Chapter 9

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*Megan POV*
I'm woken up the next morning by something cold splashing on my face.
"Chad" me and I'm guessing the other girls yell
"I'm not able to attack all three of you at once" Chad says
"Well chad definitely attacked me" I say sleepily
"Caleb why" Casey asks
"Joseph" Nicole says
"Dang these girls are good at guessing" Joey says
"Yeah well it was with you three because Alan wouldn't do it to us" Casey says
"Well you girls have to get up because we have to get Nicole on her way and then Chad is dropping Megan off on his way to his house afterwards. Luke, Caleb said you can stay at his house if you don't want your mom to know you didn't go to college yet" Alan says
"Really" Luke asks
"Yeah" Caleb says
"Thanks" Luke says
"Lets go Megan" Nicole says
"Lets go Casey" I say
"Lets go Nicole" Casey says
We all wake up fully and then walk into the kitchen.
"Does this happen when ever you guys sleep over" Alan asks
"Does what happen" I ask
"You have to tell each other to move and get up in the morning" Chad asks
"I don't know. We're usually half asleep in the morning. So are the others staying here while we tAke Nicole" Casey asks
"Yeah. The ladies said they would watch them and keep the older two under control" Alan says
"Ok you three need to get dressed so we can leave. We're stopping for breakfast then Starbucks. Apparently Caleb wanted to treat you three to Starbucks" Chad says
"Why thank you King Starbucks" I say
"Yes thank you king Starbucks" Casey says
"King Starbucks shouldn't exist. He corrects grammar to much. He should throw himself in the dungeon" Nicole says
"Harsh" Caleb says
"Chop chop girls." Joey says
We grab our bags and go our separate ways to get dressed. I finish getting dressed and go back to the kitchen. I'm the first one like always.
"They take forever" I whine
"Chill" Caleb says
"Nooo" I say
"Megan do not make me tackle you. I will do it" Chad says
"It gives me something to do so go ahead and tackle me" I say
He's about to do it but Alan stops him.
"Not in the house" Alan says
I hop on Joey's back and he tries to get me off.
"Megan" he whines
"What Joe" I ask
"Get off" he says
"Noooo. I'm too tired to walk. I want to go to bed" I whine
"No I'm not carrying you in my back" he says
"Please" I beg
"No" he says
"Here Megan you can get on my back" Chad says
"Thank you" I say
I hop on his back and lay my head on his shoulder. The others girls finally come out after a few minutes.
"Aww that's sweet" they say
"What is" I yawn
"Chad is being like a father/brother to you and letting you fall asleep" Casey says
"Whatever" I say
Nicole hops on Alan's back and Casey hops on Joey's.
"so you let her on your back but not me" I ask
"She's my cousin" Joey says
"Yeah yeah" I say
We go outside to Alan's van and Chad sets me on the ground. Us three girls get in the way back then the guys get in. Alan starts the van and drives off. We get to ihop and go inside. I'm about to sit down when my phone rings. I look at Alan and he nods his head. I go outside and answer it.
M-hey Nicole's mom
Nm- hey Megan. Where are you guys at
M-we just got to ihop for breakfast. Caleb is then getting us Starbucks then we'll be over
Nm-ok I'll send you the address and you can give it to Alan
M-alright see you later
Nm-see you
I hang up and feel my phone buzz. I look and see a text with the address. I quickly create a text with ink Alan and send it to him then go back inside. I find the table and sit down next to Chad.
"You ok" he whispers
"Yep" I say
"Ok" he says
"So what was your favorite thing these few weeks" Caleb asks
"Laser tag" Casey says
"Hanging at the studio" Nicole says
"Wrestling" I say
"Of course" chad mumbles
"What was that" I ask
"Who did you like wrestling the most" Joey asks
"Who do you think" I ask
"Oh ok" Joey says
We order our food and continue talking.
"So Megan we have a music video shooting coming up. Would you edit it for us when we're done shooting" Alan asks
"Sure" I say
"Fantastic" Caleb says
"Megan I'm helping you" Chad says
"No. You're going to mess it up" I say
"I'll help" Casey says
"You'll ruin it to. Remember when you tried to edit one of our videos" I say
"Fine I'll hang with Chaddy" Casey says
"Or you can watch your brother" Joey says
"Or Tyler could do that" Casey says
"True" Joey says
"Why are you even arguing about this" Nicole asks
"I'm not sure" Joey says
The food comes and we start eating. After breakfast the guys split the bill and we go to the van. We get back in and we start driving. As we get closer I blind fold Casey and Nicole as Alan has the three guys tie blind folds around their eyes.
"What's going on here" Nicole asks
"You just have to wait and see" I say
"Why doesn't Megan or Alan have blind folds" Chad asks
"First of all we would crash if I wasn't looking and Megan already knows because she was the middle man. The information went through her." Alan says
"This is no fair" Casey says
"Too bad" I say
I grab my phone and take a picture of everyone real quick before Alan pulls up to the house.
