Chapter 23

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  Hey! I know I promised you guys two chapters the other day, but I got called into work. SOOOO I am updating as much as I can.


I didn't know why I was running to a place where there was danger. Normally, when someone tells you there is danger you go opposite of where it is. But here I was, being an idiot, running straight for the danger. My feet carried me down the stairs, into the hall, then eventually in the hallway the had the mens locker room. I started walking to it when I heard Brett talking.

"Why are you doing this to me?" He stained out, he sounded like he was in a lot of pain.

"Because Brett, your worth a lot of money." Violet's voice answer him. Violet? What the hell was going on?

I heard running behind me and turned around to see Scott McCall running down the hall. How is he just now arriving when he left earlier than I did? He walked towards me and stopped besides me.

"I'm going in there and I don't want you to follow me, let me handle this." He told me, I instantly shook my head.

"What the hell is going on here?" I whisper-shouted at him.

"I can't-" He was interrupted by the sound of someone gasping for breath. Scott took off before I could, he slammed into the locker room, and I was quickly behind. We looked in the door way and saw Brett passed out on the floor. I ran to his side and lifted his head up to where he laid in my lap. I whipped his hair out of his face, he truly was beautiful, Scott appeared over my shoulder looking down at Brett. Suddenly Brett opened his eyes and looked at me, then at Scott and his eyes widened. Scott began choking, and I looked over my shoulder to see what was going on.

I couldn't believe my eyes, Violet had a cord wrapped around Scott's neck. The cord was glowing red, as if it was hot.

"He said we shouldn't try, but now I've got you. I've got an alpha." She said with this sick smirk on her face and tugged on the cord harder. Scott looked at me, but he looked different this time. His eyes were red and he was growling like some kind of beast. I tried to back up away from him, but Brett only held my hand keeping me in place, letting me know it was safe. Brett was crazy, he had to me, but I was more crazy because I stayed there with him and watched. Scott pulled the red cord from around his neck and grabbed Violet by the throat before throwing her into the wall, knocking her unconscious. I let out the breathe I was holding in, when Stiles came into the room. Scott pulled the cord off from around his throat and looked at his best friend.

"I think it's time you called your dad," Scott said, Stiles nodded before doing so.

When the sheriff got to the school, he informed me that Violet and her boyfriend were apart of some group called The Orphans, and they had been responsible for over a dozen deaths around the country.

"Sheriff, the boy isn't here anymore, we can't seem to find him." Deputy Parrish said to the sheriff. He nodded and continued to get back to his work, Brett was being taken to an animal clinic by Stiles and another man who was significantly beautiful. Apparently they needed to do something to him in order to make him better again. As much as I wanted to go, I had to stay here and answer questions. I didn't trust Stiles and his friend, nor Scott and Liam, or even Brett. Something was going on here and I had no idea what that was, and it seemed like no one intended on telling me. Scott stayed behind, probably to make sure I didn't say anything about what I saw back there. How do you explain something that your not even sure about.

I finished giving my statement to the sheriff, who I also think knew something about the crazy stuff going on in this town, because he didn't pry for answers nor did he care when Stiles and his friend left with the victim. I walked away from the school, but was stopped by someone calling my name.

"Avery!" Scott yelled behind me.

"Leave me alone!" I yelled back, without even turning around.

"Avery, please just listen." Another male voice called. It was Liam, I turned around to face him.

"Listen to what exactly? How this town is a freak show? How Scott is some kind of beast and how my best friend is probably one too? How you have lied to me since we got to Beacon Hills? Because ever since we got here you have gotten distant towards me and started acting different, and I am willing to bet my life that this is the reason why. You're like Scott aren't you?!" I screamed at him.

He didn't say anything, only nodded his head, which fueled my anger up even more. I began to tear up, which was the last thing I wanted, but I also couldn't help it.

"Is Brett one of you guys?" I asked, not daring to make eye contact.

"Yes," Scott answered. I started to sob.

"What is he even really? What are you? Because I don't understand anything that is happening." I told him, sobbing my eyes out.

"We are werewolves, Scott and I, and even Brett. It's common in this town." Liam answered.

"Werewolves?!" I questioned, he has to be insane, maybe he is on drugs.

"Yeah, and a lot of other things that will take you a little while to understand. We don't even know them all yet." Scott said. I looked over to Liam.

"How long have you been like this? Has it always been like this?" I asked him, still sobbing.

He shook his head at me. "No, I was turned by Scott the day he broke my leg playing lacrosse."

"I don't believe you, but I am going to Brett and ask him what is going on, and if he says the same thing as you guys, then I will consider it." I told them and walked away.

What was I going to do? When did my life turn into such a disaster and utter chaos? I walked about half way into the parking lot when I realized I didn't have a ride to the Animal Clinic, but Scott pulled up besides me and nodded for me to get in.

As much as I didn't want to, I still got on. His bike was nice, and we drove in silence. But my mind raced, wondering what was I going to do if my boyfriend was a werewolf?  

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