"You're Greedy!"

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I sit there in shock and Lyon and Link turn around the corner. Lyon takes my hand and lifts me up.

"That was quite bold of you, it was amazing" Lyon says holding my hands dearly. I blush and pull them away giving a meek smile. I glance over at Link and our eyes meet it's a quick 5 second stare before he turns his head and hides his face.  "(y/n) I'll take you out to eat, you can tell me how you've been and-"

"Lyoooon!" Zelda calls. Lyon huffs and turns around just as Zelda turns the corner and runs over to him. "Lyon can you help me with something?" She says in a sweet voice and tilts her head.

"Where's Impa?" Lyon asks and glances back at me. I don't really want him to go, Lyon's my friend...I think

"She's busy" Zelda whines and takes Lyon's arm and pulls him toward her. I quickly yet gently grab Lyon's shirt. Lyon looks back at me and gives me a sad look but he smiles like he's happy I grabbed him. "(y/n) I would suggest you not oppose another royal today" Zelda says coldly and I let go. 

"S-sorry, I don't know what came over me" I say weakly and take step back.

"Zelda I can help you if you want" Link says with hope in his voice. 

"No Link it's okay I got Lyon" Zelda says and drags Lyon along. They turn the corner and I frown. But my frown isn't as big as Link's. I walk over to him and tap his shoulder. He looks so hurt. I put on a sympathetic smile and my hand extends and touches his cheek softly. Our eyes lock and he slowly regains his happiness. 

"Thanks" He mutters and pulls away giving a weak smile. He starts walking down the halls, I really have nothing better to do so I trot after him and slow once I am beside him. "Do you not have anything else to do?" Link asks

"Hmm not really, I could go to work but I'll do that in a bit" I say knowing that even though I said that I'm going to keep procrastinating. Link looks at me and shakes his head. "Sooo" I say and jump in front of him and walk backwards. "Where you goin'?" I ask

"To train soldiers first it's group 6 today, then 7, lunch...So on, so forth" Link says lazily. So he was going to blow off such a big responsibility for the princess huh. I think to myself. I get lost in thought when I find myself falling down stairs. Link quickly grabs my hand and sighs. "You are a burden...truly" Link shakes his head. I puff my cheeks. "Please stay in the kingdom and try to stay out of trouble" Link says and I think for a second then nod. He turns to the stairs and makes his way down. I wait for a bit then look out a window and see the houses and parks and a..grave? On a very large hill with a willow tree at the top there is what looks to be a grave. I hop down the stairs skipping some trying to be cool but end up looking like a child. After going down 11 long twisting flights of stairs I grow tired. However my training wasn't for nothing so I continue. I run outside and inhale the air as the crisp fall air surrounds me, however I feel a hint of winter. My short sleeve shirt and tiny skirt don't help the situation. I finally can relax and now I feel the cold air. I shiver and run down into town. I run into the bakery and the warm air surrounds my body and warms me up.

"Oh you're back, how was it?" Walter asks as he sells a large baguette to a man with his daughter. I wave and let the family pass. 

"Yeah, need help?" I ask and Walter nods and cracks his back and takes a seat in a chair to his left. I walk in front of the cash register. "The training helped,  thank you" I say softly and Walter smiles softly.

"That's good to hear" Walter says and coughs a bit. I frown and walk into the kitchen and grab a bucket and run outside to the well and pull up some water. I walk back and grab a cup and give it to him quickly. He drinks it greedily. I give him a worried look and he sighs and smiles. "Thank you" He mutters.

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