Chapter 25

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Avery POV

It's been a couple days now, and knowing Brett's secret was the best thing that could have happened in our relationship. He was more honest and was able to tell me the truth about where he was going, especially when it was dealing with his pack. Liam, Scott, and Brett explain the dead pool to me, and that frightened me most. Hunters were trying to kill them for profit. That was the sickest part, but what was worse was Brett feared that now that I knew his secret and everyone knows that we are together, people will try to come after me in order to get to Brett. He thinks I'm in danger, so he never leaves my side. He drives me to school and then drives the 30 minutes back to Devenford to go to his school and then drives back to Beacon Hills in order to pick me up. It was suffocating, but I know that means best. And to be completely honest, I rather have Brett with me all the time rather than not have him the time I would probably need him. I feared that the time I would need him most would be when someone was trying to kill me.

A werewolf life was the last thing I expected or even wanted in my life, but Brett was worth it. I think I love him, but I'm scared to tell him because I also think that it might be my emotions overwhelming me. Plus he hasn't said or even hinted to the fact that he loved me.

I was waiting outside Beacon Hills High School waiting for Brett to pull up, but he was late. Usually he was here early. I would walk out to the school and he would be there leaning up against his Mustang making all the girls at my school envy me because they knew he was with me. But there was no Brett there today. I heard a sound beside me and Liam appeared out of the corner of my eye.

"Hey, are you waiting for Brett?" He asked

"Yeah, he should be here in five minutes or so," I told him. He nodded at me.

"You know my dad can give you a ride home like he used to. I'm pretty sure he misses our morning routines as much as I do." He offered

"Thank you, but no. Brett should be here any minute." I told him

"You guys are seriously cute, I mean it's so cute that I think I am going to throw up everywhere." He said in a feminine, and started making gag noises. I laughed and pushed him to make him laugh even more. I saw a black Mustang pull into the parking lot. It parked in front of me.

"Does someone need ride?" he asked in a smooth voice. I waved goodbye to Liam and walked towards the car, but when I reached for the handle until Brett pulled away right before I could set my hand on it. I could hear him laugh from the car.

"Are you serious?" I ask him, laughing.

"Come on babe! You have to want it!" He told me. Okay, challenge accepted. I walked up to his car and reached for the handle again, but this time faster than last time. I didn't matter, he still pulled the car away from me. Frustrated I walked away from the car.

"Babe! Where are you going?" He yelled and laughed from his car.

"I am walking home!" I yelled at him

"Babe come on!" He yelled, I ignored him and walked away from his car and in the completely opposite way from where I lived. I heard the car door open behind me, but I kept on walking anyways. I heard him running behind me to catch up to me and I dropped my bag and took off. I heard his laughter behind me, but his footsteps started to get closer to me. He was faster than me, there was no denying that. He caught up to me and grabbed me, throwing me over his shoulder.

"Brett put me down!" I yelled slapping his back, in a failed attempt at getting his to put me down. He responded by slapping my butt. I squealed at the contact as he laughed at me. He walked towards his car and opened the passenger side door, setting me inside the car. He got to his side of the car and started the engine.

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