Chapter 28

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*Chad POV*
I wake up the next morning and go downstairs. I get down there and Megan is sitting at the kitchen table. I go to the table and sit across from her.
"Megan we have to go talk to the social worker today. She wants to see how you guys are liking it here" I say
"I'm not going" she says
"I'm sorry Megan but you have to. It's required. If you didn't have to I wouldn't make you" I say
"Are Nick and Owen coming too" she asks
"Yeah. They have to come this time too" I say
"Ok" she sighs
"What do you want for breakfast" I ask
"I'm not hungry" she mumbles
"Ok. I'm going to wake your brothers up and get them dressed. Go upstairs and get ready" I say
She goes upstairs and I follow up behind her. I go into the boys room and Nick is already dressed but has his shirt on backwards. He's now trying to get his shoes and socks on.
"Nick do you want help" I ask
"No daddy I got it" he says
I pick Owen out of his crib and change his diaper then get him dressed. I go downstairs with him and Megan is helping Nick finish up.
"Daddy I'm hungry" he says
"What do you want" I ask
"Granola bar" he says
"Ok. Owen wants some food" I ask
"No" Owen says
I grab a granola bar and hand it to Nick then we all head to the car. I get Owen in while Megan gets Nick in. Megan and I get in and I start the car. We get to the place and get out. We get to the door and Caleb, Joey, Spencer, and Alan are standing there.
"What are you guys doing here" I ask
"Well I figured you could use some backup for a certain someone" Caleb says
"Ok well the appointment or meeting starts in like five minutes" I say Spencer picks Nick up and we go inside. I talk to the front desk then sit down with everyone. Soon michelle comes out.
"Ok I'll talk with Megan first" michelle says
"I'm not letting you talk to her alone" I say
"Fine whoever is the least like family" michelle says
Spencer stands up and grabs Megan's hand. They walk off and follow michelle to her office.
*Megan POV*
We get back to the office and sit down.
"So slut how do you like it at Chad's" she asks
"I love it. As long as my brothers are happy I'm happy." I whisper
"Ok. Have there been any problems? I see that you left for a week" she says
"My dad came back but he wasn't feeding me and my two older brothers. So he can't see us ever again. I really do like living with Chad. I get to be with family and friends and those who aren't blood related family but act more like family then blood related ones do" I mumble
"Ok thank you slut that's all I needed to know. You can send in Chad and your brothers" she says
Spencer and I get up and leave.
"Chad she wants to talk with you and my brothers" I say
"Ok. You ok" he asks
"Yeah" I say fake smiling
He gets up and walks off with my brothers.
"Come on Megan. You me and Caleb are going on a walk" Joey says
I sigh but follow them outside. I hop on Joey's back and they start walking.
"What happened in there" Joey asks
"She called me a slut" I mumble
"How many times" Caleb asks
"2 or 3. It's not a big deal guys. I'm totally ok" I say
"Megan don't lie to us. We know your not ok" Joey says
"And that's fine" Caleb says
"I just don't like being a hindrance" I say
"How are you being a hindrance" Joey asks
"You guys are always worrying about me. You're always making sure I eat and sleep. I just feel bad because then the others aren't really getting attention" I say
"Megan I know most people say don't worry about yourself but you need to worry about yourself. We always ask the others if they're ok and stuff but they tell us to check on you. We love and care about you. That's why we help you. You deserve a great life after the one you've lived for so long." Caleb says
"Let us worry about you. Come to us with your problems. We want to help you. The wives and girlfriend want to help you. Go to them. They would be more then willing to take you out for the day and talk to you. Talk with Dylan. Talk with your siblings. Don't be afraid to ask for help. We're all broken we all need help" Joey says
"Ok. You guys are right. Thank you for being older brothers to me" I say
"No problem my dear" Joey says
"did you eat at all today" Caleb asks
"No" I whisper
"Ok. What do you want to eat" Joey asks
"Nothing" I say
"Please Megan" Caleb pleads
"Come on kiddo you got to eat something" Joey says
"Ugh but I'm not hungry" I say
Joey starts to speed up till he's in a full out sprint Caleb is close behind us. Joey stops running and we're in front of a chick fil a.
