Chapter 17

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Friday came by faster than I would have liked, but I guess it wasn't that bad being as the only friend I had made was Brett. My other friend was going with me to Beacon Hills High. Mr. Dunbar had everything planned out for us there since he worked at Beacon Memorial. I was still sad about leaving, mostly because of Brett. I shouldn't be sad though. He hasn't tried talking to me since Tuesday. The only reason I showed up at school was to pack my locker up and hopefully catch a glance at Brett. Sadly I didn't, he wasn't at school apparently. I looked around the hallway for him one more time, and sighed when he was no where to be found.

Leaving Devenford Prep for the last time was hard. I wanted to stay so bad, but I didn't want to stay here longer than I needed too. I walked to my house in silence, after about five minutes I plugged my headphones in and started listening to music. I turned the street that led to my house and saw a black mustang in front of it. I smiled instantly knowing whose car that was. Brett got out of the drivers side and started walking towards me, meeting me half way.

"Hey! Where have you been? I was just about to text you." He said to me, smiling.

"I had to go to clean out my locker and signed out of school." I told him, looking down frowning.

"I'm really sorry that you are leaving, but I actually wanted to talk to you about that, but right now we are spending the day together." He held his hand out to me, I gladly took it. We walked into my house.

"So here is what I am thinking, you can change plans if you want to, but lets have a movie and cuddle date. Around five I'll order Chinese food, and then we will have a deep conversation later." He said to me moving his hands too much and making hilarious faces as he did.

"Yeah we can do those things if you want. I'm okay with it as long as I pay for the Chinese." I told him, winking at him as I said it.

"Haha, nah babe. This is a date and I will pay." He said, I froze.

"Brett, why is this a date?" I asked

"Because I want it to be." He simply stated. I wasn't one to argue with a good thing and this was most definitely a good thing. We did everything he said we were going to do. We watched hilarious movies like Ted 1 and 2, plus the Hangover movies. I love these things with him. We lost track of time so we ordered Chinese at seven rather than five. It was a great day, I don't think I have ever had this much fun before.

"Okay, we have had our day of fun, now we need to get serious." Brett told me.

"Okay?" I said back.

"Listen Avery." Oh no was all I could think of. "I want to do long distance with out and make things official with us like you wanted. We will be officially dating, but I want to put this out there now. I don't like Liam, he ruined a lot of things for you, and I honestly can't like him will all of he trouble he has caused." He told me

"But Liam is my best friend. I want you guys to get along. It would make things easier." I told him.

"I'm just putting my feelings out there, I really do like you but I don't like your best friend." He told me, he was completely serious too.

"I think I'll be okay with that as long as you don't talk shit about him to me AND you don't tell me not to hang out with him. He has been there for me for several years, and I don't want to lose him." I made it clear.

"Avery, I don't care that you hang out with him. I understand your history with him, I have to ask one more thing though." He said. I nodded waiting for him to continue. "Please don't wear any of that Beacon Hills shit." I started laughing as did he.

"Okay, I can promise that. I'm keeping your jacket by the way, I didn't plan on giving that back." I told him.

"That's okay, wear it as much as you want at Beacon Hill. We have a match there in two months anyways, is Liam going to be on the team?" He asked. I nodded.

"Yeah his dad talked to the coach and they haven't done tryouts for Freshman yet. That's Monday." I told him

"Well he will get on the team, so I will see him again." Brett stated.

"Yeah you will." I said. Brett started to lean in and for a minute I thought he was going to kiss me. Instead he got up and pulled me up with him. We were standing so close that our chest were touching.

"I'm going to do this right, Avery will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?" He said as he looked down at me. I didn't notice our height difference until now.

"Of course, you have had me since you asked me my name." I told him, he smiled and looked down at my lips then my eyes and he kissed me. It was magical as it always was.


I left Avery's house at about nine. We watched movies while we ate our Chinese food, and then made out some more. I smiled at the memory. I wish I could have taken my time and dated her for a little while longer, but this was necessary in order to make sure she was safe. I am hoping that she will stay away from Scott and his crew. They were my biggest worry, Avery was someone the would probably love to have in their pack.

I didn't know Scott McCall personally, but he helped me find Avery when she was in the woods and it appeared that he already knew who she was when I gave him her name and description of her.

The assassins were getting closer and closer to the house where we stayed. I couldn't go to school for the rest of the week because Satomi said they followed me there a couple of time and two new people enrolled at the school. She believed there was some at all the schools in the county. Eventually I was going to have to go to school again, but right now it was in my best idea to say hidden.

Scott is worth the most on the dead pool. Twenty Million Dollars! We haven't found the list with me or my sisters name on it, but the one list we had, had 10 of our pack members on it.

Avery is about to walk into a situation she doesn't even know about yet. As I walked home I debated on whether or not to tell her. I decided that it was in her best interest not to know. It was the only way to keep everyone safe.  

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