Chapter 21

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The second the buses pulled up Liam's entire expression changed. He was no longer sitting there laughing with Mason and I, he wasn't even smiling. He wore a hard expression as he watched the team unload from the bus, he continued to watch them unload until the person he wanted to get off the bus finally got off. Brett. He started to walk towards him.

"Liam, don't!" I attempted to grab him, but my fingers barely grazed his arms. Liam stalked towards Brett.

"Brett!" He yelled, Brett looked up at him a shared the same hard expression that Liam had on his face. Brett didn't say anything to Liam, he didn't even look at me.

"I just wanted to say," Liam sneered, "Have a good game." He said normally and held his hand out for Brett to shake. I was shocked and from the looks of the other people around me, they didn't expect Liam to say that either. The next thing that happened shocked me the most, instead of Brett shaking Liam's hand he literally laughed in his face, out loud, and the whole team joined in.

"That's cute Liam," Brett began " Is that what they told you to say in anger management, apologize and everything's fine?" Brett glared at Liam. Liam didn't bother looking Brett in the eye, I would want to either. I started to walk towards the scene, but Scott and Stiles held me back.

"Just wait." They said and let go of me.

"You demolished coaches car," Brett continued, his voice was hard and cold. Liam finally looked up at Brett.

"I paid for it," Liam spit back

"Yeah you gonna pay for it, were gonna break you in half out there," Brett said coldly "And it's going to be all. your. fault." He said adding a pause between every word as to get his point across. I couldn't believe the words I was hearing. I knew they didn't like each other, but I didn't think it was that bad.

Scott and Stiles ran past me and grabbed Liam, pulling him away from Brett. I saw Stiles try and talk to Brett, who just glared at him and didn't respond until he left. Once Stiles left, Brett turned around to talk to Thomas, I took this opportunity to walk up to Brett. He didn't turn around to see me, Thomas saw me though.

"Brett that one freshman is here," he said as he glared at me. I glared back at him. Brett picked his head up and turned around and saw me. His face softened and he began to smile at me, but his face quickly changed when he saw how pissed I was.

"Hey baby, whats wrong?" He asked me, his face is full of concern.

"Why the hell did you do that to Liam?!" I yelled at him, he stepped back obviously shocked at my outburst.


"No don't try and make up an excuse, he literally did nothing wrong to you, he is trying to start over here and you are bringing up bad memories and just told everyone out here about his business, so that is great!" I cut him off.

Brett grabbed my arm and pulled me away from the group of other Lacrosse players who gave me dirty looks.

"Avery, I wasn't trying to piss you off, but you know I don't like him. And something seems different about him, I was just testing the boundaries." Brett told me.

"Testing the boundaries of what? His temper? Were you seriously hoping he would fight you and not be able to play?" I questioned.

"No! Damn! Well.. yeah maybe. Not because I wanted him to fight me, I just wanted to see if he actually had changed as much as you said. But babe, I'm sorry to tell you, he looked like he was going to fight me if Scott and that other kid hadn't pulled him away." He told me

"Well maybe if you didn't tell people his business than he wouldn't have. Now people are going to be questioning him on what happened at Devenford and how him and I ended up here." I spit at my boyfriend and walked away, not giving him a chance to respond. It took every ounce of self control that I had not to turn around and look at him. I knew I was mad at him, but I still wanted to talk to him.

"Avery!" He yelled at me. I gave in and turned around to looked at him. "Aren't you going to wish me luck?"

"Nope, the last person that did that didn't end very well." I told him. He only smiled at me and blew me a kiss. It was so hard to be mad at him. I blew him a kiss back and really left that time. I had an hour and a half before the game would start. I should probably go look for Liam and make sure he was okay. Scott and Stiles probably dragged him to the locker room, so that is were my search would begin.

I made my way to the Men's Lacrosse Locker Room, I made the turn to the hallway that had the locker room in it. Outside the locker room was Scott, Stiles, and Liam's game bags. I furrowed my eyebrows and cracked the door open to the locker room. I heard a low growl.

"Liam calm down!" Scott yelled, I could barely hear him over the growling noise and the noise of the shower. It sounded like they were beating the crap out of him! I stormed into the locker room to see Stiles turning off the shower and Scott handing Liam a towel.

"What the hell was happening in here?" I asked, they all looked side to side at each other searching for an answer.

"I lost my temper and I wanted to go beat your boyfriend to a pulp." Liam stated for me. I rolled my eyes at him.

"And they thought a shower would calm you down?" I asked

"Yeah, we figured he would want to get out from under the water eventually and we weren't going to let him go until he was calm." Scott told me.

"Listen," I said pointed at the three of them. " I don't know what the hell happened between you guys in the past couple of weeks, but Liam you have been my best friend since we were five, so I don't understand why you are lying to me and why you won't tell me whats wrong. Its obvious that Scott and Stiles know. But if your not going to try to communicate with me, then neither am I." I told him, tears in my eyes. Liam didn't look at me, he looked at the floor, but he nodded his head to tell me that he understood what I said. That triggered my tears to fall down my face. I ran out of the locker room and wasn't sure where I was going. I walked around the corner and saw a janitors closet. I quickly got inside it and closed the door. I saw on a barrel of paint and cried. I cried for about five minutes till someone knocked on the door.

"Is someone in there?" The male voice on the other side of the door asked me.

"Um, yeah." I responded

"Are you okay?" He asked, I got up of the barrel and wipe under my eyes to get the make up off and wiped my cheeks to get the tears off. Once I was sure I was clean, I opened the door. On the other side of the door was Mason. I sighed in relief.

"Oh thank god." I said and pulled him into the closet with me and shut the door once again. As soon as the door was shut, I let the tears start to go down my face again. Mason was shocked at my sudden outburst but quickly recovered. He pulled me in for a hug.

"Hey now, there is no need to cry, what ever it is can't be worth crying about." He told me.

"I think I am losing my best friend," I told him.

"Liam? Why would you be losing Liam?" He asked me. I let go of Mason and sat down on the dirty barrel that I was sitting on before he came in.

"He doesn't tell me anything anymore, and he is keeping secrets. Ever since he started hanging out with Scott and his weird friend, he doesn't act like him self. He would have never left if the hospital if it wasn't for Scott and he knows my phone number so I'm going to guess that the reason he didn't call is because of Scott. I'm worried about him, and he is shutting me out." I confessed to Mason. Even though I just met Mason today, I knew he was the kind of person you could trust.

"I kind of know how you feel, Liam and I were hanging out the other day and he beat my ass at Call of Duty. It's not normal for him to beat me and when I asked him how he met Scott, he said it was through Lacrosse, but I asked him when during Lacrosse and he said before Scott hurt him at that practice, but how could that be true? He didn't even play Lacrosse against Scott except for at Devenford Prep, but they never talked during the games." He explained to me. So it seemed that I wasn't the only person Liam was lying to lately.

"Maybe-" The door was knocked open, and I saw Brett.   

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