Chapter 30

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(1 year later)
*Caleb POV*
I wake up the next morning to my phone ringing.
H-hello is this Caleb Grimm
C-yes this is he
H-I'm calling to inform you that Lucas Cody Grimm has woken up from his coma and you are able to visit
C-ok thank you
I hang up and put my phone down. I lay back down and roll over.
"What was the phone call about Caleb" Kelsey groans
"Luke woke up" I mumble
"That's great. Call Chad and tell him to meet you there" Kelsey says
"It's only 6:30 in the morning" I say
"Owen and Nick probably woke him up at 5" Kelsey says
"Ok I'm going" I say
I get out of bed and get dressed. I go downstairs and while the coffee is getting made I call Chad.
Ch-hey dude
Ca-hey I got a call that Luke is awake and we get to visit him
Ch-ok. I'll meet you there with his siblings
Ca-ok bye
I hang up and grab my coffee then go out to my car. I get in and drive towards the hospital.
*Chad POV*
I go upstairs with Nick and Owen to their room and get them dressed. I go back downstairs I set them down in front of the tv. I text Liam telling him to come over then go up to Megan's room. I go in and over to the bed.
"Megan wake up. We have to go somewhere" I say
"Go away Chad" she says
"Michelle is making fun of your brothers" I say
She shoots right up and gets out of bed.
"Chad" she whines
"Luke woke up. We're going to go hospital to see him so get ready" I say
I leave her room and go downstairs. I get down there and see Nick on Liam shoulders and Liam holding Owen on his hip.
"Woah talent" I laugh
"Yeah yeah so why am I over here" Liam asks
"Your twin is awake" I say
"Who's awake daddy" Nick asks
"Luke" I say taking him off of Liam's shoulders.
"Yeah" Nick cheers
"Why Nicky happy" Owen yawns
"We're going to see your brother" I say
"Luke" Owen asks
"Yep" I say
After a few minutes Megan comes down.
"Do you want breakfast" I ask
"Ugh no not really" she says
"Ok we're stopping somewhere to get doughnuts on the way" I say
"Chad" she whines
"No no arguing." I say
"I want doughnut" Owen and Nick cheer
"Alright let's all head out" I say
"I'm gonna drive separately" Liam says
"Alright" I say
Megan takes Owen from Liam and we go to my car. We get the little ones in then get in. I start the car and go to Dunkin. We get doughnuts and then head to the hospital. We get there, get the boys out, then go inside. We go up to Luke's room and Caleb and Liam are standing outside.
"Hey Caleb" Megan says
"Hey Meg" Caleb says
We go in and Luke is laying there looking at the tv.
"Really bro isn't that show for little kids" Megan says
"Haha there's nothing else on" Luke says
"How are you feeling bro" Liam asks
"Sore" Luke says
"Hey Luke" Caleb says
"Hey Caleb and Chad" Luke says
"Hey" I say
I hand Nick over to Liam and Caleb and I walk out.
*Megan POV*
I go over to the bed and set Owen down beside Luke. Liam sets Nick down on the other side.
"I missed you" I say
"I missed you guys to" he says
"Why did it happen" I ask
"I don't know. I think I was stressed or something" Luke says
"Lukey I wove you" Owen squeals
"I love you too Owen. Now what about you Nicky" Luke asks
"I missed you. Meggy didn't play ninjas with me" Nick pouts
"Well what should we do about that" Luke asks
"Destroy her" Owen yells
"Hey why do you want to destroy me? I'm your only sister" I say
"No we have Casey or Nicole" Nick says
"Their out girlfriends" Liam says
"When did Casey become your girlfriend" Luke asks
"Last year" I say
"How's Nicole" Luke asks
"Ok. She missed you though" I say
"Yeah how about you. Are you ok" Luke asks
"Yep. We saw great grandpa last year. He's doing swell. And I broke your high score in Mario Kart" I say
"No how dare you" Luke says
"Yep and you're never beating mine" I say
"How" he asks
"I might've found a few ways to hack the system. Just don't tell Caleb" I say
"Megan that's evil" Luke laughs
"No it's not. I was just bored. The others were all doing something and I was stuck with Grimm shady and he was making lunch so it just looked like the perfect time to do it" I say
"What we're the others doing" he asks
"Planning a sweet 16 for me." I say
"Oh so you just did it last month" Luke says
"Yep and Caleb hasn't played Mario Kart recently so he hasn't realized" I say
"You are cruel" Liam says
"I'm gonna go call or text the others and tell them to come so you can see them" I say
"Ok sis" Luke says
I get up from the chair and go out to the hall.
