here often
N-oh Merry Christmas
D,M,J,B- Merry Christmas
M-sweetheart we have to go and meet your grandparents for brunch but we miss and love you
N-it's fine love you too bye
B-stay out of trouble brat
N-get smarter dimwit
J-say hi to Joey for me
N-ooh does sassy have a crush
N-yeah right but I'll tell him
D-love you
I hang up and laugh to myself then go inside. I return to the table and everyone finishes breakfast. The ladies do the dishes while we all go to the living room.
"Oh Joey my sister says hi" I say
"Oh does little Jessica have a crush on Joey" Casey says
"Awww how adorable" Megan says
"What about us" Chad asks
"Eh she thinks you three are weird" I say
"I would say harsh but it's the truth" Caleb says
"Ok everyone time to exchange gifts. Everyone find somewhere to sit" Brycie says
"How about we start with the youngest" Kelsey says
"Ok Jason you're first" Casey says
Joey helps him unwrap his two presents. Then Rowe, Presley, and AJ go.
"Ok who's next" Fallon asks
"Casey, then Nicole, then me" Megan says
Casey opens up her couple gifts, then me, then Nicole. After a few hours everyone is done opening their gifts.
"Ok we're done" Alan says
"Not quite" Megan says
*Megan POV*
I go over to my backpack that I brought and grab my backpack.
"Us girls have a few gifts for you four guys" Nicole says
"Why don't you hook the laptop up to Apple TV" Brycie says
"Ok" I say
I get everything set up then play the first one.
"It's our rendition of love you like the movies and we have a music video" Casey says
At the end of the movie the guys start laughing. I forgot how we ended the video.
"That was wonderful. Who did the high note" Alan asks
"Well you see here Megan is a tech wiz and took the part of Chad singing and inserted it into our video" Nicole says
"Ok Megan play the next video. We took bits and pieces of your live streams and Megan put them together in a video" Casey says
I play the video and we watch it.
"Chad you should've taken the hat off when you were wearing the wig" I say
"I missed that dang it" Alan says
"What you haven't seen it yet" Casey asks
"No I saw a little bit but I then had to do something so turned it off and forgot to watch the rest" Alan says
The video ends and Casey and Nicole scroll through the videos.
"How many videos do you three have" Joey asks
"A lot. We make one or two each time we sleep over at someones house" I say
"Wow. Alan maybe we should have her set up our live streams and edit out videos so we don't have to pretend we know what we're doing anymore" Chad says
Alan chucks a pillow at Chad and Chad throws it back.
"Daddy no throwing things in the house" AJ says
"Ooh Alan you just got told by an eight year old" Joey says
"Ok Alan the ladies and I are taking the three little ones to Chad and Fallon's to start working on dinner" Brycie says
"Ok" he says
"Joe do you want us to take Jason with us" Fallon asks
"Jason do you want to go with them" Joey asks
"No dada" Jason says
"No I think he wants to stick with me" Joey says
"Ok" Fallon says
They all leave and I turn Apple TV off.
*Alan POV*
"Alan we're bored" Casey says
"Let play Mario kart" Tyler says
"Yes" Caleb says
"Ok whoever wants to play Mario kart go down to the basement to play" I say
Everyone but me, Megan, Joey, Jason, and Chad go down stairs.
"Alan is there somewhere I can put Jason so he can sleep" Joey asks
"Yeah. You can go put him up in Rowe's bed" I say
He goes upstairs and Chad takes his seat.
"What are you doing Megan" Chad asks
"Well last time the girls slept over we did a video but I never got to edit it so I'm doing it now" she says
I move so I'm sitting on the other side of her.
"What was the video" I ask
"We were fooling around and that's what I'm looking for came on so we danced to that then shake it off" she says
"Play it" Joey says from behind the couch
"When did you come down" Chad asks
"About a few minutes ago" Joey says
"Do you want to sit here" Megan asks
"Nah I'm good because if I sit there I'll be placed in a head lock" Joey says
"I can do it to Megan too" Chad says
He put her in a head lock and I look over at him.
"Chadwick let go" I say
"But I need to put someone in a head lock" he says
"I finished editing it" Megan says
Chad lets go of her.
"Here Joe sit down" Megan says
She stands up and I slide over. Joey sits down and Megan hands me her lap top. I press play and we watch the video.
"You should put these up on youtube" I say
"They're awesome" Joey says
"Ok Alan you seriously need her to do our videos" Chad says
"Well I won't have these videos anymore because it's a school computer" She says
"Download them onto a flash drive" I say
"I don't have one" she says
Joey gets up and goes outside. He comes back a few minutes later and throws something to Megan.
