Chapter 41

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(Skipping to Christmas)
*Megan POV*
"Megan" I hear someone whisper
"Leave me alone" I whine
"Sissy it Christmas" Nick yells
I open my eyes and see Nick, Owen and Chad in my room.
"What do you guys want" I whine
"Your brothers want to open presents and I was told to ask what you wanted for breakfast" Chad says
"I don't care" I say
"Yes scrapple" Chad says
"Anything but that" I say
"But you said you didn't care" Chad whines
"Stop whining you big baby" I say
Nick hops on my back and I pick Owen up. I go downstairs and see Fallon in the kitchen. I go in and place the boys down.
"Good morning Megan" Fallon says
"Good morning. Where are we having Christmas dinner at this year" I ask
"I think is ladies decided that we aren't going to have a traditional Christmas dinner but have it at Golden Corral. Joey wanted chick fil a bit then he found out it's closed on Christmas" Fallon says
"Ok" I say
"Mommy when can we open presents" Owen asks
"Once daddy gets down here" Fallon says
"Dad" I yell
"What" he yells back
"I want to open presents" Nick yells
"Alright alright I'm coming" Chad says
He comes down and we eat breakfast then go to open presents. Once all the presents are opened we see it's almost time for dinner.
"Alright everyone get changed. Then we'll leave. We're meeting up at Caleb's." Fallon says
"Do I have to dress up" I ask
"Yes. Just wear the outfit I got you" Chad says
"Fine" I say
I go upstairs and get changed then go back downstairs.
"Mom can you braid my hair" I ask
"Sure" she says
"Fallon Babe Owen is refusing to wear clothes" Chad yells
"I'm doing Megan's hair at the moment. Deal with it yourself" Fallon yells
Fallon finishes with my hair and Owen comes into view and he only has a diaper on. I pick him up and take him upstairs. I find what was chosen for him and start dressing him.
"No sissy." He says
"Yes. You need to wear clothes" I say
"No." He shouts
"Owen Graham you will wear these clothes and not take them off" I say
"Me no wear clothes" he yells.
He throws the clothes in the ground.
"Fine. No dessert then" I say
"No clothes" he says
I pick him up from the ground and put him in his crib then walk away. I go downstairs and sit in the couch.
"He still refusing" Fallon asks
"Yep" I say
She goes upstairs and dad comes down with Nick.
"Sissy your phone ringing" nick says
I look down and see that it is. I answer and go out front to talk.
A-hi Megan it's Antonia. Dylan said to call you and ask for you to come over. He's in a bit of a pickle
M-alright. I'll be there soon
I hang up and go inside.
"I'll be back I have to go help Dylan" I say
"Alright" Chad says
I go over to Liam's and go up to Dylan's room.
"What did you need help with" I ask
"What shirt should I wear" he asks
"Antonia said you were in a pickle" I say
"I am. I don't know which shirt to wear" he says
"The blue one" I say
"Thanks. That's all I needed. Happy birthday by the way" he says
"Happy birthday" I say
"I love you" he says
"Love you too. Now I better go and see if Mom finally got Owen dressed. He was refusing to wear clothes" I say
"Ok" he says
I go back home and go inside. I go upstairs and see mom on the phone and Owen in his diaper.
"Joey's in his way. He's gonna help. He went through this phase with Jason" Fallon says
"Alright" I say
Owen runs over to me and I pick him up. You gonna wear your shirt bubba" I ask
"No" he says
"Pants" I ask
"Ok" he says
I help him put his pants on. I go to put his socks and shoes on but he starts squirming. I pick him up and walk downstairs. Just as I get down there Joey walks in.
"Uncle Joey" Owen cheers
"Hey bud" Joey say
"Down sissy" Owen says
"Nope. I can't let you go to him" I say
"Why" he asks
"I didn't get a hug and kiss yet" I say
He gives me a hug and gives my cheek a big sloppy kiss.
"Oh thanks for that" I say
I set him down and he runs to Joey. Joey picks him up and carries him upstairs. I then go and sit next to dad and grab the remote.
"I'm changing the channel" I say
"No why" he whines
"Because it's my birthday and I wanna" I say
"Fine. Happy birthday darling" he says
"Thank you. Now give me the remote." I say
"Yes ma'am" he says
I turn on hallmark and a few minutes later Joey comes down with Owen dressed. Then mom comes down a few minutes after.
