Chapter 26

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(3 days later)
*Luke POV*
We've been here for three days and the only ones Megan talks to are me and sometimes Liam. Most of the time she's in her room. I really don't like seeing her upset.
"Is she still in her room" Liam asks
"Yeah. I'm going to call Chad and see if he can talk to her" I say
"Ok. Then we can go out for ice cream or something" he says
"Alright" I say
He walks to his room and I pull my phone out. I go to my contacts and call Chad. He picks up after two rings.
C-hey Luke what's up
L-she's still not coming out of her room. And if she does she always looks so sad. Our dad isn't even home most times
C-let me talk to her
I go into Megan's room and hand her my phone. She takes it and I walk out.
*Megan POV*
I take the phone from Luke and hold it to my ear.
C-Megan why are you sad
M-because I don't want to be here. I want to be there with you guys
C-are you eating
M-a little
C-Megan no more being in your room and you have to eat. I talked with the judge and since Liam is 18 he can move and live in America. Now please enjoy your time there
C-no buts.
C-good love you
M-love you too
I hang up and get up. I leave my room and go to Luke's. I knock on the door and he opens it. I hand him his phone and he hugs me. We go over to Liam's door and before we knock he opens it.
"Wanna go for ice cream" he asks
"Sure" I say
We go outside and start walking I jump on Liam's back and he tries to get me off.
"It's not gonna work bro. I grew up with brothers. Remember" I say
"Luke get her off" Liam whines
"Sorry no can do big bro" Luke says
We get to an ice cream parlor and I hop off. We go in and get in line. Once we all get our ice cream and Liam pays we sit down.
"I could've paid" Luke says
"Oh well my treat" Liam says
"Oh Liam the judge said that since you're 18 you can move to America if you want. I don't want to stay here. I want to be in Tennessee with my friends" I say
"Of course I want to be with you guys. I'll definitely move out there. I already have a job out there." Liam says
"What" Luke asks
"I'm in an A Capella group" Liam says
"Cool" I say
"Megan and I and are brothers and friends live with band members" Luke says
"Wow" Liam says
We finish our ice cream throw our trash out and continued walking around town. Once it started getting dark we went back to the house. We got in and my dad is eating.
"Is there anything for us" Liam asks
"Oh no I forgot" he says
I go outside and grab my phone out. I call Chad and he soon picks up.
C-what's wrong Megan
M-do you want to know why I'm not eating
M-well I wasn't really hungry but even if I was my dad has only been making dinner for himself not us
C-I'll talk with the judge. You guys can probably come home tonight. So get your bags packed incase. I found out that Liam only took some of his stuff to Australia
M-alright thanks Chad
I go back inside and upstairs to Liam's room where my brothers are.
"Chad is going to talk to the judge and try to get us to come home tonight so pack bags just in case. Liam do you have a house there" I ask
"I was given Grandma's house" Liam says
"Ok. That's only two houses down from Chad's" I say
"Great" Liam says
Luke's about to say something when my phone rings. I answer and put it on speaker.
M-hey Chad you're on speaker
C-ok so I talked with the judge and she said that you guys definitely shouldn't stay there. You three have a plane that leaves in an hour
Li-thank you Chad
M-thank you. We'll see you soon. Will someone be there to pick us up
C-yeah someone will
I hang up and look at my brothers. I hug them real quick then go to my room. I quickly pack my bags and carry them downstairs. Once we're all ready we get in Liam's truck and he drives to the airport. We go inside and wait for our plane. We board and find our seats. Once the plane lands we get off and go to baggage claim. We grab our luggage and go outside.
*Chad POV*
(After talking with Megan)
"Fallon I'm going somewhere with the guys" I say
"Ok" she says
I go to my car and drive to the studio. I hop in the band van and drive to Caleb's. I get out and go in.
"Caleb let's go we're going somewhere" I say
He gets up and we go to the van. I send Spencer and Joey a text then go to Joey's house. Him and Casey come out and get in the van. Then we go to Nicole's. Her and Spencer come out and get in. Spencer and Joey tie a blind fold over Casey and Nicole's eyes.
