Chapter 44

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*Casey POV*
I wake up in the morning and go downstairs. I get down there and the kitchen it a mess.
"What the heck happened" I ask
"Mommy and daddy made a mess" Jason says
"Joey and Jewel were making breakfast and things got a little carried away" Tyler says
"Oh ok. Where are they" I ask
"Don't know but how about us three go out for breakfast" Tyler says
"Ok" I say
We go upstairs and get dressed then go out to Tyler's car. My phone rings and I answer it.
C-hey meg what up
M-my siblings and I are going out to breakfast. Do you guys want to join us? Nicole and her siblings are same with Dylan and his siblings.
C-sure where we going
M-Cracker barrel then since its Sunday we'll head to church and meet everyone there
I hang up and don't tell Tyler because I know he heard. We arrive at Cracker Barrel and go in. We get in there and discover we are the first ones there.
"Hello. Three" the waiter asks
"Um actually there's more of us coming so there are 21 of us. And we'll need two high chairs please" Tyler says
"Who are the other three people" I ask
"Hope, Faith, and Hope's little brother" Tyler says
"How old is he" Jason asks
"He's 8" Tyler says
A new friend" Jason says
The waiter comes back and shows us to a room that has just enough seats and many tables put together. We thank him and sit down. Soon later he comes back showing the others to the table.
"Hey Kyle and John" Tyler says
"Hey Ty" Kyle says
"Hey Hope hey Taylor" Tyler says
"Hi Tyler" Taylor, Hope's brother says
Everyone sits down and we order drinks.
"Have we decided if we're planning Spencer and Suzy's wedding or are they planning their own" Dylan asks
"I think us kids should. The adults/ parents don't need to know" Brian says
At that moment us three girls phones go off.
"Did anyone tell the guys where we're going" Nicole asks
"No" Liam says
Cal-where's Lucas
Ch-where are the kids
J-where are you
S-just tell me you weren't kidnapped
N-we were kidnapper by our brothers
Cas-we're at breakfast as siblings. All 21 of us
M-we're planning on meeting you all at church
Ch-why didn't you tell us where you were going
N-we forgot don't hate us
Cal-we could never hate you girls. At least three of us could never hate you
M-he doesn't hate us
Cas-alright bye guys we got to get back to breakfast
I put my phone away and the waiter comes back with our drinks.
"So Ali and Antonia do you like living with your big brother and my big brothers" Luke asks
"Maybe" Ali says
"Yes" Antonia says
Kyle and John glare at Ali and she just laughs.
"I feel like we're missing something Liam" Dylan says
"Me too" Liam says
"Spill it" they say
"I can't. I'm sworn to secrecy" John says
"No can do little bro" Kyle says
"Ali" Dylan asks
"Nope" Ali says
"I'll give you a brownie sundae when we get home" Liam says
"No" Ali says
"Alright guys stop torturing the poor child" I say
"Sissy can I have brownie sundae when I get home" Owen asks
"You mister have to ask dad that" megan says
"Awe" Nick whines
The food gets to the table and we start eating.
"No the best was when we were going to throw wood chips in Caleb's hair" Nicole says
"No cloud surfing" I say
"I enjoy wrestling" megan says
"Wanna wrestle later" Kyle and John ask her
"Of course I just don't want to hurt you" she says
"You won't hurt us" John says
"Alright. Today after church when we get together for lunch." Megan says
"Guys we need to hurry up and eat. Church starts in thirty minutes" Faith says
"Alright" Nicole says
We quickly finish eating then go out to the vehicles. We get in and head to church. We get there and go inside. We get in there and spot the others. We go over and join them taking up 2 or 3 pews.
"Where did you guys go for breakfast" Joey asks
"Wouldn't you like to know" I say
"Yes. Yes we would" Chad says
"Leave the girls alone" Kelsey says
"Yeah leave us alone" Megan says
"People's calm down. Church is going to be starting soon" Alan says
"Yes sir" Us girls say
"Yes dad" the guys say
"Good morning" the pastor says
"Morning" everyone says
"Alright so normally we have praise team or Anthem Lights do worship but this morning we've got a special treat. Please give a warm welcome to For King and Country" He says he walks off and For King and Country walk on. They do worship then walk off stage. After church us three girls go looking for them.
"Luke James and Joel David Smallbone please make yourselves present we are in need of talking to you" Megan yells
"Calisia Megan Graham no yelling" Nicole scolds
"You are not my mother Allison Nicole Kane" megan says
"Hello girls" we hear an Australian say
We turn and see Joel. we give him a hug and he laughs.
"Where's your brother at" I ask
"Don't know. He was just standing with me" Joel says
"Hi joely" we hear
We all jump and see Luke.
