Chapter 17

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*Chad POV*
We're all standing around and talking when I hear a gun shot and see Megan fall to the ground. Spencer takes off towards the shooter and Joey and I run off towards Megan. We get there just as her eyes shut.
"Joey call 911" I say
He nods and walks off. I take my shirt off and place it on her shoulder applying pressure trying to stop the bleeding.
"Come on Megan. Wake up" I say
She doesn't respond
"Let's go Megan. Think of your brothers. They need you." I say
She still doesn't respond. A few minutes later a paramedic is taking me away from her. Joey comes over to me and wraps me in hug trying to comfort me.
"She'll be okay Chad" he says
"Do one of you want to come with" someone asks
"I will. Joey watch my kids please" I say
"Will do" he says
I follow the paramedics to the ambulance and get in. They drive off quickly to the hospital once there they rush inside and a paramedic shows me to a bathroom for me to wash my hands to get the blood off. Once done I go to the waiting room. A nurse comes out and gives me a shirt to wear.
"Thank you" I say
"No problem" she says
A few hours later a doctor walks up to me.
"So Megan has passed out due to so much loss of blood. He problem is she's A- so we need a blood donor." He says
"I'll do it. I'm O-" I say
"Ok. Just follow me." He says
I follow him to a room and sit down in a chair. He gets everything set up and then start. Once they finish I go stand up but the doctor pushes me down.
"Stay seated for at least 10 minutes. Just to make sure you don't pass out" he says
"Ok" I say
He walks out. Ten minutes pass and the doctor comes back in.
"Ok. Do you want to come see Megan now" the doctor asks
"Yes please" I say
*Joey POV*
(While Chad is at the hospital with Megan)
Once they walk off Nick comes running to me. I pick him up and hold him on my hip. I go over to Caleb and the kids. I sit down on the grass and place Nick on my lap. Jess and Jason also come over.
"Hey it'll be alright" I say
"No. She could be dead" Jess cries
"Jess look at me. Megan is the strongest girl I know. She will survive. And I know Chad. He will do anything to make sure that happens" I say
"Sissy" Nick says
"She'll be alright bud" I say
Caleb comes over and sits in the ground too. A few minutes later Spencer comes back. His shirt is ripped and he has a black eye. Jess gets up and runs over to him.
"You ok spence" she asks
"I'm perfectly fine" he says
"What happened" Caleb asks
"Well I went after the shooter and the police started helping me. I got the shooter to the ground but he started punching me. The
Police caught up and took him away. Now they're going around questioning people" he says
"Do they need to question us" I ask
"No. I already gave them all our answers" Spencer says
I'm about to say something when my phone rings. Caleb and Spencer take the kids and I walk off some to answer it.
C-hey Joe.
J-hey case what's up
C-we're on our way back. Where do you want us to meet you guys
J-um at the park
C-ok see ya
I hang up and go back over.
"Who was that" Caleb asks
"Casey. They're on their way here" I say
"We can't tell Luke. He'll freak." Spencer says
"No we have to tell him. He deserves to know where his sister is" I say
"Where's my sister and Chad" we hear
We turn around and see the others and a guy. I go over to the guy and shake his hand.
"Hi I'm Joey" I say
"I'm Dylan" Dylan says
I walk back over to the guys and Luke comes over to me.
"Joey I asked where my sister and Chad are. Will you please tell me" he asks
His voice cracks as he's talking and I can tell he's going to cry soon.
"Excuse me" an officer says
"Yes" Spencer asks
"I'm officer Charlie. I need to talk to the siblings of the victim" Charlie says
All the kids stand up and walk forward.
"The biological one" Caleb says
Luke takes Nick and starts walking the opposite direction. I take off after him. I get to him and grab his shoulder.
"Do you want to know what happened" I ask
"Yes" he says
"We were here playing. It was time to leave and we were waiting in Megan. She got half way when there was a gun shot and your sister collapsed. Chad tried to stop the bleeding with his shirt and Spencer ran after the shooter. Chad and Megan are now at the hospital and Spencer got the shooter." I say
"I need to go see my sister" Luke says
"Help the officer first then I'll take you" I say
"Can you come with us. With the officer" he asks
"Of course" I say
We walk back over and follow the officer to a car.
