Chapter 9

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We didn't speak much. We walked around the woods for twenty minutes and still none of us felt the need to speak. It wasn't an awkward silence either, it was the kind of silence you get when your just happy being in someone's presence. You don't have to speak to them, you can just hold their hand and be okay. Avery tripped on a log that was hidden in the ground, but I caught her quick thanks to my reflexes.

"Sorry, and thank you." Avery told me, looking away from me, as if she didn't want to make eye contact with me.

"Its really no problem," I said and grabbed her hand again. We got to my favorite part of Beacon Hills, the cliff that allowed you to over look the entire city.

"Wow its beautiful up here, how did Liam and I not run into this when we got lost?" Avery asked, her green eyes glowing in the sunlight.

"That's why you should go into the woods with someone who knows the woods, this is a long ways away from where we first entered." I stated.

"Really it didn't seem like we were walking that long," she stated again.

"You were in a deep deep deep thinking stage." I said, making fun in a nice way. We both laughed together, she was truly magnificent, and I wished we didn't have any secrets between us, but I didn't trust her enough to tell her about me and to be completely honest I wasn't going to tell her unless I absolutely had to. It wasn't something that you spit out to someone every day.

"Yeah, just its only Monday and its already a shitty week," she said. I nodded in agreement with her, school wasn't even started yet when Thomas went at her throat. It wasn't fair and being as it was my friends I was going to make it up to her. I picked her up and threw her over my shoulder. She was screaming and laughing and even though I couldn't see her face I knew she was smiling that beautiful smile that people talk about.

"Brett!! Put me down!" She said

"Not yet! You have to do something for me first," I said.

"What?! What do you want me to do?!" She said still laughing and screaming.

"When I put you down, I want you to kiss me, and then you are going to completely forget about what happened at school today and enjoy skipping with me." I told her, my voice had no joke in it. I wanted to have a good day and wanted her to be happy.

"I agree to the kiss and nothing else." She said. I put her down and she started to lean in to kiss me, but I backed away. "Why aren't you going to kiss me?"

"You're not getting the kiss unless you agree to the whole deal, not only parts of it. Deal or no deal?" I smirked at her. She groaned at me and glared, I wasn't dropping my ground. As much as I wanted to kiss her, I wanted her to be happy even more. In the middle of our glaring contest my phone went off. I groaned knowing that I lost our unofficial staring contest. I had a text message.

From: Satomi
We need to talk right now. There might be an assassin at Beacon Hills

I groaned even louder now. Why? Why couldn't this have waited for a different time? Why was this even happening at all? I looked at Avery and she looked down knowing I had to go.

"Its okay Brett, I get that someone needs you right now." She said still looking down, and not at me. I sighed and walked over to her and grabbed her face and looked at her eyes.

"Yes, someone needs me right now, but I am going to walk you out of these woods and drop you off at home, and when I am done with what my dad needs, ill go to your house and we can finish our day together. Okay?" I said. She nodded and we started walking. I really didn't want to leave her, but these assassins were a big deal, they have already killed one person from our pack and Satomi was not allowing them to claim another life. Plus my sister was a part of the pack with me, and she was the only family I had left.

We reached the area where my car was parked, and we got in. We hadn't said a word and I was beginning to get nervous. Avery means a lot to me and with this whole dead pool thing it probably wasn't smart to start a relationship, but sometimes you can't help it. We pulled up to her house.

"Avery, are you mad at me?" I asked her, looking dead into her eyes. People don't always say what they means. That's why you look into their eyes, its an open book. But I couldn't read her emotions.

"No, I'm not. I just wish you didn't have to go." She said truthfully.

"I wish I didn't either, but it really shouldn't take me a long time." I said and she nodded. I leaned over and gave her that kiss she and I wanted earlier. It was a nice slow, but quick kiss. She smiled and gave me a quick peck and left. I watched her walk up to her house and shut the door before I drove away.

I wasn't lying when I said I didn't live to far from Avery. We are in big house about 10-15 miles away from Avery's house. It was in a secluded area, which is exactly how we like it. If we feel the need to fight anyone or even each other all we had to do was take it out front. I pulled up to our house and walked inside, everyone was sitting at the dining table and my sister was crying.

"What the hell happened?" I said, worried. I rushed over to my sister who jumped into my arms and started sobbing.

"Apparently, as she was walking home she over heard her friends talking about an attack at the lacrosse game on Thursday and how they were going to get a wolf. And we are all worried that they are talking about you." She stated.

"How the hell would middle schoolers know about what's happening?" I said.

"It wasn't someone from my middle school, he was from Beacon Hills." My sister said.

"Well, it seems likely its you. I don't think anyone is going for Scott McCall for awhile," another beta said. We all nodded in agreement. Scott McCall was practically a god right now. Everyone has gone after him and no one has stood a chance.

"Okay, so what do I do?" I asked.

"We want you to sit out the first half of the game and give us a chance to figure out who it is. If we haven't figured it out by the second half you can go in and try to figure it out yourself." Satomi said. I nodded my head and didn't even bother fighting back. I have enough respect for Satomi to trust her judgement.

"Okay, that's all. You all may leave." Satomi said and everyone left. My sister was close enough to hear someone plot against me, she could have possibly been that close to the assassin and if my name was on that list then her name should have been as well. I called her school and told them she was getting surgery and would be out for a while and then I texted Avery.

Hey I might be a little bit later than I thought I would, will you give me till 5?

Yeah, just make sure you get here soon. I'm bored out of my mind and I'm missing you.

I smiled and noticed my sister fell asleep in my arms. I took her upstairs to our room and laid her down. Everything was complicated but perfect at the same time.    

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