"Ok on three you can take the blind folds off" I say
"One" Alan says
"Two" I say
"Three" we say
They take off the blind folds and stare at the house in confusion.
"Why aren't we at the airport" Joey asks
"Nicole's plane leaves really soon" Caleb says
"That's because Nicole isn't going to PA. This is Nicole's house. Her family moved out here. Her father was able to get relocated. Her sister was on with moving. Her brother didn't care. Her mom came up with the idea. And I mean Casey and I are pretty awesome so they didn't want to keep Nicole away from us" I say
"Oh my gosh Yes" Casey and Nicole cheer
"Oh great" Chad says
"Chadwick I'd be careful what you say. I'll be living near you and I can go all ninja on you then" I say
"And you guys love us. You can't deny it. I mean Joey is my cousin so he's stuck with me. That means you three would see me a lot. And you kinda have Megan working for you" Casey says
"Plus Chad you promised to homeschool Megan" Nicole points out
"True true." Chad says
"Well Nicole I think you should go and see your family." Alan says
"Ok bye guys I'll see you later" Nicole says
"Bye Nicole" the guys say
"Joey can I stay and help Nicole unpack please" Casey asks
"Please" Nicole begs
"Sure go ahead. I'll pick you up later. Text me when you need me to pick you up" Joey says
"Thanks" Casey says
"Bye Megan" Nicole says
"Bye Megan" Casey says
"Bye" I say
They get out and close the door.
"Ok time to drop off the final person" Chad says
"This person has a name and would like for you to use it" I say
"Oh snap" Joey says, "she has some sass"
"Watch it Joe you could be her next victim" Caleb says
"So could you" Chad says
"What about Alan" Joey asks
"He's safe. He knows when to keep his mouth shut" I say
"Whatever" Caleb says
We get to Chad's house and we all get out. I go inside and Luke and Tyler are playing Mario Kart.
"Bye Luke. I'm going home" I say
"Ok. Don't tell mom about me please" he asks
"I won't. I'll call you later. Love you" I say
"Love you too" he says
"What about me" Tyler asks
"Love you tyty" I say
"Love you too" he says
I hug them both and grab my bags.
"You need any help" Chad asks
"Um can you grab my other bag" I ask
"Sure" he says
He grabs the bag and we walk outside. We get to my grandma's house. I knock on the door and my mom opens it.
"Hi mom" I say
"Megan glad you're here. Who's this" she asks
"I'm Chad Graham. From the band Anthem Lights. I'm the one who said I would homeschool your daughter. I live a few houses down" Chad says
"Oh yes. Thank you for walking her here. Have a good day." My mom says
She walks away.
"Thanks Chad. And sorry about my mom" I say
"No problem and it's totally fine. You aren't responsible for her mistakes" he says
I give him a quick hug then grab my bag from him and go inside. He starts walking away and I close the door. I go to the living room and see Nick watching tv. Owen on a blanket. My grandma reading a book and my mom doing something else.
"What room am I staying in" I ask
"Upstairs second door on the right" my mom says
I go upstairs and find my room. I get in and my stuff is in boxes and my bed isn't even put together. I put my stuff down and go downstairs.
"Mom are you ok if I bring some people over to help me put my bed together" I ask
"Sure go ahead" she says
I walk out and walk to Chad's I look in the driveway and see Joey and Caleb's cars are gone. I knock on the door and Fallon opens it.
"Hey Megan. Everything ok" she asks
"Yeah. I just need to ask chad something. Can I come in" I ask
"Sure" she says
I walk in and see Chad and Alan talking.
"Chad, Alan can you come over and help me put my bed together" I ask
"Oh hi Megan when did you get here" Alan asks
"Just now. So can you help me please" I ask
"Sure. Lets go. Fallon I'll be back. I'm helping Megan with something" Chad yells
"Chadwick Matthew Graham you do not have to yell when I am one room over" Fallon says
"Sorry" Chad says
"Lets go" Alan says
We walk outside and head to my grandma's house. I open the door and lead them upstairs to my room.
"Wow nothing got unpacked" Chad says
"Nope" I say
"Welles get started" Alan says
We start working on my bed with little conversation. After and hour or two we finally finish.
"Do you want me to send Fallon over to help you unpack everything" Chad asks
"If she wants to come over she can. Thanks guys for your help" I say
"No problem. You can always come to us for help" Alan says
I show them to the door and they leave. I go to the living room and pick Owen up off the ground.
