Back into the Woods

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I glance at Link's and mines matching outfits and I feel uneasy for some reason. As we make our way through the castle I hear Zelda chasing after Lyon. A heavy hand rests itself on my head and I look up and it's Link. He rubs my head and as we walk through a door there is a large table with a big beautiful chandelier. The table has a red table cover and candles on it. It all looks too fancy for me and I can only imagine how the food will taste. I walk up and Lyon is coming through the other door with Zelda clinging to his arm. I smile for a bit till my eyes wander to her and it fades. I then look away and Link pulls me out a chair, I smile politely at him. We are all spaced out and at the head of the table is the king and at the other end is Lyon. Zelda sits extra close to Lyon and Link is on the far side across the table from me so we have a perfect view of each other. Impa sits across from Zelda but I wonder; why does Lyon get to sit at the head of the table? I think to myself and ponder it for a bit. Soon enough I am snapped out of my thoughts by many trays of food coming in. I feel my mouth watering as servants place them down. I wait till someone goes to grab the food. First it is Impa then Lyon. I take my chance and grab some pork and mashed potatoes with some vegetables because I can hear Clark's voice drilling into my head saying 'shorty you better fucking pick those vegetables up and eat them or those will be the last thing you see'. I chuckle and everyone looks at me.

"Something funny?" The king asks and salts his pig. I gulp at his plate and then make eye contact.

"Ugh, no just a small thought" I state and smile sheepishly.

"Please share your thoughts" Impa says with a clam and majestic tone. I think about it and how I should phrase it.

"My friend Clark... he always use to yell at me for not eating my vegetables and would always make eat them" I say remembering the good times.

"Is he from the world you come from?" Link asks and I take a second and nod. "I see..." Link says and looks off as if he's thinking of something.

"Speaking of which you haven't told us anything about your world" Zelda says in her usual sharp tone.

"Well, it's really...well, less colorful. Big buildings in the shape of rectangles and in them house lots of people. We have these big pieces of metal shaped and colored with wheels that run on gas and oil. They are called cars and they take us from place to place so we don't have to walk or use horses" I state "And m-my parents...they were the best parents I-I could ask for" My voice begins to quiver and I hear Zelda clear her throat.

"You don't have to keep talking..." She says with a soft understanding voice and I nod and pick up the fork and begin thinking about my parents and eating. The click of the fancy silverware on the fine plates. The others continue to talk about things but I seem lost, I feel so unwanted and don't belong and most of all I just wanna go home. I miss my parents and I want to cry but now isn't the time. We finish our meal and it's about 6:30, the sun is setting and people are coming in to clean our plates. I get up and start to take my leave. I make my way down the long and twisty hallways. Suddenly I am grabbed and pulled aside.

"Lyon?" I say looking at him in a questionable manner. He smiles and then slowly wraps his arms around me.

"I've missed you...You seem off, is it your parents?" Lyon asks not breaking away. His voice is comforting and soothes me. I nod a simple yes and his head lowers itself onto the top of mine. I snuggle in and he holds me there.

"LYOOOON~" Zelda calls. I pout and begin to pull away but am swiftly brought back.

"For fuck sake..." Lyon grumbles

"LYON! MY FATHER WANTS TO SEE YOU!!!" Zelda screams like one of the crazy fans at a boy band concert. I laugh and pull away and run down the hallway. As I near the stairs I am pulled out a window. A scream escapes my throat and I grab the person who pulled me. I look down and see I am hanging off a roof about 30 stories off the ground. I find something to grab onto and it's a gutter. I look and see is holding on to me is and It's Clark.

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