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It has been quite some time and finally after a long ride. We finally arrive at the little town, it small but I guess it's a nice place. I enter it and ask around I see a little scarecrow looking guy and he seems shocked when he sees me. 

"MIRA?!" He exclaims and I wave my hands in the air and shake my head. He rushes over and tackles me off my horse. 

"Not Mira, just a reincarnation" I say and groan in pain. 

"Wh-What?" He stutters

"The name's (y/n), I'm the new Goddess. Just so happens I look exactly like the previous one" I explain myself and get up and dust myself off. 

"O-Oh...So I guess you know Link...Right?" He says

"Yeah, he's a good guy" I say. Well for the most part.  

"How is he?" The scarecrow asks

"He's alright, he seems to be happy" I say and he smiles and fixes his hat.

"That's good...I was afraid he'd never recover..." He mutters. My eyes narrow and he catches himself.  "How rude of me! My name is SkullKid" He says and sticks his hand out. I shake his hand softly and pull away after a few shakes. "But a friend of Link's you can call me Kid" 

"Alright Kid, I got a question to ask you" I say firmly and bring my horse to through the town "Do you know where the mask of Majora is?" I stare into his face and he steps back for a moment.

"What business do you have with the mask.." Skull Kid says backing away from me.

"Well long story short some bad guys will be coming here really soon to use the mask for something and I'm supposed to take it back to the kingdom before they can get their hands on it" I explain "Could you tell me where it is?" I ask politely and he nods. 

"If that's the case we got to hurry, I'm not letting this world fall into the hands of darkness again...At least not in my lifetime. Follow me, quickly. I'm not sure if the happy-sales man is completely gone yet. He's probably at the beach" We take off in the direction of the sea and my horse follows me obediently. Once we get there I let my horse rest. Skull kid and I look around together for him but we can't find him.

"So whilst we're here. Wanna explain the mask to me...Why are people afraid of it" I ask

"W-Well way back when, the mask was actually part of a dragon's armor...The dragon was called Majora...People wanted Majora's armor because it was the strongest armor known. They tried to kill Majora constantly for it but no one could kill the dragon. No one could match the dragons god like power...But one day a man showed up-" 

"Why are you telling me this I just asked why people were afraid of it" I say rudely

"Shut up it's a history lesson, it'll make sense in a bit. But you're friend Link was in grave danger when this happened so you should be interested in his past" Skull kid says and I sigh.

"Right right, continue" I mutter

"One day a man showed up, instead of fighting the dragon he sat down and played a song on his ocarina. He played for 3 days and 3 nights straight, something about that song made the dragon dance, but on the third night the dragon died of exhaustion. The man sealed Majora's power into the armor and carved a mask out of it. This man was called the fierce deity..As time past he also had a mask to seal his power. Shockingly enough Link was the reincarnation of him...Due to the fact Majora still had it's power he was still awake for all those years and his hate made him set on killing the deity or in this case; Link. The mask was as powerful as the dragon and who ever dared to wear it would be possessed by Majora...I was stupid enough to put it on..." 

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