"No" I say
"Yes" he says
"Come on Megan. You will eat something even if we have to force feed you" Caleb says
"Fine fries" I say
"And nuggets" Joey says
"Only fries" I say
"Only nuggets" Joey says
"Joey" I whine
"You need protein" Caleb says
"Ugh. Nuggets and fries" I mumble
Caleb goes up to order and Joey and I go to find seats I hop off of Joey's back and sit down. A minute later Caleb comes and sits down across from me. He passes out the food and Joey prays. Once he's done praying we start eating. I eat my nuggets and a couple of fries then push my food away.
"I'm full" I say
"Megan" Caleb says
"Ok. But you better eat a lot at dinner" Joey says
"How would you know if I did or not" I sass
"We have our ways" Caleb says
"Let me guess Caleb you and Kelsey are coming over for dinner" I ask
"Yep" Caleb says
"Oh joy" I say
We throw our trash out and go outside. I hop on Joey's back and we head back to the building. We get there and they're waiting outside.
"You good now" Chad asks
"Sort of" I say
"Ok. You can always come to me if you want to talk." He says
"I know" I say
"Daddy tired" nick whines
"Ok bubba. We're heading home" Chad says
We get in the vehicles and head home. We get back home and I take Owen out and go inside. 
"Megan the boys need to take their nap" Chad says
"Ok" I say
I lay Owen down to sleep in his room then go downstairs. As soon as I get downstairs there's a knock at the door. I go and open it and Liam is standing there.
"I should've guessed it was you" I say as he walks in.
"Why" he asks
"because the others don't knock. They just walk in" I say
"Oh well may I come in? I need to talk to you" he says
"About what" I ask
"Well about a friend or mine who's in a pickle of some sort" Liam says
I go outside and close the door behind me. We sit down on the porch steps.
"What's up" I ask
"So my friend has a sister that has many friends. My friend just so happens to like one of his sisters friends but the age difference is like 3 or 4 years. What does he do" he asks
"Well who's older" I ask
"The guys" he says
"Does the girl like the guys back" I ask
"He doesn't know" he says
"Just ask her if she would go out in a date and maybe do a double date at first then if it works out do a double date in your own and ask her thoughts on the age difference. Also ask the sister what she thinks about the age difference." I say
"Ok thanks sis" he says
He's about to stand up but I stop him.
"Huh" he asks
"Casey loves you too and I don't care about the age difference. Just promise me you won't hurt her" I say
"I promise and how did you know I was talking about me" Liam asks
"Lots of people have come to me about advice" I say
"Ok" he says
"Also ask Joey for permission before you ask her to be your girl friend" I say
"Ok I will thanks Megan. See ya later sis" he says
"Ok" I say
I go back inside and join Chad and Fallon on the couch.
"Who were you talking to outside" Fallon asks
"Liam" I say
"What did he want" Chad asks
"Girl advice. He likes Casey" I say
"Oh ok" Chad says
"Megan do you want dinner" Fallon asks
"No I'm good" I say
My phone rings and I answer it.
M-hey Dylan
D-hey Megan want to go on a double date with Casey and Liam
D-I'll be there to pick you up soon
M-can you bring your uncles mustang convertible
"Thank you" I say
I hang up and put my phone in my pocket.
"I'm going on a double date with Dylan, Casey, and Liam" I say
"Ooh let's go I got to do your hair and you need to change" Fallon says
"No" I whine
"Yes" she says
"Chad help me" I say
"Fallon let the poor girl go" Chad says
Fallon let's go of my hand and sits back down on the couch.
"Aw come on Chad let me do it" Fallon complains
I hear a horn and I look outside to see Dylan.
"Sorry Fallon. I've got to go" I say
"Ugh alright" she complains
I get up off the couch and pat Chad's head as I pass him and go outside. Dylan opens the passenger door for me and I get in.
"Thanks" I say
"No problem. You look gorgeous" he says
He starts the car and drives off.
"Where are we going" I ask
"Bowling" he says
"Awe come on I suck at it" I whine
"Oh it will be okay and Liam chose it" he laughs
"Ugh" I yell
"Woah calm down baby girl" he says
He pulls into the parking lot and we get out.