"Joey isn't this yours" she asks
"I was going to return it" Joey says
I give her her lap top back an she sits in the floor. She puts the flash drive in and does her magic. A little after she's done everyone comes up and Caleb looks a little mad.
"Ok who beat Caleb" Chad asks
"Tyler and Luke" Caleb says
"See this is why I don't play Mario kart because Luke always wins" Megan says
"Actually sis Ty beat me" Luke says
"And me" Caleb grumbles
"Oh boy I feel bad for Kelsey." Joey says
"Why" Caleb asks
"Caleb when ever you lose at Mario kart you play it a lot for the next whole week" I say
"You want to prove that you have your mojo back while you're in your dojo" Chad says
"Chad actually rhymed. I think the world is coming to an end" Joey says
"Oh hush it I can rhyme when I feel like I have the time or I'll just swing it" Chad says
"Ooh rhyme battle between Chad and Joey" Caleb says
*Chad POV*
Stupid rhymes.
"Caleb was playing Mario kart losing just broke his heart" Joey says
"Caleb is a dork especially while using a fork. I know my poem is stupid but look there goes Cupid" I say
"Why am I rhyming with Chad? it makes me really sad. Caleb is my short buddy. Alan is a fuddie duddie" Joey says
"Rhyming is so lame. Who can I blame? my mind is running wild with all the ideas being piled. They're up high all the way to the sky. Why am I still doing this? won't you tell me dear miss" I say
"Alright that's enough Chad wins the English hater wins. Pathetic Joey just pathetic" Caleb says
"Good thing were done that was not fun. Look what you did rhyming get rid I can never stop and Caleb killed the crop" I say
"Ok Joe go grab the duct tape" Alan says
Joey leaves then comes back. He hands something to Alan and next thing you know I can't talk.
*Casey POV*
I feel my phone buzz and look at it.
K- tell the guys to knock it off
C-how do you know they're fooling around
K-we left them alone
K- dinner will be ready soon so tell them that it's time to come
C-will do
I put my phone in my pocket and look at the girls. They were looking at my phone too. We look at the guys and star laughing.
"What so funny" Alan asks
"Chad is trying to get untied from the chair and the duck tape off" Nicole says
Megan grabs her phone and takes a picture. She puts her phone away and just smiles.
"Ok boys time to leave. Dinners almost ready" I say
"Ok" they say
I go upstairs and to Presley's room. I pick Jason up and he slowly wakes up.
"C" he whispers
"Hey J. Are you hungry" I ask
"Yes. Where dada" he asks
"Downstairs. Lets go eat" I say
He nods his head and lays his head on my shoulder. I go downstairs and join the others. Jason reaches his arms out to Joey and Joey takes him from my arms.
"Alright lets go eat" Alan says
"Wait we need to take three vehicles" Chad says
"Alright Chad, Nicole, and Alan in Chad's car. Joey, Casey, Jason, and Tyler are in Joey's car. Caleb, my sister and me in Caleb's" Luke says
We all agree and go outside. I quickly get in shotgun before Tyler and lock my door. Then I buckle up. The other three get in and Joey starts the car.
We get to Chad's and go inside.
"Great everyone's here. Chad pray then we can go to the dining room and eat" Fallon says
Chad prays and we go to the table. Megan sit between me and Nicole and we all start eating. Megan grabs her phone and shows it to Fallon. Fallon then passes it around.
"Hey why did you take that picture" Chad whines
"So I can share the story that goes with it because I'm sure someone wants to hear the story" Megan says
"Ok with that picture there has to be a good story. Share it" Fallon says
"Ok who should share it" Nicole asks
"Who knows it the best and will share it" Kelsey asks
"Casey" Megan says
"Ok so some of us were playing Mario kart when Luke and Tyler beat Caleb by a little bit. We went upstairs and Caleb was mad. As Chad was making fun of Caleb he rhymed in the process. Joey then made fun of him and Caleb announced a rhyme battle between Chad and Joey. After it ended Chad wouldn't stop rhyming so Alan had Joey get duct tape. Joey came back with duct tape and rope and well you saw in the picture what happened" I say
"Woah Caleb actually said Chad won something that has to do with English" Kelsey says
"Yes yes I did" Caleb says
"We're all oh so proud of you Mario" Joey says
"Oh just be quiet" Caleb says
We finish eating an hang out for a bit.
"Who am I staying with? Alan or Joey" I ask
"Who do you want to stay with right now" Joey asks
"Alan" I say
"Then Alan it is" he says
We all say bye to Chad, Fallon, and Nicole then go our separate ways. We get back to the Powell's and I go upstairs to bed. I fall asleep quickly.

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