The Bakery

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~Time Skip~

I wake up to a door opening and Impa walking in. She gives me a look and a soft smile, I see that she has breakfast in her hand so I sit up. My back doesn't hurt as much as before and I touch the wound and it's healed.

"Princess Zelda healed you when you were asleep. Breakfast is ready" Impa explains as if she was reading my mind. I take my fork and stab it into the pancake and shove a piece into my mouth. "Once you are done...please leave the castle" Impa says and I look and see she isn't happy bringing this news

"Excuse me but I have no where to go" I say and Impa just shrugs.

"That is not our problem, we've done enough for you" She says and leaves and the click of the door closing is the only sound that fills the room. I finish my pancakes and drink my milk and get up. I see a bag and it has some clothing in it. Simple dresses I put on a (f/c) dress and some shoes that easily slip on. I see my other clothing from home is in there and I sigh. I get up with the bag and walk down the long and twisted hallways. I make my way outside and I see Link I wave but he just shoots me daggers with those ocean blue eyes. I walk down the streets and see and old man struggling with his groceries, some kids come over and seem to bug him about something. 

"Hey!" I yell and run at the children and shoo them away. "Here" I say and take some bags off his hands and follow him.

"Oh thank you" He says with a small smile. He is small old man who has a small waddle when he walks, I follow him to a bakery and the smell of sweet breads baking fills my noses and my mouth begins to water. "Right here should be good, thank you for your help. For your kindness what can I do for you?" The old man asks as I put his groceries on the table.

"Well..know where I can get a place to stay, kinda got kicked out of my old place" I say with a laugh but we can both tell that it was forced and an attempt to make the mood less sad.

"Hmm follow me" He says softly. I follow him out the back door and there is a stone building in there. Inside is a bunch of grains and sugar with some salt. The old man grabs a bucket and mop and we exit the building. On the side there is a staircase and he waddles up the stairs. I stand behind him slightly afraid he's going to fall backwards. We enter and there is a kitchen and a bed with a small table and chairs. At the side I see a fire place and just above the stove is a big window. "You can stay here, I know it's-" The old man starts

"No...this is perfect" I smile at him and he smiles back. "This is too much though, I don't have a job so I can't pay rent" I state and the old man just shakes his head.

"You're a good soul so you don't have to pay rent...It has also been along time since someone has came to talk to me and visited me, but you can work with me in the bakery to make some money" The man says and my heart fills with joy.

"Thank you so much!" I say and he just chuckles. 

"I'll leave you to clean this place up a bit" The old man says and before he leaves I tap his shoulder.

"My name is (y/n) by the way" I say and he clears his throat.

"I am Walter, but Old man is better" He jokes and closes the door. I turn to my mess of a room and grab the sheets off my bed and dust and flour flies into the air. I beat the bed sheets and bed trying to shake the dust out of it. Once I got as much as I can out I grab the bucket and fill it with water and put it aside while I grab a broom. I sweep around the room and then mop the ground. I wash the sheets and hang them out to dry outside. I make my down into the bakery and the Old man is sitting there selling some bread to some woman and her son. They leave with the sound of a bell ringing and Walter then turns to me.

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