"You ok" Caleb asks
"Yeah. Just need to think about things" I say
"Let's go on a walk" Caleb says
"Ok" I say
We go outside and start walking.
"I have to text the others" I say
"Chad and I already did" Caleb says
He takes his phone out and shows me a picture. It's a picture of me and my siblings with Luke all laughing.
"I like it" I say
"That's the first real smile I saw from you in awhile" Caleb says
"I've been smiling" I say
"Those were fake" he says
"Caleb how sad was I" I ask
"You weren't that sad. I could tell you missed him and some days were harder then others. But you were good about forgetting it and surrounding yourself with family and friends" he says
"Caleb you guys aren't friends. You guys are family. I really have considered you guys family since I heard your music. It helped me so much" I say
"Good because we think of you girls as family too" he says
"The whole anthem family is together again" I smile
"Yeah it is kiddo" Caleb says
"Caleb stop calling me kiddo" I whine
"Fine would you rather darling, love, sweetheart" he asks
"Those are my nick names from Chad, Joey, and Alan" I say
"Then I'm calling you kiddo" he says
"Fine" I groan
"Hey so do you by any chance know what happened to my Mario Kart game? All the scores have been erased" Caleb says
I look at him then take off running. I get to a park and climb a tree.
"What's with you and trees" Caleb asks climbing up
"I don't know. I've always loved them. As soon as I could walk and old enough John, Kyle and Luke taught me how to climb a tree" I say
"Now are you hiding something from me miss" he asks
"Oh nothing" I say
"Spill the information or I'm taking you captive" he says
"I'm sure Chad wouldn't mind you staying at my place forever" he says
"Ok ok I'll tell you just don't take me away from Chaddy" I squeal
"Spill it" he says
"Ok well you know when they were setting up my sweet 16 and I was stuck with you" I ask
"Yeah" he says
"Well I got bored while you were in the kitchen so me the computer genius hacked the game and messed with the scores and everything. I also did it because you never acknowledged my birthday till the party so I thought everyone forgot" I say
"Ugh you ruined the whole game. I was about to beat Luke's record" Caleb groans
"Luke had the high score? It took you a year to beat his high score?" I ask
"Sadly" Caleb says
I'm about to say something but my phone rings. Before I can answer it Caleb puts it on speaker.
Ch-yo Grimm shady is Megan there
Ca-I don't know. Who's asking
Ca-hmm I'm not sure if she's here or not
Ch-get your butts out of the tree and get back to the hospital. Oh and get chick fil a on the way back
M-how did you know we were in a tree
Ch-I know you really well
We hang up and get down and start walking to chick fil a.
"We should walk through the drive through" I say
"Yes." Caleb says
We go to the drive through and go up to the thing for ordering.
"Anthem lights original order plus an order of fries and a sandwich" Caleb says
"Alright next window" the person says
We walk to the next window and while we're waiting for the food we do a Twitter periscope. After 10 minutes we get the food and pay the walk out of the drive through and start walking back to the hospital. We get there and walk up to Luke's room. We go in and everyone is in there.
We pass out all the food and then Alan prays. As Alan finishes praying the door opens. We look up and see a doctor.
"Woah what a crowd" the doctor says
"Yeah we're quite a big family" Spencer laughs
"I can see how many of you are there" the doctor asks
"Uh 25 of us I think" Joey says
"Woah guys Joey can count"
Casey says
"It's a miracle" Nicole exclaims
"I'll get you two" Joey says
"Save me Lukey" Nicole says
"Liam he's gonna get me" Casey says
"Hey Tyler how's Hope" Jewel asks
"She's good." Tyler says
"Wait hope from Pennsylvania" Luke asks
"Yeah. She moved out here to Nashville and she's my girlfriend"
Tyler says
"Awe you have a girlfriend" Brian says
"She'll be here soon" Tyler says
The doctor looks up from what he's doing and just looks at all of us.
"Really big family" he says
"Oh yeah Hope is our cousin on our dads side" Brian says
"Brian do you have a girlfriend yet" Liam asks
"No but there is a girl I've been hanging out with" Brian says
"It's our second cousin Faith. I talk with her. All she talks about is you. You should ask her out" I say
"Ok smarty pants" Brian says
"She also hacked my Mario Kart game" Caleb grumbles
"Yes" everyone cheers
Caleb pulls out twenty dollars and gives it to me.