"What's the big idea" Casey asks
"You'll see shortly" I say
I start driving and send a text to the guys.
Ch-Megan, Luke, and Liam are coming back we're going to pick them up
J-yeah my besties are coming home
Ca-I find that hurtful. But cool
S- awesome. Another friend
"Chad no texting while driving" Casey says
"And before you ask we can hear the text notifications. You four have different ones" Nicole says
"Ok ok" I say
I put my phone down and continue driving. I get to the airport and park a little close.
"Can we take these off yet" Casey asks
"No. Joey, Caleb, and I need to go do something. Spencer will stay here with you two." I say
Us three guys get out and walk towards the entrance. As we get there Megan, Luke, and Liam walk out. Megan drops her bags and runs to me.
"I missed you" she says
"It was only four days" I laugh
"But I was on the other side of the world" she says
"I missed you too" I say
"Ok we better get back in the van. There are some crazy girls in there" Caleb says
"Those are my friends you're talking about" Megan says
"He was talking about Spencer too" Joey says
Joey grabs Megan's bags and she hops on my back.
"Why did I have to come" Caleb asks
"What you don't want to see me" Megan asks
She hops off my back and jumps on his.
"Aww look Caleb is finally good for something" Joey says
"Hush it" Caleb says
"Now now boys I think you know better than not to fight when Megan is around" Luke says
"Who gave you a crown and made you king" Joey sasses
"Sass queen alert" Liam says we get to the van and we put their stuff in the back then they get in. Megan and Luke go in back with the girls and Liam sits with Spencer and Joey. Once us guys, Liam, and Luke have earplugs in I give Megan the ok sign. She hits the girls shoulders.
"Ow" Nicole says
"Spencer did you have to hit us" Casey says
"It wasn't Spencer" Luke says
"It was me" Megan says
The girls take their blind folds off and start screaming. Even with the earplugs we have to cover our ears.
"Okay. Glad everyone is reacquainted. Can we go home now? I would really love some dinner" Luke yells
The girls shut up and look at Megan and Luke.
"You didn't eat dinner" Casey asks
"It was night time there Casey when they left. About 7pm. It has been 20 hours or more since they've eaten. It's now only getting to be 5 am here the next day. 8 pm there" Joey says
"Woah someone's smart" Nicole says
"Ok ok enough talking. We'll go for food" I say
I pull out of the parking lot and start driving.
"Can we go for pizza" Liam asks
"Ooh Chad can we go to that pizzeria by your house" Joey asks
"Fine" I say
We get to the pizzeria and go inside. We take a seat and wait.
"Hello what can I get you all to drink" the waiter asks
"Um 3 cokes, 2 lemonades, 2 sprites, a root beer and a dr. Pepper" I say
"Alright" rob, our waiter says
He walks off and they all just look at me.
"What" I ask
"How" Spencer asks
"We've been here plenty of times that I remember your drinks." I say
"Chad Graham anthem lights and family plus 1 how are y'all doing" Ms. Suzy asks
"Good Suzy what about you" Joey says
"I'm doin fine Joseph thanks for asking" she says
"Ms. Suzy this is mine and Luke's older brother Liam" Megan says
"I though you only had two other brothers and they both died in the war" Suzy asks
"This was sort of a secret brother. We just found out about him" Luke says
"Well all right then. Welcome to the anthem lights family. It's a wild one" Suzy says
"Ms. Suzy I always wanted to know where you grew up. You have a very southern accent" Casey says
"Texas" Suzy says
"That makes sense" Casey says
"Would you guys like your three usual pizzas" Suzy asks
"Of course" I say
"Please and thank you" Caleb says
Ms. Suzy walks off and we start talking again.