"I'm suppose to open the door for you" he says
"Too bad" I smirk
He looks at me and I take off running and he runs off after me. Soon I'm lifted up in the air.
"Dylan" I squeal
"Awe you guys are adorable" I hear Casey say
"Ugh you guys are here" I whine
"Come on sis you love me" Liam says
"Yeah I do" I say
Dylan sets me down and I go over to Liam.
"Ugh why are my brothers all so tall" I whine
"I'm only 6' 3 1/2" and Luke's 6'2". How tall are you Dylan" Liam says
"Um around 6'2" but come on Megan you're also tall your what only 7 inches shorter than me" Dylan says
"Yeah yeah yeah" I say
"You all are too tall. I'm just short" Casey says
"You're the perfect height" Liam says
"Awe" I say
Casey looks down and blush.
"Are we gonna stand outside or go inside and bowl" Dylan asks
"I'm terrible at bowling so I'm good with staying outside. I love it out here" I say
"You always loved the outdoors" Dylan says
"How would you know" I ask
"Um I've been best friends with Luke ever since we were in preschool. He was just a year ahead of me. You would always be playing outback or out front" Dylan says
"Oh" I say
Casey hops on my back and we all walk inside.
"Casey get off" I say
"No" she says
I feel someone take her off. I turn around and see Liam holding her.
We go over to the counter and get our shoes and lane. We go over to our lane and put out shoes on. Then we go and grab our bowling balls. We go back over to our lane and start bowling.
*Nicole POV*
I sit on my beanbag chair and grab my phone. I call Casey's phone and she doesn't answer. I then call Megan's and she doesn't either. I then call Joey.
J-hey Nicole what's up
N-hey Joey do you know where Megan and Casey are
J-they went on a double date. Liam and Dylan took them bowling
J-you ok there
N-yeah I'm fine bye Joe
J-see ya Ali
The line goes dead and I hang up. I put my phone in my pocket and think. I'm knocked out of thought when there's a knock at the door.
"Come in Spencer" I say
"Hey I'm going back to Indiana this weekend to see my mom and dad. Do you want to come with?" He asks
"No thank you" I say
"Ok well Brian wanted to come with to see my parents and Jess wants to meet them so I'll talk with Caleb and see if you can stay there" he says
"Ok" I say
"You ok" he asks
"Yeah" I say
He comes over and sits on the other bean bag chair.
"Alright what's the matter" he asks
"Nothing" I say
"Hmm that isn't true but I won't push. Just come downstairs if you want to talk. Dinner is ready by the way" he says
"I'm not hungry" I say
"Ok" he says
He gets up and leaves closing the door behind him.
*Jewel POV*
I just sit down on the couch when my phone beeps
S-hey girls do you mind coming over? Nicole is upset about something but won't talk to me
K-we'll take her somewhere and talk with her
J-I'll pick her up.
F-let's go to Finos
S-thank you
J-no problem spence
I put my phone away and go out to my car. I get in and drive to the Jones' house. I go up to the door and knock. A few seconds later Spencer opens it.
"Hey thanks for doing this" he says
"No problem" I say
I go upstairs and knock on Nicole's door.
"Go away" she says
"It's Jewel" I say
"Come in" she sighs
I go in and walk over to her.
"Come on" I say
"What" she asks
"Come on let's go" I say
"Where are we going" she asks
"Dinner with Kelsey and Fallon" I say
"I'm not hungry" she says
"At least come and sit with us and talk with us" I say
"Ok" she says
She stands up and we go downstairs.
"Bye Spence" I say
"Bye cous" Nicole says
"Bye girls" he says
We walk out the door and to my car. We get in and I start it. We get to Finos and go inside. We spot the other ladies and go over to them.
"Hey Nicole" Fallon says
"Hey" Nicole says
"How's the baby doing Kels" I ask
"Good it's kicking a lot more now and we find out the gender soon" Kelsey says
"I can't wait. You better tell me so we can go shopping" Fallon says
"Don't worry you'll find out" Kelsey says
A waited comes over and we order drinks.