"Meggy" nick cheers
"Hey Nick. How is my favorite 3 year old" I ask
"Ok but my head hurts" he says
"And why is that" I ask
"I don't know. I told mommy and she told me nothing wrong. It hurts more" he says
"Mom is there any child's ibuprofen or anything" I ask
"No why" she asks
"Nick has a head ache" I say
"He'll be fine" she says
"Grandma" I ask
"He'll be fine" my grandma says
"Guys it will jut keep on getting worse. Mom I'm taking both boys out somewhere. Where's the stroller" I ask
"In your closet" she says
I set Owen down and go upstairs. I grab the stroller and take it downstairs then put it outside. I then go back upstairs and to Owen and Nick's room. I grab a sweatshirt, socks, and shoes for both then go back downstairs. I help Nick put his stuff on. I then pick Owen up and put his stuff on. I go outside with them and get them both in the stroller. By the time I'm done Fallon is at the bottom of the driveway.
"Hey Chad said you need help unpacking."she says
"Yeah. I was going to unpack but I need to take a break from my grandma and mom. Plus I don't really want my brothers alone with them. Nick already has a headache." I say
"Why don't I join you three on your walk" she says
"Sure. Nick this is Fallon. Fallon this is my three year old brother Nick" I say
"Hi Nick" Fallon says
"Hi hi" Nick says
"Should we start our walk Nick" I ask
"Ok" he says
I laugh to his approval and start pushing the stroller.
"So does this happen a lot" Fallon asks
"What" I ask
"Like are you responsible for your brothers a lot" she asks
"Yeah. My mom would make me stay home from school somedays to watch them or on weekends or breaks she would have me watch them. She's usually gone most of the day" I say
"Well if you ever need help or someone to watch them. I will do it." Fallon says
We get to a Rite aid and I stop.
"Do you mind staying out here with them while I go in and grab medicine for Nick" I ask
"Sure" she says
I go inane find what I need quickly. I pay and go back out. I open the medicine and pour the right amount. I give it to Nick and he drinks it. I open my water bottle and let him drink some of it. I close my water and the medicine and put it in the net of the stroller.
"You're a great sister" she says
"I try my hardest" I say
"Well I can tell Nick really looks up to you" she says
I'm about to say something when Owen starts crying. I pick him up out if the stroller and put his pacifier in his mouth. I cradle him and he nuzzles his head into my neck.
"And who is this" she asks
"My youngest brother. Owen. He's 5 months old" I say
"He's so adorable." She says
"Meggy I'm hungry" Nick says
"Ok. We'll head home and I'll make dinner" I say
"Ok" he says
"You make dinner every night" Fallon asks
"Yeah. But I'm use to it." I say
"What time do you go to bed at" she asks
"It depends on how much homework I have. Sometimes I don't get to sleep at all because Owen usually wakes up between 4 and 5 in the morning" I say
"Won't your mom get up and look after him" she asks
"No. And I usually have to do it before nick wakes up to or it's an unpleasant morning for everyone" I say
We get back to my grandma's house and I'm about to go inside with my brothers when I feel a hand on my shoulder.
"You and your brothers are sleeping at our house tonight. You're going to get a good night sleep and I'll get up to deal with Owen" Fallon says
"Ok we'll be over after dinner" I say
"No you'll greet stuff together then come over right away. You'll have dinner with us. Do you want help getting stuff together" she asks
"Um sure" I say
She picks Nick up and we go inside. We go up to my room and I lay Owen on my bed.
"Do you want me to pack a bag for your brothers" Fallon asks
"Sure. Their room is right across from mine" I say
"Ok" she says
She walks off to the boys room with Nick still in her arms. I pack my bag and pick Owen up. I go to the boys room and set him on the changing table. I change his diaper then pick him up. I grab my bag, the diaper bag, and the portable pack n play.
"Do you need help" Fallon asks
"No I'm good" I say
We go back down and outside. We walk the short walk to her house and go in.
"Chad I'm back and with a few people too." Fallon says
Chad comes downstairs.
"Hey Megan what are you doing here" Chad asks
"Fallon insisted on my little brothers and I staying the night" I say
"Oh ok. Here give me your bags" he says
He takes my bags and sets them on the ground. We all go to the living room and sit down.
*Nicole POV*
Casey and I were able to talk with my parents some and get stuff unpacked right before dinner.
"Casey do you want to stay for dinner" I ask
"Sure why not. I wonder how Megan is doing?" Casey says
"She has Fallon and Chad near by if she needs anything" I say
"True. So I have an idea for Jessica to meet Joey" Casey says
"How" I ask
"Simple. We make sure Jessica opens the door when he comes" she says
"Ok" I say
"Girls dinner" my mom yells
"We go downstairs and sit at the table. My dad prays and we start eating.
