Chapter 19

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"What do you mean he is missing?" I said to the nurse

"I don't know he wasn't in his room." The nurse

I pushed my way past the nurse and began my search for Liam. Where could he have ran off too? I looked for the entire floor, but saw nothing. I went back to his room to see if Liam maybe left a clue to see where he was going. There was nothing, I tore the room up. I pulled out my phone.

Where the hell did you go? The hospital is about to go into code black looking for you.

I saw a flash in the left of my eye. I turned my head to see Liam's phone on the night table by the hospital bed. I groaned, great now I have no way of contacting him. Maybe he went back home, but Mr. Dunbar wasn't going to leave the hospital with his son missing. I had no way of getting home. I sat down at the hospital chair and put my head in my hands. Where could he have gone? I needed fresh air. I walked outside of the hospital and sat down on the curb. I honestly had no clue to where Liam would have went, especially if he had a broken leg. I texted Brett.

Dumb question, have you seen or heard from Liam?

It took him a couple minutes to respond.

No, why would I? Is anything wrong?

Yeah, he's missing. I can't think of anywhere he would be

Brett never responded, leaving me alone to my thoughts. Mr. Dunbar walked out and said that Liam would eventually try to contact one of us whenever he came to his senses. He told me that Liam's leg was broken and he had to be running on adrenaline to be running or even walking through all of that pain. We drove home in silence probably both worry about Liam's whereabouts and if he was okay or not. Liam was going to run out of adrenaline and then be helpless where ever he was.

The car stopped and he pulled in front of my house, where a black mustang was parked.

"Is someone at your house?" Mr. Dunbar asked.

"No, it's probably someone for the neighbors," I lied to him. I got out of the car, and walked up to my house and unlocked the door, turned around and waved goodbye to Mr. Dunbar. I closed my door and looked out the window to see if he had left. I sighed in relief when I saw the SUV drive away.

"Brett? Are you here?" I called out

"Yeah, I'm up in your room." He called from upstairs, I smiled and ran upstairs to see him sitting on my bed, reading "The Outsiders"

"Hey, what are you doing here?" I asked him as I pulled off my jacket.

"You sent me that text saying Liam was missing, so I went searching for him." He said, he saw the hopeful look on my face and shook his head. "I didn't find him anywhere on this side of town."

"Damn it, where did he go?!" I yelled and flopped down on my bed. I was so stressed out and I didn't know what to do.

"Here come lay down, he will come home eventually," he held his arm out and made a spot for me to lay down. I laid down when he joked around. "Unless he got eaten by wolves." I slapped his arm, glaring at him.

We laid there for a while, I kept checking my phone every ten minutes, at midnight I found that I was exhausted and needed to sleep, but I kept yelling at my eyes to stay open.

"Avery, babe, go to sleep. I will stay awake and if your phone goes off, I'll wake you up." He told me. I looked up and him and nodded gratefully. I curled up into his side, and wrapped my arm around him. I inhaled his scent, and he smelled really nice. I looked up at him and he looked down at me, I pushed up on his chest and gave him a kiss. I was slow and passionate, and quickly turned into a heavy make out session. We continued make out until we both ran out of breathe. We pulled a part gasping for breathe, and I returned back to his side. I curled up and cuddled back up with him like I was before. I quickly fell asleep.  

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