"Wow I got all four of you" Luke says
"Wow that's a new record" Joel mocks
"Do you mock my pain" Luke asks
"Life is pain highness. Anyone who says otherwise is selling something" Joel says
"Yes" Megan shouts
"You good there" Nicole asks
"They're princess bride fans as well. This is great" Megan says
"Alright. Calms down megan" I say
"There you girls are come on. We have to leave" Brian says walking over
"Where are we going" I ask
"Out to lunch" he says
We say goodbye to the brothers and follow Brian outside to where everyone else is.
"Where are we going for lunch" Nicole asks
"Think about it. Where do we go every single time when we're doing a family meal" Jess says
"Ok ok. Stop pounding me" Nicole says
I hop on Liam's back and he starts walking to his van.
"Alright so I'm guess all the teens are going together" Chad says
Once the others get in Liam starts the car. We arrive at the restaurant and there's already a table set for us.
"Pappy how did you know we were coming" I ask
"Suzy gave me a call and warned me. And I'm not sure how many tables you need so you might want to count and make sure" he says
"Thank you. and this time we are paying for lunch" Liam says 35
"No. I won't accept" he says
"Alright fine. But we would like to talk to you after lunch and the adults leave" Megan says
"Absolutely. Anything for my favorite customers" pappy says
We thank him and count the chairs. Surprisingly we have 35. Just right. And we have the three high chairs. Finally the others arrive and sit down. A couple minutes later our order comes out.
"Alright who's first this time" Chad asks
"Chad we've gotta pray first" Alan says
"Fine. Um let's see here. Which kid would like to pray" Chad asks
"I will" Ali says
Ali prays then we start eating and of course sharing stories.
"I'm first" I say
"No me" Jason says
"Nope. I am" Nicole says
"No me" Taylor says
"How about Taylor goes first then Jason then Casey. Then Nicole." Joey says
"Of course you choose Taylor and Jason to go first" I say
"Mr. Joey this is about you" Taylor says
"Taylor and I have the same story" Jason says
"Hope and Tyler we're going on a date and my parents weren't home so Mr. Joey and Jewel offered to watch me. Jason and I were playing together. We got hungry so we went downstairs to find Mr. Joey." Taylor says
"We couldn't find daddy or mommy but we heard music so we went out back. We got out there and daddy and mommy were sitting under a tree and daddy was singing to her and playing his guitar. We then went and attacked them" Jason says
"Oh yeah that did happen" Jewel says
"Aww Joey that's so sweet" Fallon says
"Yeah I can be pretty romantic. Just not when Chad's around because he always ruins it" Joey says
"You love me bro" Chad says
"No" Joey says
"Hurtful. Alan did you hear what he said to me" Chad says
"You deserved it" Alan says
"Alright. My turn" Nicole says
"Oh boy. It's about me isn't it" Spencer asks
"So us three girls and Faith and Hope decided to hang out a couple days ago. We went to the park and were just fooling around. Of course we started climbing trees. We got up there and we saw Spencer and Suzy in the distance. They were on a date. Hope pulled out her phone and called Spencer and put it on speaker. We ended up spying on them and made them fall into the pond." Nicole says
"Really Spence it happened again" Caleb asks
"What" Alan asks
"We all like to spy on Spencer and Suzy when they're on a date together. It's just a lot of fun to do" Joey says
"You all are mean" Spencer whines
"Get over it" Liam says
"My turn" I say
"No" megan says
"Yes" I say
"Why don't you want this story to be heard?" Chad asks
"Because it's about me and my two oldest brothers" megan whines
"It'll be alright baby girl" Dylan says
"Alright alright alright" megan says
"Casey just share the story" Brycie says
"Ok. So this happened today. After breakfast before we left for church megan wanted to wrestle John and Kyle. So, when we got to church they went away from the church so no one would start at them weirdly while they wrestled. Anyway they were wrestling and megan wrestled one at a time. She ended up losing both times." I say
"Haha" Chad says
"Babe calm down" Fallon says
"Awe how sweet" megan teases
"Watch it missy" Chad says
"I'm not afraid of you" megan says
"Ok our turn" Joey says
Him and Jewel stand up and look at all of us.
"Ok. We're expecting" Jewel says
"Congrats" we all say
Jason gets up and runs off.
"I'll go after him" Joey says
*Jason POV*
Mommy and daddy share their news then I run off. I run outside and find a tree and sit under it.
"Jason" I hear daddy say
"Go away" I say
"Come here bud. I want to talk to you" he says
"No" I say
All of a sudden I'm lifted in the air and set back down but this time on daddy's lap.
"Jason why did you run out" he asks
"Are you gonna give us up" I ask
"No. Why would we do that" he asks
"Because. We aren't your true children and now that you're going to have your own you won't want us anymore" I say
"Bud I'll always love you three. You'll always be family. I'm not getting rid of you three. You guys are stuck with me. Is that ok with you" he asks
"Absolutely" I say
We go inside and I run over to mommy and hug her.
"Sorry mommy for running out. I love you" I say
"I love you to buddy" she says
I go sit back down and we all continue eats big and sharing stories.
