Chapter 1

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High School.

As I walked through the doors of Devenford Prep, I took a deep breath in. Finally I had made it, 9 years of schooling had led us to this moment and these next four years are going to be the best years of my life. I had advanced classes that didn't allow me to be in the same classes as some of my fellow classmates, but I at least had one friend with me in them. Liam Dunbar, one of my favorite people in this world, was also in the advanced classes with me.

"Avery! We have to go to American History Honors," Liam said as he came running up to grab my arm. Sure, Liam was very cute but I had known him since the 6th grade, and he was great and all but we would never be like that.

"Alright then lets hurry up! Speaking of classes, when I saw your schedule earlier I noticed your last class of the day was Lacrosse Gym, what's that?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, I was going to tell you, I am trying out for the lacrosse team this year! I trained throughout the summer and I really think I have a good shot!" Liam exclaimed excitedly.

"Of course you do! You are naturally great at lacrosse! But why doesn't soccer have a P.E.?" I asked.

"Because soccer practices after school on the lacrosse field, so we get a class for it and you don't." he winked ay me and then walked a little faster. All I could do was laugh at him and try to stretch my short legs in order to keep up with him.

As I entered the classroom, I immediately sat beside Liam. Liam coughed at me and pointed to the board, where there was a seating chart. I groaned and got up and walked to my assigned seat. As I was sitting down, I heard the chair beside me move and someone sit down in it. Some high school guys are okay looking but this guy was beautiful. He had piercing blue eyes and brownish blonde hair, he also had a lacrosse jersey on. Number 28. A bing from my phone caught my attention and made the god beside me look at me and smile.

You are sitting next to the lacrosse team captain! If you guys talk be sure to mention me!!-Liam

I laughed as I read the message. He was really desperate to get on the lacrosse team and if he needed the help, I would do everything in my power to help him, but I knew Liam. And he could get on the lacrosse team off of the pure skill he had.He just easnt confident in himself.

"Liam? As in Liam Dunbar?" The lacrosse captain asked me.

"Yeah he is really big on getting on the lacrosse team," I said,

"Well, it just so happens that I play that sport and I am also the captain," He said with a cute smirk on his face.

"Really? I didn't know that" I played off casually.

"Yes yoy did, it said so in the text message." I mentally smacked myself

"I'm sorry, I'm just trying to help him and I'm not helping by kying to the captain," I said while laughing.

"Well don't worry, if hes any good then he will get in. You messing up this conversation won't ruin things for him," he said. I nodded my head, then the teacher started talking. I could feel him stare at ne every now and then and it made me smile. After class was over I rushed over to Liam and we started heading to our next class.

"Hey! uh..." I heard behind me so I turned around which caused Liam to turn around as well. "Can I talk to you real quick?" I nodded my head and walked over to him. "Sorry I didn't know your name, but are you coming to watch your friend try out?"

"Yeah, I have a free period that hour and I think he needs the support," I said.

"Good! Wait for me afterwards!" I nodded my head and began to walk away. "Hey!" he said again, causing me to turn around once more laughing. "Whats your name?" He asked.

"My name is Avery," I said

"Hello Avery, my name is Brett." And he walked away.

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