Welcome to Hyrule

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Thank you for seeing what my book is about, what you'll need to know is below...

(y/n) = Your name

(y/ln) = Your last name

(y/ec) = Your eye colour/color

(y/hl) = You hair length

(y/hc) = Your hair colour/ color

(y/st) = Your skin tone


I walk down my street and run into my house sliding the key into the keyhole and turning the doorknob.

"(y/n) have a good day at school?" Mom asks and I look around for her and find her in the kitchen chopping vegetables and smiling sweetly at me.

"Where's dad?" I ask 

"Oh he's taking a shower, seems like you need a bath too" Mom says and points to my shirt and forehead where sweat was running down.

"Hey! I had gym last period don't blame me he made us run for 5 minutes straight" I retort and she just shakes her head and chuckles. I hear the door upstairs open and another door close. "Well he's out now so I'll shower then do my homework, dinner should be ready by then right?"

"Yeah should be done by 5" Mom answers my question. I head upstairs and jump in the bath and let my (h/l) (y/hc) get wet as I dunk my head under water and as I open my eyes I see a boy, starring at me. His blue eyes stare into my (y/ec) eyes. He looks away and I see someone come up beside him, she looks a lot like me. He gets up and kisses her. She smiles but I see it's fake. I want to continue watching but I need air. I gasp for air and look at my self in the reflection of the water. My (y/st) skin is shining from the water on it. I go back down and look but no one is there, I wait for a bit then surface again. I dry off and put my clothes on and grab my homework, I finish it quickly and lay my head on my desk that is in front of my window. I stare out at the streets below and see some girl and her boyfriend. I make a 'tsk' sound.

"Ehhh I'm so single" I mutter and flop on my side. I close my eyes and listen to the clock ticking in my room. I open my eyes and stare at it for a while just thinking of life and the human existence. It may seem deep but it was one of those days where you just think about things that you probably shouldn't be thinking of cause then you'll just end up making yourself sad. "So this is all we got in this world" I say and pick up the clock beside me. "Time is all we have" I state and suddenly my stomach feels like it just went on a roller coaster. My head starts spinning and I fall down, I look at my hand and it's glowing a bright yellow light. "MOM! DAD!" I screech. My body feels as if it's being pulled down as if hands are pulling me away from this world to somewhere else.

"(y/n)!" My dad calls "You alright champ?" he asks but I can't speak anymore, everything is fading black and I can hardly keep myself awake. I let myself drop and with that everything fades with a loud thud of my head hitting the ground.


 "AH! DIE YOU DEMON!" I hear a male voice yell and I open my eyes to a bright world. The grass is so bright and so is the sky. I look around and see people in armor and goblin like creatures fighting them. A goblin runs at me and I get up and try to run but my legs feel weird. I get the hang of running again and make my way through the battle field running to the kingdom. I run into it but there are still some monsters in here. I scream as one comes up behind me, it cuts my back and I scream in pain. Tears roll down my face and I beg it not to kill me. It laughs and swings the sword at me but I quickly grab rock and whip it at it's eye. It winces and I sprint off; following the crowd of people who run towards the castle in the distance.

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