"What are your usuals" Liam asks
"Cheese less, meat lovers, and half cheese half Hawaiian" Luke says
"Good. I can't have cheese" Liam says
"Woohoo Chad and I aren't alone. Well I'm not alone." Joey cheers
"Calm down" Casey scolds
"I don't have to listen to you. You have to listen to me" Joey sasses
"Woah sass queen alert" Megan says
"Yeah but you listen to Jewel and I have her on speed dial" Casey says
"Ooh" we all say
Our food comes out and Spencer prays before we start eating. He finishes praying and we start eating.
"Alright so Liam is living in the house two houses down. Luke do you want to live with him now even though you're in college so you can be closer to your siblings" Caleb asks
"Um I don't know. I guess I will go stay with Liam" Luke says
"Luke you don't have to go. Kelsey and I really like you living at our house. I was just giving you a choice" Caleb says
"Can I think about it" Luke asks
"Of course" Caleb says
We finish eating and we all get up. Us guys race to the counter and I get there first.
"Ok Robby how much" I ask
"No charge. They were already taken care of" he says
"Suzy" I yell
"What is it Chadwick" she asks
"Did you pay for our pizzas" I ask
"Me do that for you no" she says
"Suzy" I say
"Think of it as a gift. For the anthem family being complete" she says
"Thank you" I say
She walks away and then Caleb, Spencer, and Joey each hand me $10. I also pull out $10 and give it to Rob.
"Here's a tip. Don't tell Suzy we gave you on" I say
He takes it and we all walk out. We get in the van and everyone finds a seat.
"Ok now what" Casey asks
"I think we should get Megan to bed. She's asleep" Luke says
"Ok. I'll drop everyone off at where they live" I say
Once everyone is dropped off but Liam and Megan I head to the studio. I park the van and get out. I go over to the side door of the van and pick Megan up. Liam gets out and we go to my car. I place Megan in the back and then get in the front.
"Chad do you mind if I hang at your house for a bit to spend some time with my little brothers" Liam asks
"Go ahead. I don't really care" I say
We get there and I get Megan out and we go inside. I go straight upstairs to Megan's room and put her to bed. I go back downstairs and join Liam at the kitchen table.
"what time do they usually wake up at" Liam asks
"Fallon wakes up whenever. Then we let your brothers sleep until 11:30 if they sleep that long. Sometimes they do sometimes they don't." I say
"Ok" he says
"Is something bothering you" I ask
"Uh just a little frustrated with my parents" he says
"Don't worry Megan and Luke have been frustrated and angry at them for a while" I say
"I just don't get it" he says
"What don't you get" I ask
"That they would hide me from them and then from me. I did online school and was able to do college online at age 16 and finish in 2 years. I barely know my siblings and everything is just downhill from there" he says
"Yeah but look where you are at now. You're living near them. Your mom is in jail for almost ever. Your dad is across the world and can never raise you five again. Plus you live super close to three of your siblings and close to the fourth but he will be in college so you have to look for the silver lining of things." I say
*Kelsey POV*
I wake up and just as I'm about to go downstairs I hear crying and talking. I go over to Luke's door and knock.
"Come in Kels" Caleb says
I walk in and first thing I notice is that his room is destroyed. I go over and sit with them on the bed.
"What's going on" I ask
"Luke's venting" Caleb says
"Caleb that makes me sound like a female when you put it that way" Luke complains
"Fine. We are talking about his past, present, and future." Caleb says
"Ok" I say
"I just don't understand how my parents hide Liam but keep me. We're twins. They're suppose to keep us together. Then keep giving Megan away but keep Nick and Owen. Then our mom leaves our two younger siblings home alone and then abuses Megan. I don't see a purpose behind this" Luke says
"God has this happen for a reason. He cares about your whole family. He made all that bad stuff happen so good could come out of it." I say
"Gosh well why doesn't he protect us? He took away my older brothers. They were my best friends." Luke yells
"Luke calm down. God has his own reasons for doing this" Caleb says
"No Caleb I won't calm down. God has never been on my side he will never be on my side. How do I even know he's here. He's not trying to help me" Luke yells
He gets up and runs out of the room. We hear the front door close and his car starting.
