Chapter 22

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As if Brett walking in on me in the closet with Mason wasn't bad enough, my response probably made it worse.

"Hi," and I waved, is all I said to Brett. After the argument we had earlier, I figured that he wouldn't want to hear about any of my issues dealing with him. Brett opened his mouth as if he was going to say something, but he shut it and signaled for Mason to get out of the closet. He entered the closet and shut the door, locking it so no one would bother us.

"I heard you crying from the hallway, so I'm not mad. Why didn't you come and get me though? Why did you get Mason?" He asked me, looking genuinely hurt.

"You were already mad at Liam and the last thing I needed was for you to be more mad at him right before this game." I said

"Wait, Liam is the reason you are crying, what did he do to you?" He asked, glaring.

"I'm not going to tell you if you continue to make that face any longer." I snapped at him, he softened his face and looked at me. "Liam is hiding things from me, ever since he started hanging out with Scott. And things are getting weirder and Liam is acting stranger, like today when they dragged him away from you. I went to the locker room and heard some obscene noises and when I walked in there they were turning the shower off and Liam was soaked! And then they had the nerve to lie to me and give me bullshit answers."

"How do you know they were lying?" He asked me, I rolled my eyes

"Because Liam always messes with his eyebrow when he lies." I told him

"Babe, I know Scott McCall, not personally but through other people and I doubt he would do anything to Liam that would potentially endanger him." Brett told me, I rolled my eyes once more.

"Why are you taking his side? I know he did something to Liam!" I yelled at him. Brett grabbed my face and brought it to his. Our foreheads were touching and we were looking into each others eyes.

"Okay baby, if it really means that much to you then maybe I can investigate a little more and see if I see the same difference in him that you do." Brett told me, right after he finished talking he pulled me into a hug.

Brett's hugs were one of my favorite things in the whole world. It made you feel safe and wanted, as if anything in the world tried to come at me, Brett would have my back. I would never get tired of his hugs. I pulled out of his embrace and leaned up to give him as kiss. Our kiss was slow and passionate. It was amazing and electrifying, the way our lips moved in sync with each other made me never want the kiss to end, and I was extremely grateful that we were in a closet alone together. Our kiss got heated real fast, what was once a simple kiss turned out into a full on make out session. I don't know how long we were in there, but we were broken apart when his phone went off. I groaned at the noise.

"I swear that stupid device interrupts us every time!" I exclaimed. That earned a deep chuckle from Brett, but once he read the message on his phone his eyes got big.

"Shit! The game starts in 15 minutes and I haven't warmed up or anything, I'm sorry but I have to go!" He said and gave me a quick peck on my lips before opening the door to the closet and running down the hall on his way to the Lacrosse fields.

I decided that I should probably get out of the closet too, otherwise I will miss the game. I walked around until I managed to find my way to the Lacrosse fields. When I got there they were announcing the starters for each team.

"From Devenford Prep Number 28 Brett Talbot!" The announcer said. I cheered as loud as I could earning some glares from people I went to school with.

"Now your very own Cyclones, Number 9 Liam Dunbar!" He said, once again I cheered for my best friend, just not as loud as I normally would because I was very mad at him.

"Number 11 Scott McCall," I almost found myself booing at Scott.

"Number 7 Garrett---" And I couldn't hear his last name from the girl right next to me screaming so loud. I covered my ears and she looked at me.

"I'm sorry! I just get really excited whenever he plays." She apologized

"Oh it's no big deal, I just wasn't prepared." I told her. She laughed and held her hand out to me.

"I'm Violet, Garrett's girlfriend." She told me. Girlfriend?Maybe I should tell her about him asking me out. I decided against it.

"I'm Avery, Liam's best friend," I told her, shaking her hand.

"Aren't you the one that is dating 28 on the other team?" She asked me. I nodded my head.

"Yeah that's me" I told her proudly.

"Oh my goodness he is so hot!" She yelled at me. I backed up and looked at her with a smile.

"Thank you!" I told her.

"You should defiantly watch this game with me." She said and patted the seat next to her. I took a seat and we continued to talk throughout the game. At half time we looked at the score and it was 5-1 with Devenford Prep winning. Brett ran to the fence, I walked down from the bleacher to talk to him.

"Hey, I tried to wave at you a lot, but you seemed busy talking to someone." He told me, laughing.

"I'm sorry! I'm going to pay attention for the rest of this game." I told him. He rolled his eyes and nodded his head at me and gave me a kiss before joining his team mates. I looked up to find Violet wasn't where she was when I left her. She was at the field talking to Garrett. She nodded her head at him and walked in my direction.

"Hey Avery! I'll be right back, Garrett said his new cleats are hurting his feet, so I am going to grab his old ones from his locker in the locker room." She told me

"Do you want me to come with?" I ask

"No, you can continue to watch your boyfriend kick our asses." She laughed and walked towards the school.

I laughed and continue to watch the game. The referee blew the whistle to start the second half. If I was going to be completely honest with myself, Lacrosse was such as fast game that I couldn't keep up with anything that was happening. One second, Beacon Hills has the ball, the next Devenford is scoring a goal. It was just a complicated game. We were half way through the second half with the score of 6-3. Brett had scored once more and Liam had score once. Scott also scored another goal. Brett had the ball and he quickly got past all the defenders, but somehow Garrett was able to catch up to Brett and tackle him to the ground. I could hear Brett hollering in pain.

"I can't feel my leg," he kept on saying over and over again to the referee. Eventually they had to drag him out on a gurney, a couple of his players went with him. I walked over to the team mates that were walking with the gurney.

"Hey, where are you taking him?" I asked

"He's going to be in the locker room, Avery. So come see him after the game is done." Thomas told me and continued walking with Brett. I watched them take him out of the stadium, and I blew him a kiss when he looked at me. He smiled and just went to the locker room.

I walked back to the bleachers, as I was watching the game I noticed Scott, Stiles, and Liam walking over towards me.

"Hey! Where did they take Brett?!" Liam asks me

"Uh, to the locker room, so he could rest, why?" I asked, Scott nodded his head.

"Liam stay here and look out for Garrett, I'm going to see if Brett's okay." Scott said looking at me out of the corner of his eye. Liam nodded his head and did as he was told.

"Is Brett going to be okay?" I asked Liam, Liam shook his head at me

"No, probably not." He said before running back on the field to play.

I don't know what came over me, but I ran to the locker rooms as quick as I could.

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