Chapter 30

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The last person I ever expected to see step back into my life, was my brother Matthew.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" I screamed at him.

"It's still my house, mom and dad left it to both of us. I didn't expect you to be here still. I thought you would have moved in with Liam about now. Who's this?" He said pointing at Brett.

"Mom and dad left it to both of us, but you left and never said a work to anyone about anything, so get the hell out. And this is my boyfriend, Brett." I said and wrapped my arm around Brett's arm, who didn't seem to mind.

"A boyfriend? Last time I checked, you never dated anyone. And it doesn't matter that I left, what matters that I am here now." He said.

I rolled my eyes at him. "You really think that line is going to work, it doesn't matter that your back now, what matters is that you left in the first place. We are all that's left Matt." I felt bad for yelling at him, but he needed to know that nothing was going to be okay anymore. I have discovered so many things on my own that I felt like I didn't need anyone older to be there for me anymore. I mean there are freaking werewolves in the world and one of them is mine.

"You are so stubborn. You need some type of family in your life and I don't care if you like it or not, I'm here to stay. At this house." He said, crossing his arms. I was so mad.

"Fine, if you're staying here than Avery can stay at my house," Brett said, glaring at my older brother.

"Like hell she is. She is fifteen years old, and you look like you're eighteen. I should call the cops on you!" He yelled at Brett.

"First of all, I'm only sixteen years old, I turn seventeen in a couple of months. Second, call the cops, I'm the star player for Devenford Prep, everyone in this town loves me, so please call the cops." He stated. I hate fights, they never bring out the best in people. People will sit here and throw low blows at everyone and nothing good ever comes from it.

"Listen," I finally spoke up, "I can chose what I do, and I'm going to Liam's if you are going to stay here. I don't want to be here with you, Matthew." I made my way for the door. I hated my brother with a burning passion and ever since then. I opened my front door and went to shut it, but I forgot Brett was right behind me.

"Sorry." I said and walked to his black Mustang that I have grown to love.

"It's okay, you're going to have to point me to Liam's house through, I don't know the way." He said as he was putting the car into drive.

"We aren't going to Liam's house, we are going to yours. I rather spend my night with you that him anyways." I said and winked at him.

"You seriously just pulled a move over on your brother and on me." He said smiling at me. I nodded at him. "Man, I am obsessed with you now woman." He told me.

"And I love you," I told him. I was shocked as the words came out of my mouth, but I mean them. I love Brett with everything I have and it's about time he knew. I finally figured it out for myself. He pulled the car over to the side of the road.

"What did you say?" He said.

"I said I love you." I told him, again.

He reached across the console in between us and grabbed my face in between his hands.

"I don't want you to say it unless you absolutely mean it." He said.

"Brett, I do mean it. I really do. I was thinking about it all day, and all I know is that I don't want to be without you, ever." I told him. He gave me my favorite smile before he connected his lips to mine. It was different this time, there was more passion and more love in this kiss now more than ever. He disconnected his mouth from mine and looked me in my eye. His beautiful bright eyes were looking at me with adoration and I was so lucky.

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