"Ok. I need you to tell me if you've seen the man before or not." Charlie says
He opens the door to reveal the shooter. Nick starts screaming and kicking and Luke is just standing there with his eyes shut. I grab Nick from Luke and help Charlie lay Luke down on the ground.
"Hey hey Luke. Open your eyes. Tell us who that is and it will all be over" I say
"That's our first dad. He was never around. He was our dad when Megan was a baby. Nick doesn't know him as a dad but a guy who always stalked us. He would follow us around and watch our house." Luke says
"How many dads have you and Megan had" I ask
"4" I say
"Ok thank you. You may go now" Charlie says
I help Luke up and we walk back to the guys and kids.
"Ok I need you guys to watch everyone else. I need to take Nick, Luke, and Owen with me " I say
Caleb passes Owen over to like and we head to my car. We get in and I drive to the hospital. We get there and go inside.
"Megan Graham" I say
"Family only" the lady says
"These are her brothers and I'm her uncle" I say
"Ok room 412" she says
We go to the elevator and go to floor 4. We found room 412 and knock on the door. I hear footsteps then Chad opens the door.
"Joey what are you doing here" he asks
"Luke wanted to come see his sister and Nick deserves to see her" I say
"Ok" he says
He takes Owen from Luke and Luke takes Nick from me. He goes over to the bed and sits on the chair. Chad and I go into the hallway.
"You ok" I ask
"She could of died." He says
"How" I ask
"she lost to much blood. But I was able to give her blood." He says
"See Chad she's alive because of you. She's not dead. You did all you could do and more" I say
"Do you think you could go to my house and get me a shirt. This one barely fits" he says
"What happened to yours" I ask
"I used it to try and stop the bleeding" he says
"Ok. Do you also want me to tell Fallon what happened" I ask
"Yes" he says
"Ok" I say
I leave the hospital and get in my car. I start it and drive to Chad's. I get there and go inside to see the ladies watching Aladdin.
"How many times did you watch that today" I ask
"About 5" Kelsey says
"What are you doing here Joe" Fallon asks
"What no hello" I ask
"You didn't say hello to us" Kelsey says
"Fair enough" I say
"So what are you here for Joe" Fallon asks
I go over and sit in the couch.
"I came to tell you something and get Chad a shirt" I say
"Why doesn't Chad just come get his own shirt" Kelsey asks
"Because he's at the hospital with Megan" I say
"What do you mean" Fallon asks
"We were at the park just about to head home when Megan was shot in the shoulder. Chad used his shirt to try and stop the bleeding. She loss so much blood that they needed donor blood. Chad donated his blood. He's fine but Megan is still passed out. Spencer got the shooter. It was Megan's first dad out of four." I say
"Oh my" Kelsey says
"Chad really cares about her" Fallon says
"He doesn't like seeing her broke. He wants to fix her even if he can't he'll do all he can for her" I say
"Well you better get back to the hospital so go grab Chad a shirt then leave" Kelsey says
I head upstairs and grab a shirt for Chad. I go back downstairs and ti my car. I start it and drive to the hospital. I get there and go up to Megan's room. Chad is still in the hallway. I take Owen from Chad and give him his shirt.
"Any news" I ask
"No. And Luke hasn't left her side. You should go and take Nick and Owen. They need sleep. I mean Owen has slept but Nick hasn't" Chad says
"Ok" I say
I go into the room and over to Luke.
"Hey Nick. Why don't we go do you can get some sleep" I say
"Me want daddy and mommy" he says
"Ok. Come here" I say
I pick him up and go out to the hall. He sees Chad and reaches for him. Chad takes him and Nick rests his head in Chad's shoulder.
