Chapter 10

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Brett dropped me off at home and I felt sick to my stomach. I trusted Brett, but I only trusted him so much. We weren't dating, but he always runs off saying his dad needs him. Whenever his phone goes off he's not happy about it. Maybe that's because he is with me and he doesn't want to leave me? I don't know, but something seems odd.


Its Thursday morning, Brett never came back Monday night and hasn't even tried to talk to me since then. I got up and got dressed in my clothes ( ). I decided to dress nice and show Brett what he was missing out on. I know its game day that's why I have his sweatshirt that he gave me in my locker. Just in case he decides to talk to me and apologize and tell me what's going on.

I walked into my 1st class, which I had with Brett and Liam, I saw them both by my desk talking. Brett saw me and smiled as did Liam. I noticed they had their Lacrosse jerseys on. It looked really nice on them. Liam rushed over to me and gave me a hug.

"Hey Avery! Sorry I didn't ride the bus, my dad gave me a ride to school. Your coming to the game right?" He asked, with hope in his eyes.

"Of course I'm coming! I wouldn't miss your first game, I'm going to be cheering your name so loud." I said.

"I just figured out that I'm starting the first half! Brett wants to see how I will do with Thomas up front, so he is sitting the bench for the first half and depending on the score he might let me play the whole game!" Liam said excitedly. I looked around him at Brett, who had his head down with no smile on his face. The bell rang and Liam went to his desk before I could reply. I took my seat next to Brett.

"Are you okay?" I asked him

"Yeah, I'm sorry about what happened on Monday, I should have messaged but I wanted to apologize in person." he said.

"I accept your apology, but why is Liam starting? I'm excited for him, but isn't Beacon Hills a huge game for you guys, I figured you would be in." I stated

"That's why I had to go home, I have been having some back issues and my dad wants me to stay out the first half and if the score is good then I will stay out the second half as well." Brett said, still looking down, not at me.

"I'm sorry, but if its for your health then I agree with your dad. Your back is a serious thing." I said.

"Are you still going to wear my sweatshirt even though I'm benched?" He asked and looked at me with a smirk.

"Um, I don't know. I don't want people to think I'm going out with a bench warmer," I said, winking at him. He started laughing with me until the teacher told us to be quiet. I tried to pay attention to the lesson, but Brett grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers. His other hand was tracing circles on my forearm.

The bell rang and we walked out of class still holding hands, which earned me glares from a dozen of girls, including the one who was rude to me a little while ago. We walked to my locker where I pulled Brett's sweater over my head and looked at him.

"That looks so much better, now no one will bother you." He said and kissed my forehead before walking to his next class. I turned around and saw a girl behind me.

"Are you guys dating?" She asked. I shrugged my shoulders and walked away. I should probably ask Brett if we are a thing or not? That way I have an answer to that question if anyone ever asked again. Ill ask him after his game.

I was sitting in the bleachers of the lacrosse game as they were announcing the starters for Beacon Hills, I noticed a few names.

"Number 11, Scott McCall"

"Number 24, Stiles Stilinski"

And then they started announcing our team

"Number 9, Liam Dunbar"

I got up and cheered as loud as I could. Liam looked at me waved, which I returned back. The guys on each team started lining up to their positions and then the referee blew the whistle to start the game. Liam got the ball and started running towards the goal, he passed it to Thomas, and then yelled at Thomas to pass it back, which he didn't and Beacon Hills ended up getting the ball and scoring. Liam was yelling at Thomas which Thomas just nodded at him and they started again.

Half way through the first half I decide that I wanted to get a drink and started walking to concessions, I got my drink when I heard people yelling and whistles being blown.


Was being chanted through the crowd. I walked to the fence and saw Brett trying to pull Liam off of a Beacon Hills defender. When the fight was over, the referee walked over to Liam and threw up a red card. Liam was kicked out of the game and could play. Brett was yelling at him as he was grabbing his gear and putting it on. Brett had to go in now, they had no more forwards. Brett was looking at the bleachers, but he wasn't looking at me. The small Asian lady behind me was staring at him and nodded her head, which Brett returned.

The game finished with Brett scoring 4 goals, including the game winning goal. Brett came up to me after the game and hugged me so hard that I thought he was going to break me.

"Good Job!" I said, and kissed his cheek.

"Thank you! I would love to stay and celebrate, but I have to go. Tell Liam I will see him tomorrow for an extended practice. I can't believe him!" Brett said, he gave me a brief chaste kiss and left.

Liam came over towards me with his head down. All I could do was hug him, He needed a friend right now and that's was I was for him.

"I don't know what happened. I got so mad and next thing I new I was on top of him, and Brett was yelling at me and trying to pull me off." I nodded as I listened to him vent , until I had a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and that Asian woman was behind me.

"Hello?" I said to her

"Your Brett's girlfriend, right?" she asked.

"Um, we haven't really put a label on it yet." I told her honestly

"Mhmm, stay away from him. He doesn't need anymore drama in his life," She said and walked away, leaving me dumbfounded.  

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