Chapter 15

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Waking up in Liam's house was the most normal thing that happened this week. However, waking up after Liam was not normal. I looked around the room, on the floor, and even in the closet. He wasn't there. Maybe he actually woke up before me, I got up and walked out of the room and found no one.

"Liam?" I called out. There was no answer, I heard the door open and Liam appeared with Starbucks and donuts. I smiled at him. "Thank goodness, I'm starving." I said and tried to grab the donuts. Liam backed away, moving them just out of my reach. I looked at him, what was he doing?

"Why are you going for the donuts before Starbucks? I got you your favorite vanilla bean, something is wrong with you?" He said, looking at me as if I had a disease.

"Liam, you have no room to talk about things being wrong. Mr. I beat the crap out of people and got kicked off the lacrosse team." I teased him.

"Atleast I know what my issues are, you didn't come straight over last night. Either you went to your house first, which you didn't because you don't have any clothes or you stayed at the game to talk to a certain guy. It is pretty clear you guys are having issues, I mean if it's clear to me then it's clear to everyone." Liam said. I didn't say anything back to him. Everything he said was true, I didn't know what was going on. I ate my food in silence, not wanting to talk about Brett and I until I knew what was happening with us.

"You know, if your coach said that to me. I would destroy his car." I joked around and laughed with him.

I grabbed my phone to see if I had any missed messages from him. I didn't.

-Time Skip-

Monday morning was more refreshing then you would think it would be. Nothing interesting happened over the weekend. Liam and I sat in his house and watched TV for the whole weekend. We went through six seasons of Grey's Anatomy before we called it quits on that show. Anyways, I got dressed and ready for school, Liam texted me to let me know that I would be walking to school alone because he had things he had to deal with at school before it started.

I arrived at school with fifteen minutes to spare, which was odd for me. I usually like to get here with enough time to stop by my locker and get to class. Being as I had so much time to spare, I decided I would get some homework done since I did none over the weekend. I went to my locker and grabbed my math textbook, put my headphones in, and got started with my homework. I don't know how long I was there, but someone ripped my headphones out of my ears. I looked up and saw the lacrosse coach.

"Where the hell is Liam?" The coach asked me.

"I don't know he is somewhere here." I told him.

"That little shit demolished my car!" He screamed at me

"Well I didn't fucking do it! Get out of my face about it!" I yelled back at him, I was so shocked at what I had just said that I literally covered my mouth. The coached glared at me and walked away looking for Liam.

I didn't want to believe anything that he said. I needed find Liam. I walked around all over the school and he was no where to be seen. I'll wait till my second class, we have that one together. If he isn't there then I will go find him. My first class went by so slow. When second class came around, I wasn't sure about what I was going to do until I noticed Brett.

"Do you know where Liam is?" He asked.

"No, I was waiting for him to show up here and if he didn't I was going to find him." I told him. "And since he isn't here I have to go." And walked away. I went to my house first and started texting him and when he didn't answer I walked over to his house. I turned the corner that led me right to Liam's house and saw the cops there.

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