"Thanks Joey" I say
"No problem love. Happy birthday" he says
"Gracias" I say
"Alright alright. Joey I believe you have to go home to your family and pick them up. And we have to leave. We'll meet you at Caleb's" dad says
"Alright" Joey says
He leaves and we get everything together then we go to the van. Dad gets in front and starts the van. We get to Caleb's and go in.
"The Graham's have arrived" dad yells
"Chadwick Emmett is asleep" Kelsey says
"Sorry" dad says
"Happy birthday dear" Caleb says
"Thanks Caleb" I say
We talk abut more till everyone arrives.
"Crap. I forgot to grab the presents" dad says
"Same" Joey says
"Same here" Spencer says
"Hey Megan and Dylan you want to go get them" Caleb asks
"Sure why not" Dylan says
"Take Spencer's car" Joey says
"Why mine? Why not yours" Spencer asks
"Jason what car do you want to go in" Joey asks
"Yours. You play Disney" Jason says
"Fine" Spencer says
Spencer tosses us the keys and Dylan catches them before I could.
"Hey that's no fair you're to tall" I whine
"Oh get over it baby girl" Dylan says
I groan but we go outside and get in Spencer's car. Dylan starts it and we go to my house first. We go in and I go down to the basement. I go to Megan's paradise and grab the presents out.
"How did you know where they were" Dylan asks
"I was the one who hid them" I say
We grab the presents and go back out to the car. We put the presents in the back seat then go to Spencer's house. We go up to the door and I lift up the mat then unlock the door. Dylan goes to the guest room and goes to the closet and does something then another door opens revealing a room and the presents are in there.
"Don't worry I never snooped in here. Spencer told me where they were" Dylan says
We grab those presents, put them in car, return the key, then head to Joey's.
"Do you know where the presents are here" I ask
"Nope. Do you" Dylan asks
"Not at all" I say
"Guess we get to snoop" Dylan says
"Joy" I say
We get to Joey's and we unlock the door. We put the key back and go in. We split up and start searching downstairs. We then go upstairs and look.
"Wait didn't Joey always talk about this room he would go to in the pantry" I ask
"Oh yeah" Dylan says
We run downstairs and to the pantry. We open it and look through it and find a box of mac and cheese. I go to grab it but as soon as I push it a bit the shelves turn and we go in. Behind all of this food is a room full of trophies, instruments, certificates, pictures, and other really cool stuff.
"It's like a museum" I say
"This is awesome" Dylan says
We grab the stack of presents and walk out then close the door to the pantry. We out them in the car then I grab the keys and get in the driver seat.
"Hey" he whines
"Get over it Dyl" I say
I start the car and drive to Golden Corral. We go in and it's really quiet. We go around the corner and the lights in that section are off.
"Where the heck are the lights" I ask
"I don't know. Let's use the flashlights on our phones." Dylan says
We go for our phones but they aren't there.
"You sure it's here" Dylan asks
"Yeah. I saw all their vehicles" I say
"Surprise" we hear as the lights turn on
We look and see them all here.
"Happy birthday" they say
"Thanks" we say
"Oh here are your phones" Joey says
He pulls them out of his pocket and hands them to us.
"Joey please tell me you aren't learning how to pickpocket" I ask
"No. I just knew I could grab them without you guys feeling it" he says
"Ok let me see here. This party was Casey and Nicole's idea" Dylan asks
"No no no this is Luke's idea" I say
"You're both wrong" Jess says
"Who's idea was this" we ask
"Alan's" Luke says
"Thanks big al" I say
"Thanks uncle Alan" Dylan says
"Yep" Alan says
"Happy birthday sissy" Owen yells
"Thanks bud" I say
"Well why don't we eat and celebrate" dad says
"Alright" Liam says
Alan prays then everyone goes to grab food. I'm about to walk off but Dylan stops me.
"What" I whine
"Come on baby girl you'll get to eat soon just come outside with me for a bit" he says
"Fine" I sigh
He grabs my hand and leads me outside. We find a bench and sit down.
"Megan I love you so much and everyday I see you it makes me love you even more. I want us to last. I want us to go farther in the future. I want you to be always mine. So will you take this promise ring and promise me that when I propose to you you'll say yes or some form of yes" he says
"Of course" I smile
He smiles and puts the ring on my finger.

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