Chapter 18

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First day at Beacon Hills High, and I was no where near excited. But me being the person I am was going to suck it up and try to get through the school year. I haven't talk to Liam yet also, it seems like we are avoiding each other. I didn't want this to happen, I still wanted us to talk. I was just mad at him for getting me in trouble, but in all reality I said those things not him. I'll try to talk to him later, not today, today I needed to figure out where my classes were and how I was going to make new friends. I miss Brett.

Brett and I have kept constant communication, he was even at my house to see me off this morning before Mr. Dunbar came to get me so he could drive us to school. Getting up an hour earlier than usual because your school was half an hour away was a bummer. I don't look nearly as good as I wanted to being as I kept on snoozing my alarm clock.

Liam and I walked into the front office together and got our schedules and our new lockers, which were next to each other in the freshman hallway. The school was set up like a maze, but it was divided into sections by the grade level you were in. Liam and I walked by each other, but never said a word to each other. It was beginning to get really awkward and I felt the need to say something.

"Listen Liam, I'm sorry. I don't know why we aren't talking, but I hate this. So I'm sorry!" I exclaimed to him causing people to look at us. He looked around at all the other people looking at us.

"Avery, I promise you I'm not mad. I just didn't want to say something to you and blow up on me. I promise we are okay though. Are you coming to watch me try out?" He asked me.

"Again?" I rolled my eyes, but stiffened as soon as I saw his glare. "I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that." I raised my hands up in defense.

"Yeah yeah, so anyways can I ask you a personal question?" He asked me

"When have you ever had to ask?" I asked him

"You're right, how are you and Brett? Are you guys doing long distance or is it over?" He asked me, his eyes looked worried.

"We are doing long distance, he asked me out officially this weekend." I answered him honestly, he raised an eyebrow at me. "What?"

"Nothing, you just seem different, lets get to class. I have American History what do you have?" He asked

"I have Algebra 2." I sighed, sucks that I didn't have all my classes with him. Now I was going to have to socialize with people.

"Have fun with that," he gave me a hug and left me. I walked around searching for my class, being as hopeless as I am I easily got lost. I looked down at the map they gave me while walking and bumped into someone. I looked up to see a handsome boy there with blue eyes.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asked me. He held his hand out to help me up.

"Yeah, I'm sorry." I told him. He shook his head at me.

"It's no problem. Do you need help? You look lost." He stated to me

"That would be because I am." I told him

"What's your class?" He asked

"Algebra 2 with Mr. Giddings," I told him

"Well that's near my next class so I'll walk you. I have American History with Fletcher." He told me.

"Hey! My friend Liam has that class, you should talk to him so he isn't a loner," I told him

"Liam? As in the one trying out for the Lacrosse team?" He asked, I nodded. It seemed like everyone knew Liam from Lacrosse. "Oh yeah I will for sure talk to him, he is great at Lacrosse." He said and smiled at me. I was nice and returned the smile.

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