"Haha" I say
"Wait why is Caleb giving you money" Chad asks
"I told him everyone would be happy that I hacked the game. He doubted it so we made a bet of ten dollars. I then said we double the price if everyone has the same reaction at the same time" I say
The doctor finishes his stuff and walks to the door.
"You guys are a great family" he says
"Thanks" the ladies say
"Well now what do we do" Jess asks
"I don't know" Brycie says
"Well when does Luke get to leave" I ask
"Um in two days so Friday"  Chad says
"We have a concert that night" Joey says
"Uh who's going to pick him up since you guys have to be there around 2:30" I ask
"I can do it" Alan says
"Thanks big Al. You can then drop him off at the venue" Caleb says
"Ok no problem" Alan says
"Alright guys we should probably leave and give Luke a chance to rest" Fallon says
We all get up and start heading to the door.
"Bye Bub. I love you" I say
"Love you too" he yawns
We walk out and go outside.
"Chad can I sleep over at Nicole's" I ask
"No can do. We have to do some stuff at home." Chad saysh
"Ok" I sigh
we go to our vehicles and get in. Chad starts the car drives home. We get out and go inside. As I get inside Chad ties a blind fold over my eyes.
"Chadwick" I yell
"No yelling Megan" Chad says
"You need to get on my back" he says
He moves my hands to his shoulders and I jump on. He starts walking and I hear him going down stairs.
"Ok so you know how Fallon and I didn't give you your present for your 16th birthday yet" he asks
"Yeah" I say
He sets me on the ground and takes my blind fold off. In front of me was a movie room and a game room. Half was a movie room the other half was a game room and off to the side was a small kitchen.
"There's more follow me" Chad whispers
I follow him over to a bookshelf filled with all my favorite movies. That includes all the Disney movies. He goes over to Fantasia and pulls it the book shelf opens up to another room. We go in and Chad turns on the light. I front of me was a table, a few bean bag chairs, a drawers full of art stuff and a brand new laptop.
I look to the wall and see pictures all over them. Then a sign that says Megan's paradise.
"Thank you so much Chad" I say
"The guys helped too" he says
"Thank you I really like it" I say
I go over to him and hug him. We
end the hug and go back upstairs.
"Did you like it" Fallon asks
"Loved it. Thanks" I say
"No problem. It was all Chad's idea" she says
"Can Casey and Nicole sleepover" I ask
"They just slept over two days ago" Chad says
"Yeah but they've got to see downstairs" I say
"I guess that's fine." Chad says
"Dylan's coming to" I say walking away
"No he's not" Chad says
"Why not" I whine
"Because he came last time. I think it's time you hang with just Casey and Nicole" he says
"Ok" I sulk
I go upstairs to my room and grab my phone. I then send a text to the girls.
M-want to sleep over
C-Joey said I could
N-Spencer said I could
I put my phone in my pocket and go back downstairs. I go over to the couch and see Chad laying there. I go over and sit on him.
"Ugh Megan get off" he whines
"Fallon did you here about that new store going in downtown" I ask
"Oh yeah. You mean that store for tomboys and stuff" she asks
"Yep that one. When I went on my bike ride the other day I stopped in and there were really cool best friend sweatshirts and T shirts" I say
"Megan get yo butt off of me"
Chad says
"Do you hear something" Fallon asks
"Just a fly" I say
Fallon smacks the back of Chad's head.
"Got it" she says
A few minutes later Casey and Nicole walk in.
"Why are you sitting on Chad" Casey asks
I get up and face Chad.
"Fallon I found Chad." I say
"Chadwick Matthew Graham how dare you run away." Fallon says
"Haha you girls are so funny" Chad mumbles
"We are aren't we" I say
"You two better sleep with one eye open" he says
He goes upstairs and Fallon and I burst up laughing.
"Ok let's go downstairs" I say
"Why are we going to the basement" Nicole asks
"You'll see" I say
We go downstairs and before I turn the lights on I make the girls close their eyes. I turn the lights on and move out of the way.
"Open them" I say
They open them and just look around.
"Woah" Casey says
"Who did this" Nicole asks
"Chad and Fallon gave it to me as a 16th birthday present." I say
"This is amazing" Casey says
"There's more" I say
I pull back Fantasia and we walk in.
"Why did Chad choose Fantasia" Nicole asks
"I hate that movie" I say
"This is awesome" Nicole says
"Welcome to Megan's paradise" I say
We walk out and run over to the couches. We sit down and put on a movie. By our sixth movie I end up drifting off to sleep.
HAPPY 4th of JULY!!
In honor of 4th of July watch anthem lights America medley. It's pretty awesome. I've already listened to it more than 10 time probably. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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