A Simple Task

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I am awoken by someone shaking me and I look and see it's Zelda.

"We gotta hurry, we're almost late for that meeting with my father" She says in a panic. We get up and Zelda hops on her horse and before I can look to Link or Lyon she pulls me on. "Hang on" She says and I do as told and we are off. I must hand it to her, her skills on a horse are amazing. We ride so fast and everywhere she directs the horse is flawless. I glance back and see Link and Lyon are far behind. "Do not concern yourself with them, if they are late it's fine. However, with us it is not" Zelda explains and I nod. We enter the castle and rush up the stares, I want to take a break but I cannot. We walk slowly into the room and sit down at the round table. The boys come in a few moments later. Link taking a seat close to me and Lyon on the other side.

"Alright, (y/n). What was going on in the cave" The king asks and the maid comes around pouring us all some water.

"Well there was a meeting with a lot of monsters, there was a man who was talking. Couldn't see his face because he was wearing a cloak. He wanted to bones of the king of thieves, ashes of Demise, and the mask of the dragon Majora" I explain everything I know and everyone stares in shock. "What?" I say and shrug.

"(y/n) those are all the enemies of the past, the old heroes killed them" Lyon's explains

"Well then" I say and take a sip of my water

"Whatever they want it for we can't let them have it" Impa says and we all nod in agreement.

"Alright, Zelda and Impa will go to the desert to get those bones. Link and Lyon go find the ashes, and (y/n) grab the mask" The King declares.

"Sir please (y/n) doesn't really know how to fight and I think it'd be best if I went with her" Lyon says

"She's fine, she got out of cave filled with monsters. Not only that she's going to the easiest place. There will be lots of help"  The king says. I blink for a bit worrying about my task but it seems simple and it is pretty straight forward, how could I mess it up. Then again...I have a habit of making a fool of myself even when it's a simple task. I sigh and lean back in. "A map will be given to you, in about an hour. It isn't a long mission it's straight forward. However it's a race against time to get to it before anyone else can" the king expands on what we'll be doing. I nod my head and we all get up Zelda goes off into her room and impact follows and I can hear the talking between the two. I walk down the halls hearing many footsteps making their way to me. I turn around and it's Link and Lyon. They seem to be having a race towards me. I giggle once they get near.

"You sure you're going to be alright?" Lyon asks worriedly and Link nods in agreement. I smile softly at the concerned boys.

"Yes I'm sure, I can handle it" I say and flex a bit. Link laughs and Lyon smiles and ruffles my hair.

"Well alright, I'm going to prepare for my journey, as should you Link" Lyon says looking at Link and placing a hand on his younger brother's shoulder.

"You know me" Link says with a smirk. Lyon sighs and starts walking.

"I'll start packing for you" Lyon says whilst pinching the bridge of his nose. I laugh lightheartedly at the brothers. It is undeniable that Lyon defiantly loves his younger brother. Possibly more than anything. Lyon smiles at Link and ruffles his hair. "I pray for your wife Link" Lyon says and with that he walks away. 

"Yeah I pray for her in bed" Link mutters under his breath with a light laugh to follow. I blush crimson and look back to see if Lyon heard that but he didn't. Link walks off and since I have nothing better to do, I follow my friend. "So you sure you'll be okay all alone, it's pretty cold out there" Link says "Especially at this time of year, I heard it's going to snow very soon" Link says and I know he's worried about me along with everyone else but I'll be fine, probably. 

"I'll be fine Link don't worry about me" I say waving my hand in dismissal. He smiles softly and we being walking down the stairs. I play with my coat and Link looks at it.

"Zelda helped me pick that out for you" Link mentions. I'm shocked, I know Zelda really doesn't like me so why should she help me.

"She did?" I question him

"Yeah, she thought I'd look good on you" Link explains and we make our way to the dining room. Link asks a maid to bring some warm milk with honey in it and some pork. "She was right though" Link says and I blush

"Th-Thank you" I stutter and he smirks and stuffs his mouth with food. I smile and watch him eat.

"Now, as much as you look good in that it's not the best thing to be fighting or doing missions in. You still have that outfit I gave you right?" Link asks

"Yeah, I do" I say and he nods

"Wear that when you leave, when you get back there will be more pairs of it" Link says and I nod and leave. "H-Hey" Link stutters which is unusual. I look back at him and he's blushing. "Stop by before you leave, okay..O-or I won't forgive you." I freeze for a moment and stare at him in complete confusion then I realize what he's saying a blush creeps it's way onto my face. I smile at him nervously and nod. I leave and head home to change into what Link told me to and pack a few things and put them on the side of my horse. I say goodbye to Walter and take my horse and put on my cloak for a little extra warmth. I get back to the castle and everyone is in the front of the castle saying goodbye. Lyon comes up to me and pats my head, he looks somewhat scared. He then takes my hand and slides a ring onto it. I blush a bright crimson at what he's doing. The golden band shines brightly as it is slid on my finger. 

"It'll protect you from some damage, it's like shield but I wouldn't depend on it if you're taking a a canon" Lyon attempts to joke, I smile softly and hug him. He hugs back and kisses my cheek and rides off. I see Zelda and Impa already leaving. I frown slightly and Link comes up to me. He stares at me on his horse and leans over.

"Let me purify that for you" Link says and plants a kiss on my cheek but a little close to my mouth. Link quickly pulls away to check if Lyon saw that. I am now feeling very lightheaded. Before Link goes he tosses me a map and I just have to head west. Easy enough I pat my horses we start heading west. It says it should only take about 1 day to get there. But maybe if we ride fast enough we can get it. I rush my horse a bit and we start galloping and get out of the town. We pass Lyon and Link, I wave goodbye and so do they.  I hold the reins and stare at the open space. I have to follow the outside of the forest till I see a tunnel. I sigh and slow down a bit and stare. I have no one around me . I stare at the sword Clark gave me and sigh. I'm bored. I then realize I must hurry before the dark forces get the mask.

"I know this might be asking too much pal, but the dark forces are after something to destroy this world and right now, my hopes are riding on you and how fast you can carry me" I say to my horse and he looks me in the eyes. It nods and goes on it's back legs. I hold on for dear life and in a second we're bolting off. I am incredibly surprised at how fast this horse can go. Why would someone every hurt it. "Do-Don't over do it" I stutter and my horse shakes its head. I smile and let him do what he wants. I see monsters walking in the direction I am going. I fear for the worse. There are so many of them, I can't fight them off. I panic, but I calm down. I will protect the people of this world. I don't care what the cost. I push all my feelings aside and it's almost like my determination filled my horse with it as well. We look at each other and I smile. He knows exactly what I am thinking and feeling right now. This is our time.

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