"I went to see Luke today. He's doing a little better" Kelsey says
"That's good" I say
"Nicole sweetie are you okay" Fallon asks
"I miss Luke. I miss the way he would look at me. The way he would smile and his one simple would show even if it was small and barely visible. I miss him texting me every night and morning. I just miss him. Megan and Casey are able to hang out with their boyfriends and I'm stuck in the dust. I thought being here would let me be closer to my friends but it just drew us apart" she cries she gets up and runs out the door.
"This is bigger then we can change." I say
"Who's her favorite out of the boys" Kelsey asks
"I'm not sure. Call Brian and ask him" Fallon says
I pull my phone out and dial Brian then put it on speaker.
B-hey jewel what's up
J-the ladies and I are wondering who's your sisters favorites out of the band
B-probably Caleb and Joey. Sometimes Chad. Why? Is she okay?
J-she's ok. We'll let you know if she isn't
I hang up and the other two are already dialing. I call Joey and put it on speaker. Once all three of them answer and it's on speaker we start talking
K-can you guys go look for Nicole and talk with her.
Jo-yeah but what's wrong
Je-she ran out of Finos crying. We were talking to her and she really misses Luke
F-she was also talking about how her and the girls' friendship is done
Ca-yeah we'll talk with her
Ch-bye ladies
We hang up and order our food.
*Nicole POV*
I run out of the restaurant and to a park. I find a tree and sit down under it crying into my hands. Minutes later I hear noises. I look up to see Chad, Caleb, and Joey sitting beside me. I scooch over next to Joey and lay my head on his shoulder.
"I don't know what to do"  I say
"Well what's bothering you love" Joey asks
"I really really miss Luke" I say
"We all do." Caleb says
"It seems as if Megan and Casey don't" I say
"They do. Megan cries herself to sleep at night" Chad says
"Casey looks at pictures of him. She calls his phone just to hear his voice. The voice that has encouraged all you girls" Joey says
"Without Luke this messed up family isn't complete. You girls are different without him. You and Casey are a lot quieter and Megan is a lot more clingier." Caleb says
"Now what else is the matter" Chad asks
"Nothing" I mumble
"You sure" Caleb asks
"Yeah" I say
"Hmmm I don't believe you" Joey says
"How long do friendships last" I ask
"It depends on what happens during them. Alan and I have been friends since high school and are still friends." Chad says
"Why are you wondering kiddo" Caleb asks
"Because I feel like mine, Megan's, and Casey's friendship is falling apart" I say
"How? You and Casey are both dating one of her brothers" Joey says
"What" we all ask
"Oops no one is suppose to know but me" Joey says
"Spill it Joseph" I say
"I promised I wouldn't" Joey says
"Who did you promise" Caleb asks
"Liam" Joey mumbles
"Yeah" I squeal
"What" Chad asks
"Well when we first met Liam Casey kept on staring at him and telling me and Megan that he has a cute butt" I say
"Megan and me get it right you unappreciative people" Caleb grumbles
"Ok calm down there little Mario" I say
"I'm not little" Caleb says
"You're shorter than me and Chad" I say
"Whatever" Caleb says
"Nicole your friendship with the girls will never fall apart. I've seen many friendships break and many stay together. This is the strongest one I have ever seen. You guys care for each other and for each others siblings. You guys are practically one family but have your differents. You guys are full house with only kids" Joey says
"Thanks I guess" I laugh
"The point Joseph is trying to make is it will take more then pot holes in your journeys to separate you girls" Chad says
"Thanks guys" I smile
I hug them all and they hug me back and kiss my forehead.
"Now how about we get you something to eat" Joey says
"I'm really not hungry" I say
"What? You're always hungry" Caleb says
"Fine. But I only want fries from chick fil a" I say
"Ok. Let's go go go" Caleb says
"We're going on a trip in our favorite rocket ship..." Joey sings
I hop on Chad's back and he takes off running. All three of them start running to the car. Chad sets me down and I get in the passenger seat while Joey gets in the front.
"Why are you driving" I ask
"This is my car" he says
"Oh" I say
He drives off to chick fil a. We get my fries then they drive me back to Spencer's. I get out and thank them then go inside. I go over to Spencer and hug him. He hugs me back.
"You good" he asks
"Yep night" I say
I go up to my room and get my pjs on. Then I get in bed and lay down. I close my eyes and drift off to sleep.

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