Chapter 20

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I woke up at my alarm clock going off in the morning. I had an unfamiliar feeling around me, I look up and saw Brett fast asleep beside me.

"Turn it off," he moaned at me. I reached around and grabbed my phone silencing it. I turned and looked at him. His eyes were still closed. "What time is it?" He asked me. I looked at my phone again.

"Its 6:00am," I told him

"Has Liam messaged you yet?" He asked

"Nope, my phone had no messages." I told him looking down, disappointed.

"Hey," he said as he grabbed my face, "he is probably okay." I nodded my head at him, saying nothing else. My phone went off beside me, quickly grabbing it just to be disappointed when it was Mr. Dunbar saying he would pick me up for school in half an hour.

"Don't you need to get home? You dad isn't worried about you?" I asked him, I was grateful he was there with me, but I didn't want him to get in trouble.

"Um, I texted my dad last night letting him know I was here. I told him you needed me more and he completely understood." He told me. I nodded at him, I knew he was probably lying, he never messaged his father.

"You don't have to lie to me, if your a rebel and didn't tell your dad, I'm not going to yell at you about it. I'm grateful that you are here with me." I told him, and got up. He got up after me and I instantly wrapped my arms around him, putting my face against his back. He wrapped his arms around my arms.

"Are you okay?" He asked me

"I'm still extremely worried about Liam, it is weird that he hasn't contacted me yet." I told him, Liam would always keep in contact with me. I feel like he disappeared and something terrible has happened to him.

"I'm telling you, he has had a hard time lately. He probably needed an escape from everything and ran to catch some fresh air." He said

"That's a good point, but why wouldn't he contact me or his parents to let us know he's okay?" I retaliate.

"He needs an escape, meaning he doesn't want to be bothered by anyone. I mean he ruined Devenford Prep for you. Your honestly the last person besides his parents that he wants to talk to." He told me.

"There is one more thing, at the first practice he got hit really hard by the captain, Scott, and he landed on his leg. We had to take him to the hospital where we learned that his leg is broken, but before we could tell him he ran out and left and no one could find him. What if he is really hurt, he doesn't have his phone. I'm scared." I admitted to Brett. He turned around and wrapped his arms around me. The hug was just the thing that I needed. We stayed like that for awhile. When we pulled apart, I checked the time.

"Shit! I have five minutes left to get ready!" I rushed around my room getting things I needed for the day. My outfit was plan and simple, leggings and a sweat shirt, well Brett's sweatshirt.

"You know, Beacon Hills is going to be upset when you walk into school with that shirt on, especially since we both face each other today." He told me, smirking. I smiled back at him.

"Well at least they will know what team I'm rooting for," I told him, I hugged him and heard a honk. Mr. Dunbar was here. "I have to go."

"Okay, I will see you in a few hours. We will be there right after school today, come see me?" He asked, I nodded at him. As I walked away he grabbed my arm, when I looked back at him, I saw him with his lips puckered up at me. I laughed loudly, but leaned in and gave him a kiss. He made a loud smooching noise and waved bye to me. I walked out of my house and into Mr.Dunbar's car. Once I got in he started a conversation.

"Scott, the Lacrosse captain contacted me. He said he found Liam and he stayed at his house. They are going to be at school today. So find him for me and make sure he is perfectly fine. Scott said he didn't seem to have any trouble to have any trouble with his leg, I'm going to the hospital to make sure those were his x-rays." he told me, and we pulled up outside Beacon Hills High School. I nodded to him and got out of the car.

Thank goodness Liam was okay, but when I get my hands on him he won't be. I walked through out all the hallways and skipped over my own locker going to straight to the lacrosse locker room, where I know Liam will be. I walked in to the locker room just after they showered. A lot of the men in the locker room yelled at me and covered up, but I ignored them and continued my search for Liam. Shockingly he wasn't in there, but Scott and his friend was too. I stormed up to them and they turned and faced me.

"Where is Liam?" I asked them, they looked at me wide eyed.

"Do you know where he is?" Scott's friend asked me.

"If I knew where he was, would I be asking you?" I snapped at him, he flinched at my words, but then glared at me.

"Liam ditched us this morning, so no we don't know where he went either, but he won't miss the game. So just wait till then." Scott told me.

"Do you know what happened to him yesterday?" I asked., Scott looked around at the locker room like he wasn't going to tell me here. "Listen I know I'm in the men's lacrosse room, but I need to know what happened to him."

"I found him on the roof and then we started walking around and talking and he didn't want to be in the hospital anymore, so I took him to my house were we talked. We when called his dad he seemed really concerned about his leg, but there seems to be nothing wrong with it. He just said it was sore." He told me. I nodded and started walking out of the locker room, until I bumped into Garrett.

"Hey Avery, nice sweatshirt." He laughed at me, I joined him in a laugh.

"Yeah, well I don't have one for Liam and I love Devenford Prep." I told him

"Well if you love it so much why did you come here?" He asked curiously

"For Liam, so he wouldn't be alone." I lied. No one needed to know about Liam's business. He raised an eyebrow at me.

"Well Liam is lucky to have a friend like you." He told me, "hey are you going to be at the game?"

"Yeah I wouldn't miss it for the world," I said and left the mens locker room, bumping into Coach Flinstock.

"Are you coming out of my locker room?" he asked me. I looked back at the locker room and back at him.

"Um, yeah" I said and walked away before he had the chance to ask me another question. I had missed my first class, so I went to my second and finished the day.

-----Time Skip-----

It was the end of the day, which means Brett should be here any minute. I looked around waiting for the Devenford Prep buses to pull up, but as I was looking back at the entrance of the school, I saw a brown flop of hair that made me smile. I ran up to him and threw my arms around him.

"LIAM! Oh my goodness! I am so happy to see you. I have been so worried!" I told him, he wrapped his arms around me and smiled as well.

"I'm sorry I had you so worried, I didn't remember your number and I forgot to take my phone with me," he told me.

"It's all okay, we will talk about that later if you want, what are you doing right now?" I asked him

"We are waiting for the buses to pull up," said the kid next to Liam, "My name is Mason, by the way" I shook his hand.

"Liam, your not going to start shit with your old team again are you?" I asked. He shook his head

"Nope, I am just going to wish them good luck and be a good person." he told me

We continued our chit chat when I heard the noises of buses behind me. I didn't even have to turn around to know Devenford Prep has arrived at Beacon Hills.

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