"So how was the trip" my dad asks
"It was good. We had a lot of fun" I say
"Yeah. We did a lot of really cool things with the guys and got close with them" Casey says
"We also found something else out" I say
"What's that" Jessica asked
"I'm Joeys second cousin" Casey says
"You're related to Joey" Jessica screams
"Jessica Morgan Jones no screaming in the house" my mom says
"When did you find this out" Brian asks
"Um Christmas Eve when my parents died. Apparently our parents had him written down as the person to become our guardian if they both died" Casey says starting to tear up
I give her a side hug and she wipes her tears away. We finish eating and go upstairs. She pulls her phone out, calls Joey, and put it on speaker.
C-hey Joe. I'm done at Nicole's when you are able to pick me up
J-ok. I'll be there soon. Hi Nicole
J-I'm not stupid. I knew you'd be listening in on the conversation
N-oh hi
J-really? that's all I get? hi?
N-I just saw you like 5 or so hours ago Joseph. Calm down
J-well then
C-I'm going to hang up. I don't want to listen to your petty fight
J-whatever. I'll be there soon
N-do you need the address
J-nope. I got it from Alan
I end the call and quickly hide her phone.
"Nicole where's my phone" Casey whines
"I don't know" I say
"Give me it" she says
"I don't have it" I say
She leaps in me and we start wrestling.
*Joey POV*
I get to Nicole's house and knock on the door. Someone opens the door, screams, and hugs me.
"You must be Jessica" I say
"Uhuh" she says
"And I'm your favorite" I say
"Yeah" she says
"Nice" I say
"Oh you can come in" she says
I go inside and she shuts the door.
"Hi I'm Brian. Nicole's older brother. You must be Joey." A guy says
"Hi yes I am. Do you know where the girls are" I ask
"Probably Nicole's room. Jessica will show you where that is" Brian says
I nod and follow Jessica upstairs to a room. She walks off downstairs. I open the door to see Casey and Nicole tackling each other. I do my whistle tone thing and they look at me.
"What's going on ladies" I ask
"Nothing" they say
I go over sit on Nicole's bed and see Casey's phone under the pillow. I grab it, take a few selfies, then put it in my sweatshirt pocket.
"What are you fighting over" I ask
"Nicole has my phone" Casey says
"You sure she didn't hide it" I ask
"He has a point" Nicole says
"Ugh" Casey says
"Casey get your knee off my side" Nicole says
"No" Casey says
I go over to Casey pick her up and walk out the room with her. I go downstairs and outside.
"Really Joey" she asks
"Yeah" I say
"But I don't have my phone" she says
I take it from my pocket and give it to her.
"Where was it" she asks
"Under Nicole's pillow" I say
"Oh wow I'm an idiot" she says
"Your words not mine" I say
"Oh hush" she says
"Watch it lady I know where you sleep. I can go all ninja on you" I say
"Ok. Whatever" she says
"Lets go. I promised Jason I would help him get ready for bed" I say
We get in and I drive home. We go in to Jason crying and Tyler is plugging his ears. I go over to Jason and Casey goes over to Tyler.
"What's wrong" I ask
"Tyty won't play with me" Jason says
"Why don't we go take you up to bed" I say
"Ok" he says
I go upstairs and deal with him then go back downstairs. I get down there and Tyler and Casey are crying. I go over and sit in between them.
"What's wrong" I ask
"We just miss our parents. Today is the day of their wedding anniversary" Tyler says
"It will be okay. They love you and you love them. They will always be with you." I say
"Joey am I going to go to public school" Tyler asks
"That up to you. Either you can go to public school, be homeschooled, or do cyber school" I say
"I think cyber school" he says
"Ok. Now Casey you can either go to public school or I'm sure Chad doesn't mind homeschooling you too" I say
"I think I want to be homeschooled" she says still crying slightly
"Ok" I say
"I'm gonna go to bed. Night Joey. Night sis" Tyler says
"Goodnight Tyler" I say
"Night bubs" Casey says
He goes upstairs and it's just me and Casey.
"You okay" I ask
"I was really close to my mom" she says
"That's understandable. You were the only girl with two brothers. Just remember that she loves you and is always with you. She's proud of you right now and always will be. You're caring for your siblings, friends, and others" I say
"Thanks Joe" she says
"No problem" I say
I turn the tv on and turn the volume down. Casey steals the remote from me and turns on tree house masters. She lays down with her feet on my lap.
"Excuse me" I ask
"Yes" she asks
"Why are your feet on my my lap" I ask
"Because I'm getting comfortable" she says
"Fine" I say
I put my feet up on the coffee table and get comfy. Half way through I close my eyes and drift off to sleep.
Hey everyone!
So as many of you have heard Alan left and the band got a new member. Spencer Kane. I'm gonna continue using Alan in both of my stories but I'll add spencer at some point in this book. I'm sorry that my updates have been slow. I'm busy with a lot if school stuff. Hope everyone is having a great winter not having too much trouble if they're getting snow sometimes. I know where I live the snow from last week or two weeks ago is finally melting. 

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