"Well this was fun but I should stay and help out here" Suzy says
"No suzy. You aren't working today" pappy says
"Ok. Thanks pappy." Suzy says
"Everyone ready to leave" Chad asks
"Us teens are riding together. We are going somewhere. Uncle Alan can you take my siblings with you" Dylan asks
Alan nods and the rest of us leave.
*Brian POV*
Once everyone else left us that we're left sat down and poppy and pappy came out and joined us.
"How can we help you 12" poppy asks
"Well you know how Suzy was proposed to by Spencer" I ask
"Yes" pappy says
"Well we sort of want to surprise them and set up a wedding for them but we want your families help. We don't want our family to know about it at all." John says
"Of course. We have this place that is very nice that you can have the reception at." poppy says
"And the wedding part can be at our church" Casey says
"Fantastic. And I know Suzy's mother wants her to wear her dress from out wedding" poppy says
"And Spencer already has a suit" Nicole says
We finalize all the other plans then leave. We get home and go inside.
"Spencer we're home" I yell
"Ok" he yells back
Nicole and I go to the living room and join Jess on the couch where she's watching Aladdin. After a couple movies Spencer calls us to dinner.
"Spencer what is this" Jess asks
"Swedish meatballs. You're telling me you've never had Swedish meatballs before" he says
"Never" I say
"Well then what are we waiting for. Nicole it's your turn to pray then we can eat." Spencer says
Nicole prays then we start eating.
"This is amazing. Thanks Spence" Nicole says
"No problem" Spencer says
"Oh yeah Spencer I need to talk with you after dinner" I say
"Alright. So where did you guys go after lunch" he asks
"We just stayed there and hung out" Nicole says
We finish eating and Nicole and Jess go to the living room to watch a movie. I close the door then sit back down. 
"What's up Brian" Spencer asks
"Ok so last week Tyler, Luke, Liam, and I were out looking at apartments. We each found separate apartments that we liked. Because of my job I was able to afford it and buy it. I'm gonna be moving out soon" I say
"And your reason for telling me" he asks
"How am I suppose to tell my sisters" I ask
"Just tell them. Yes they'll be upset but you are 22 you should be allowed to move out" Spencer says 
"Ok. I'll tell them tonight" I say
I go to the living room and turn the tv off then sit between my sisters.
"Girls I need to tell you something" I say
"Brian we aren't five anymore" Jess says
"Ok ok fine. I found an apartment the other day and bought it. I'm moving out in a couple of days. I'm also gonna propose to Faith tomorrow" I say
"Ok" they say
"You two are ok with it" I ask
"Yeah of course. Why wouldn't we" Nicole says
"No you're not" I say
"You're leaving us. Mom and dad left us. Who's next Spencer?" Jess asks
"Jessica your brother isn't going to be gone forever. You'll still see him. And you aren't going to lose me either" Spencer says
"Yes I am" Jess yells she gets up and goes over to the wall and starts hitting it. Nicole goes over and tries to stop her but gets kicked and punched multiple times. I grab Jess and take her outside.
"Jess you need to calm down. Breath Jess." I whisper
She starts breathing even heavier. I pick her up and run inside.
"Spencer I got to take her to the hospital" I panic
"Ok. But I'm gonna drive. I'm also going to have them check Nicole out too" Spencer says
We go to the van and get the girls in then us two get in. Spencer starts it and drives off when we arrive I hop out and get Jess out and go in.
"What's the problem with her" someone asks
"She has moderate high functioning autism and had an episode a few minutes ago. She wouldn't calm down and started hyperventilating " I say
Someone comes with a bed and I lay her down on it and they wheel her off. I go to the waiting room and a couple minutes later Spencer comes in carrying Nicole who is finally asleep. He goes up to the front desk and talks with the lady there for a bit then comes and sits down.
"They're gonna see Nicole in a bit" Spencer whispers
"Ok" I say
"Hey Brian everything is going to be okay" Spencer says
"Nicole Jones" we hear
"You go back with her" he says
He passes Nicole over to me and I follow the nurse back. We go into a room and I lay her down. I then explain what happened. She then checks Nicole out.
"Her left eye is pretty bruised and swollen. There isn't much we can do for it and then she has bruises on her stomach and a few cracked ribs." She says
"So she's gonna be fine" I ask
"Yep. And she doesn't need to stay over either. Are also related to Jessica Jones" the nurse asks
"Yes I am" I say
"Ok well she is asleep. We got her controlled and her breathing controlled. We are running tests now. She'll have to stay on bet night. There is an extra bed in her room if you want to lay your other sister down to sleep." She says
I thank her then find Jess' room. I go in there and Spencer is already in there. I lay Nicole down then sit in the other chair next to Spencer.
"Nicole is going to be fine" I say
"Ok. We should get some sleep it's about 2 in the morning" Spencer says.
I agree and get as comfortable as I can in the chairs then close my eyes and drift to sleep.

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