Chapter 29

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Everything is always complicated no matter how you phrase it. Brett was only a few feet in front of me, but I felt like he was miles away and he was only getting farther away. I know I am going to lose him if I can't give him the answer he wanted, but if I told him that I loved him and didn't mean it, I would lose him forever.

"Hey, slow poke. Hurry up and catch up." He yelled back at me smiling, the way he does, then he stuck his tongue out at me. I smiled back at him and quicken my pace so that I was right beside him. Once I was near him, he grabbed my hand and intertwined it with his. The feeling of his hand on my hand was so familiar and so peaceful that I never wanted to let it go, we got to his car and he opened the passenger door for me, and I just stood there holding his hand.

"What's wrong, Avery?" He said as he looked down at me and his car.

"Nothing's wrong, I just don't want to let go." I told him, never once looking him in the eye. I just kept looking at my feet.

"Well then, do you want to walk around?" He asked me, I shook my head. "So you just want to stand in the middle of the Beacon Hills High School parking lot, with my car door open, and holding my hand as if you're going to lose me."

"Yes, that's exactly what I want to do." I told him.

"Well if we are going to stay here, then we are going in my car." He said, and sat down in the passenger seat of his car and pulled me down onto his lap. I didn't mind this, he was close to me and he wasn't going to leave me.

The thought of him leaving me brought up the assassins again. I snuggled closer into Bretts arms.

"I really don't believe that there is nothing wrong, but I am going to enjoy this and allow you to tell me whenever you're ready," he said.

"I was thinking about something, and it brought up the assassins in my mind, and I just don't want anything to happen to you. I can't lose you, and I know you are probably fustrated at me because I can't give you a proper answer and I'm sorry, but I literally cannot lose you." I told him and this time I lifted my head up to look at him.

"Hey, hey, now don't cry," he said and wiped a tear off of my face.

"I'm sorry, I didn't even realize I was crying." I said and started wiping my face.

"It is no big deal, I promise you that I am going no where. No assassin or answer will take me away from anyone. I have you and Lori to take care of. Plus what would Devenford Prep and Beacon Hills High School do without me." He said and started laughing and I laugh with him, even though this probably wasn't a joking matter.

"Are you ready to go to your house? I could really use a nap," He stated. I nodded, and I got up to let him get out of the passenger seat. He got into the driver's and immediately took my hand. "So that you don't feel like I am going to jump out of the car." I slapped him in the arm with my other arm and relaxed. As we arrived to my house, I was thinking about Brett and everything that we have been through in the total amount of time that we have been together.

We met and automatically connected, and became friends for a limited amount of time before we actually started dating, we rushed into it. But even though we rushed into our relationship, there is nothing I would change about it. He makes me happy and makes me feel alive. The car stopping interrupted my thoughts. Brett turned his head towards me.

"I don't know what's wrong with you today, and I don't want to argue with you. If it is about what I wanted to know earlier this week then forget about it. I don't want an answer that bad to where you are worrying yourself as bad as you are." He grabbed my face in between his two huge hands." It's not worth it. " He said and removed his hands from my face and slide them down to my hands.

Entering my house felt foreign to me this time, and I couldn't quite put my finger on the reason why. It wasn't because Brett was here, he was always here. Interrupting my thoughts was Brett sticking his hand out.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

"I caught a scent. I don't recognize it." He stated to me. He grabbed my arm and put me against the wall. "Stay here, if there is any trouble, just scream." He said and walked away.

What? Did he seriously just leave me alone when some random stranger is probably in my house.

"Avery! Do you know this guy?" Brett hollered out. I walked over to where I heard his voice, the kitchen. When I walked into the kitchen, I saw something I never expected to see. Brett and my older brother, Matthew.

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