"What do we do Caleb" I ask
"Pray and hope for the best" he says
We get up and go downstairs.
"What are we going to do about his room" I ask
"We'll deal with it later" he says
We sit down on the couch and watch Mulan.
*Luke POV*
I get in my car and drive off. I find this little bar and go in. I go to the counter and sit on a stool.
"Just keep the wine coolers coming" I say
I get three to start with I open one and start drinking. I keep drinking them till I'm at 6 of them. I get up and pay then make my way to my car. I get in and start driving. As I'm driving I see headlights then the world goes black.
*Caleb POV*
I'm just about to start making lunch for me and Kels when my phone goes off.
H-hello is this Caleb Grimm
C-yes who is this
H-this is the Nashville hospital. Do you know a Lucas Jackson Grimm
C-yes. I'm his legal guardian
H-he was in a car accident. He was drunk and hit a van.
C-ok I'll be there soon
I hang up and go to the living room.
"What's wrong" Kelsey asks
"Luke was drunk and hit someone. The hospital just called me" I say
"You better call Chad for him and the other four to go with you" she says
"You don't want to come" I ask
"I'm going to stay here and try to clean his room. I'll probably call Fallon and ask her to come with me.
"Ok" I say
I go outside and get in my car. Before I start it I send Chad a text.
Ca-meet me at the hospital with all of Luke's siblings
Ch-why what happened
Ca-he got drunk and hit a van. I don't what kind of condition he's in yet though
Ch-ok we'll meet you there
I put my phone down and start the car and pull out. I get to the hospital and go inside to the front desk.
"Lucas Cody Jackson" I ask
"He's in surgery at the moment" the lady says
I go to a chair and sit down. Twenty minutes later Chad, Liam, Megan run in with the other two in the arms. They come over and sit down.
"How is he" Megan asks
"Don't know. He was in surgery when I got here" I say
"I want to see him. I need to see him" Megan says
She breaks down crying and moves away from us to a corner.
"Do you know how this happened" Chad asks
"I was walking past his room when I hear a lot of banging. I went in and his room was trashed and he was crying. Kelsey and I were talking to him and he got mad at God and his parents. My guess is that he went to a bar, got drunk and tried driving home" I say
I look over at Liam and he looks at the ground. He mumbles something we can't hear.
"What" Chad asks
"It's all my fault" Liam says
"No it's not. Your parents separated you two. They separated all of you. They didn't let your siblings ever meet you" I say
"Actually once me and Luke turned 10 they said I could come out of that room but I didn't want to. I was too afraid" he says
Megan hears this and comes over.
"So it's all your fault. Well great. I met a new brother and he already is being blamed for something. I can't stand this anymore" Megan yells
She runs out and Chad runs out after her after handing Owen to me. Liam hands Nick to me and runs out as well but not after Megan.
"Where did Bubby and sissy go" Nick asks
"They had to go somewhere with your daddy." I say
"Ok. I love you Uncle Caleb" he says
"I love you too bud" I say
He says his head on my shoulder and falls asleep.
"Family of Lucas Jackson" a doctor says
I stand up with the two boys in my arms and go over.
"I'm his legal guardian and these are two of his siblings" I say
"Ok so he's in a coma and his heart failed twice in surgery but we revived him. If his heart fails one more time we probably won't be able to save him. We can't have any visitors today because we want to make sure he's stable but tomorrow definitely" the doctor says
I thank him then go outside. I get out there and Chad, Megan, and Liam are standing there.
"No visitors today. He's in a coma. And if his heart fails a third time they probably won't be able to revive him" I say
They nod and we go to the cars. Megan gets in mine and Liam gets in Chad's.
"Megan wants to sleep at your house" Chad says
"I'll talk with her tomorrow" I say
I pass the other two off to Chad and get in my car. I start it and drive to my house we get there and Megan and I watch Tarzan.

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