"Hey buddy. I need you to go with Joey. You're going to go home and see mommy and go to sleep" Chad says
"Ok. What about Meggy and Lukey" he asks
"They're going to stay here. Same with me. But hopefully you can see them tomorrow" Chad says
"Ok" Nick says
I take Nick again and I walk out of the hospital. I put them in the backseat of my car then get in front. I start the car and drive to Chad's. I get the kids out and go inside. I set Nick down and he runs to Fallon. She picks him up.
"Mommy sissy hurt. She not talking" Nick cries
"I know baby boy I know. But she'll get better I promise. Now are you hungry" Fallon asks
"Yes" Nick says
"Hey I'm going to take Owen upstairs and put him to bed then head out." I say
"You can stay for dinner Joe" Fallon offers
"Thanks but I better get home to relieve Caleb and Spencer. And update everyone on everything" I say
"Alright" she says
I go upstairs to Owen and Nicks room and put Owen in his crib. I then go downstairs and out to my car. I start it and drive to my house I get there and the Grimm's, Powell's, Jone's, Dylan, Spencer, and Rotenbergers are sitting in my living room. Nicole and Casey spot me and run over to me.
"Is she okay" Casey asks
"She'll be fine. She's still unconscious. But Chad and Luke are there with her" I say
"Where's Nick and Owen" Nicole asks
"They're with Fallon" I say
"How is Luke holding up" Caleb asks
"He could be doing better. He hasn't said anything really. She's only talked to his brothers and Megan. Hopefully Chad will talk to him" I say
"Chad really cares about her" Alan says
"Yeah he does. I was just talking to Fallon about this. He actually saved her life" I say
"How" Spencer asks
"He gave her some of his blood since she loss so much" I say
"Wow" Alan says
"Yeah. But only family can go and see her. I only saw her because I said I was her uncle because I had to take her brothers up" I say
"Well we're heading out. Girls say bye to your uncles" Alan says
The girls run over to me and I pick them all up.
"Goodnight girls" I say
"Night uncle Joey" they say
They run over to Caleb and Spencer and hug them. They then hug Casey and Nicole and leave.
"Ok Spence and Kels. You guys ready" Caleb asks
"Yep" Spencer says
"See ya guys and gals" Kelsey says
"Bye" we say
They leave.
"Ok you three ready" Brian asks
"Joey can Nicole sleep over" Casey asks
"Brian is it okay if she sleeps over" I ask
"Yeah sure. Can Tyler come sleep over then" Brian asks
"Tyler do you want to" I ask
"Please" Tyler asks
"Go ahead. Jess can also stay if she wants" I say
"Yes. Thank you Joey" Jess says
Dylan, Tyler, and Brian leave and Jason walks over to me. I pick him up and hold him on my hip.
"Hey bud are you sleepy" I ask
"No daddy. Me wide awake" he says
"I see should we go for a walk or car ride" I ask
"Walk" he says
"Ok. Girls Jason and I are going on a walk do you want to come or stay here" I ask
"We'll come" Nicole says
I grab my phone and keys and put them in my pocket them we walk outside. We start down the sidewalk.
*Chad POV*
I go into Megan's room to see Luke asleep. I go over to him and wake him up.
"Huh" he asks
"Let's go I'm taking you to Caleb's so you can get some sleep" I say
"I need to stay here for my sister" he says
"She'll be fine. I'll take you there and come back. I'll come get you if she wakes up." I say
"Chad can't I stay here" he asks
"No. You need to get proper sleep. If you want I'll take you to my house to sleep so you're with your brothers" I say
"No I'll go to Caleb's. Him and Spencer and Kelsey should be able to keep my mind off things." He says
"Ok. Let's go." I say
He stands up and we leave the room. We leave the hospital and go to my car. We get in and I start the car. I drive towards Caleb's. We get there and I go in with Luke.
"Hey Chad and Luke" Caleb says
"Hey. I'm just dropping Luke off. I'll be back around 9:30 tomorrow morning to pick him up." I say
"Alright. Are you going home"
Caleb asks
"No. I told Luke I would stay at the hospital with Megan. That was the only way I could get him to leave" I say
"Ok" Caleb says
I leave and get in my car. I get back to the hospital and go to Megan's room. I sit in the chair by her bed and slowly drift off to sleep.

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